



  • 軟體名稱:炮貓
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:17.19MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
趕快來幫助我們!萬惡的鴯鶓用它的泡泡機器把空中魚給軟禁了。害怕失去自由的我們正在水深火熱中。 快來幫空中魚重獲自由身。 Cannon Cat趕快來救我們啊! 只有你可以自由穿梭於大炮和大炮之間並且擁有那件萬能的能量套裝和特別技能。我們已久仰您的大名, 趕快來拯救我們。時間不多了! 不好了! 萬惡鴯鶓馬上就要把空中魚軟禁在泡泡裡面。 他駕駛著巨大的機器人和... ☆☆溫馨提示: 遊戲中的文字以英文為主☆☆Cannon Cat 是一款2-D 動作/冒險遊戲。你只需要用手指輕觸螢幕,Cannon Cat就可以自由自在地穿梭於不同的大炮之間。這款遊戲容易上手, 適合所有族群。雖然看似操作簡單,但時間上的協調非常重要。遊戲中出現的配角大炮, 敵人企鵝, 具有彈性的笨笨河豚, 以及其他一系列的人物為遊戲增添了不少趣味和挑戰。不要擔心這些挑戰難度太高, 因為Cannon Cat的特殊能量套裝有高科技的裝備和技能幫助你完成任務。 精美的畫面,有趣的謎題, 可愛的動物角色, 還有超級滑稽和好玩的遊戲體驗, 絕對讓你想一玩再玩! 你還在等什麼呢 空中魚需要你幫助他們重獲自由! Come help us all evil emu with its bubble machine air fish to house arrest. Fear of losing freedom, we are in dire straits. Come and help regain freelance air fish. Cannon Cat quickly come to save us! Only you can freely shuttle between the cannon and cannon and has that universal energy packages and special skills. We have heard so much about your name Come and save us. Time is running out! Bad! Root of all evil emu immediately take aerial fish under house arrest in a bubble inside. He was driving a giant robot and ... ☆☆Tips: Game text is predominantly in English ☆☆The Cannon Cat is a 2-D action / adventure game. You just use your fingers touch the screen, Cannon Cat can freely shuttle between cannon. The game is easy to use, suitable for all ethnic groups. Although seemingly simple operation, but the time on the coordination is very important. The game appeared in supporting roles artillery, the enemy penguins, flexible, simple-minded, puffer fish, as well as other series of characters for the game adds a lot of fun and challenges. Do not worry about these challenges too difficult, because the the Cannon Cat's special energy package with high-tech equipment and skills to help you complete the task. Beautiful picture, interesting puzzles, cute animal characters, super funny and fun gaming experience definitely makes you want to play it again! What are you waiting for Aerial fish you need to help them regain freedom!


