
牟中飛, 廣東工業大學博士,2007年至今從事材料物理與化學及物理電子學等學科領域內的科研工作。


  • 中文名:牟中飛
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:廣東工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


2008/09–2011/11, 廣東工業大學,套用化學專業,博士;
2004/09–2007/06, 廣東工業大學,材料物理與化學專業,碩士。






[1]. Guo, Shuxiong; Zhang, Shaoan; Mu, Zhongfei; et al. Enhanced near infrared luminescence of Lu2GeO5: Nd3+ by the co-doping of Bi3+, JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE, 2019 (206): 278-283
[2]Qiang Wang; Mu, Zhongfei; Zhang, Shaoan; et al. Bi3+ and Sm3+ co-doped La2MgGeO6: A novel color-temperature indicator based on different heat quenching behavior from different luminescent centers, JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE, 2019 (206): 462-468.
[3]. Wang, Qiang; Mu, Zhongfei; Zhang, Shaoan; et al. A novel near infrared long-persistent phosphor La2MgGeO6:Cr3+, RE3+(RE = Dy, Sm), JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE, 2019 (206): 618-623.
[4]. Zheng, Zhaoqiang; Yao, Jiandong; Li, Weijia; et al. Fabrication of a high performance ZnIn2S4/Si heterostructure photodetector array for weak signal detection, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 2018 (47): 12928-12939.
[5]. Wang, Qiang; Mu, Zhongfei; Zhang, Shaoan; et al. Adjusting the structure and luminescence properties of Sr2-xBaxgAl22O36:Eu2+ phosphors by Sr:Ba ratio, LUMINESCENCE, 2018 (8): 1371-1376.
[6]. Li, Jianming; Zhang, Shaoan; Luo, Haoming; et al. Efficient near ultraviolet to near infrared downconversion photoluminescence of La2GeO5: Bi3+, Nd3+ phosphor for silicon-based solar cells, OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2018 (85): 523-530.
[7] Feng, Junqin; Chen, Yihao; Mu, Zhongfei; et al. Preparation and luminescence properties of white light-emitting phosphors LaAl2.03B4O10.54: Dy3+, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 2018 (124)10: 688.
[8] Shaoan Zhang, Haoming Luo, Zhongfei Mu*, Jianming Li, Shuxiong Guo, Zhenzhang Li, Qiang Wang, Fugen Wu*,Photoluminescence and tunable emissions of La2(GeO4)O: Bi3+, Eu3+ phosphor for ultraviolet converted light emitting diodes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2018) 757: 423-433.
[9] Daoyun Zhu, Min Liao, Zhongfei Mu*, Fugen Wu*, Preparation and Luminescence Properties of Ca9NaZn(PO4)7: Dy3+ Single-Phase White Light-Emitting Phosphor , Journal of Electronic Materials,
[10] Qiang Wang, Zhongfei Mu*, Lurong Yang, Shaoan Zhang, Daoyun Zhu, Yibin Yang, Dongxiang Luo, and Fugen Wu*,The synthesis and the luminescence properties of Sr2Ga3La1-xDyxGe3O14, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, (2018) 530: 258–263
[11] Qiang Wang, Zhongfei Mu*, Daoyun Zhu, Junqin Feng, Zehui Liang, Lurong Yang, Xingyi Cai, Jinfeng Lu, and Fugen Wu*, A red emitting stoichiometric phosphor Sr2Ga3La1−xEuxGe3O14 for white light emitting diodes. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, (2017) 28: 15921–15927
[12] Zehui Liang, Zhongfei Mu*, Qiang Wang, Daoyun Zhu, and Fugen Wu*, The synthesis and luminescence properties of a novel red-emitting phosphor: Eu3+-doped Ca9La(PO4)7. Appl. Phys. A:Materials Science & processing, (2017) 123: 612.
[13] Zhongfei Mu*, Enhai Song, Daoyun Zhu, Junqin Feng, and Yanting Yang, Red phosphor Li2Mg2(WO4)3: Eu3+ with lyonsite structure for near ultraviolet light-emitting diodes, Displays, (2016) 43: 18-22
[14] Mu Zhongfei, Hu Yihua*, Li Chen, Xiaojuan Wang, Guifang Ju, Zhongfu Yang, and Yahong Jin, A single-phase, color-tunable, broadband-excited white light-emitting phosphor Y2WO6: Sm3+. Journal of Luminescence, (2014) 146: 33-36.
[15] Mu Zhongfei, Hu Yihua*, Li Chen, Xiaojuan Wang, Ren Chen, Tao Wang, Yinrong Fu, and Jinxuan Xu, Synthesis of Bi3+ and Gd3+ doped ZnB2O4 for evaluation as potential materials in luminescent displays applications. Displays, (2014) 35: 147-151.
[16] Mu Zhongfei, Hu Yihua*, Li Chen, Xiaojuan Wang, Guifang Ju, Zhongfu Yang, and Ren Chen, A reddish orange stoichiometric phosphor LiEu(PO3)4 for white light-emitting diodes. Ceramics International, (2014) 40: 2575-2579.
[17] Daoyun Zhu, and Zhongfei Mu*, Synthesis of Sm3+ and Dy3+ doped LaBWO6 for evaluation as potential materials in luminescent display applications, Displays, (2014) 35: 261-265.
[18] Lurong Yang, Zhongfei Mu*, Shaoan Zhang, Qiang Wang, Daoyun Zhu, Yu Zhao, Dongxiang Luo, Qingtian Zhang, and Fugen Wu*, Dy3+ Doped Ca9Gd(PO4)7: a novel single-phase full-color emitting phosphor, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, (2018) DOI 10.1007/s10854-018-8638-7.
[19] Jinfeng Lu, Zhongfei Mu*, Daoyun Zhu, Qiang Wang, and Fugen Wu*, Luminescence properties of Eu3+ doped La3Ga5GeO14 and effect of Bi3+ co-doping: Journal of Luminescence, (2018) 196: 50-56.
[20] Xingyi Cai, Zhongfei Mu*, Shaoan Zhang, Daoyun Zhu, Qiang Wang, Yibin Yang, Dongxiang Luo, Fugen Wu, An Investigation about Luminescence Mechanism of SrGa2O4 and no Detectable Energy Transfer from Host to Doped Eu3+ Ions. Journal of Luminescence, (2018) 200: 169-174.




(1) 牟中飛,楊億斌,肖也,招瑜,吳福根,李京波,一種坩堝夾具及套用其的管式爐加熱裝置,2018.04.06授權(CN106091691B);
(2) 牟中飛,王強,朱道雲,李京波,吳福根,一種鎵鍺酸鹽基深紅色發光材料及其製備方法,2017.08.01公開(CN106995702A);
(3) 牟中飛,王強,吳福根,朱道雲,張紹安,楊億斌,李京波,一種發光材料的熱淬滅行為在溫度指示劑和燈具中的套用,2018.03.01受理。
(4) 朱道雲,牟中飛,吳福根,馮軍勤,居桂方,一種摻雜的鎢硼酸鑭螢光粉及其製備方法與套用,2017.07.25公開(CN106978174A);
(5) 叢海兵,郝明明,牟中飛,陶麗麗,招瑜,李京波,一種半導體雷射器光纖耦合系統,2017.02.20公開(CN106785898A);
(7) 叢海兵,郝明明,牟中飛,陶麗麗,招瑜,李京波,用於高功率半導體雷射器的熱沉以及製備方法,2017.02.28公開(CN106602401A);
(12) 羅東向,楊炎鋒,劉佰全,何俊杉,楊億斌,牟中飛,李京波,一種白光有機電致發光器件,2017.05.31公開(CN106784358A).


①廣州市科技計畫項目科學(技術)研究專項一般項目,201707010324, 新型二維層狀材料異質結場效應管的設計製備與性能研究,2017/05-2020/04,20萬元,在研,主持;
②廣東高校省級重點平台及重大科研項目特色創新項目(自然科學),2016KTSCX031, 新型二維層狀過渡金屬二硫族化合物的化學氣相沉積、相關光電器件製備與性能研究,2017/01-2018/12,10萬元,在研,主持。
①國家自然科學基金項目面上項目,10674032, 非線性聲子帶隙的研究,研究起止年月:2007/01-2009/12月,27萬元,已結題,參加;
②國家自然科學基金項目面上項目,21071034, 基於磷灰石基質的新型發光材料的製備、發光特性及機理研究,2011/01-2014/12,60萬元,已結題,參加;


