- 中文名:灰色鏈黴菌鳥島亞種
- 外文名:Chainia hygroatrocyanea n. sp. Yan et al.
編號 | AMS-87-08 |
拉丁菌名 | Chainia hygroatrocyanea n. sp. Yan et al. |
中文菌名 | 灰色鏈黴菌鳥島亞種 |
定名人 | 馮清平 |
Nomencla | Chen Liren and Chen Huiqin |
發表文章 | 灰色鏈黴菌的一個新亞種 |
Article | Studies on A New Species of Chainia |
作者 | 馮清平 |
Author | Chen Liren and Chen Huiqin |
作者單位 | 蘭州大學生物系, 蘭州 730000 |
摘要 | 在調查青海湖微生物生態學的過程中, 從鳥島附近 的湖泥中分離到一株編號為3205的鏈黴菌. 該菌株所產生 的抗生素對革蘭氏陽性和陰性細菌都有很強的抑制作用 ,對多種絲狀真菌也有較好的抑制作用. 經鑑定, 該菌株 為灰色鏈黴菌的一個新亞種. 命名為灰色鏈黴菌鳥島亞種 (Streptomyces griseus subsp. birdislandensis n. subsp.). |
Abstract | Chainia 3716-20 was isolated from a soil sample collected from Yaxian, Guangdong province, China. It was found to produce two antibiotics,the one is antifungal effective against plants pathogens while the other is anthacteral against gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.From the paper chromatography, the antibacteral activety component had all same Rf value for these of Chainia yaxianensis, the furtherresearch will report in the other paper. On various agar media, the aerial mycelia were gray to blue-black, and the subtrate mycelia were blue-black, without melanoid pigment,Mature spore chain were rather short, often with 8 to 10 spore per chain, and the spores were cylindrical, the spore surface was smoothunder EM and the sclerotia was formed on glycerol-asparagine agar. The antolysis of aerial mycelia being absorbed to moisture.The cell wall chemical composition belong to type I. According to mophorlogical, culture and biochemical characteristics differs from all the Chainia species described in the literature.It is considered to be a new species of Chainia and named Chainia hygroatrocyanea n. sp. Yan et al. |
關鍵字 | 鏈 黴菌, 灰色鏈黴菌, 灰色鏈黴菌鳥島亞種 |
期刊 | 微生物學報 28(1):82-84, 1988. |
Publication | Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 27(4):pp.380-383, 1987. |
分享省市 | 青海省剛察縣 |
Place | Sanya City (Yaxian County after 1987), H |
採集地 | 青海湖鳥島附近的湖泥 |
Environment | The actinomycetes isolated from field soil |
生態環境 | 亞寒帶高原氣候半鹹水湖 |
寄主 | 半鹹水湖泥 |
Habitat | tropical monsoon climate farm |
Host | field soil |
採集人 | 馮清平 |
Isolation Person | Chen Liren and Chen Huiqin |
保存單位 | 蘭州大學生物系, 蘭州 730000 |
Preservation Unit | Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Science, Nanning 530005, Guangxi Province, China |
Speciman No. | No.3716-20 |
Note | The strain has been found to produce two antibiotics, the one is antifungal effective against plants pathogens.The another antibacterial against gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, i.e. Lividomycin and Paromomycin. |
備註 | 該菌該菌株所產生的抗生素對革蘭氏陽性 和陰性細菌都有很強的抑制作用, 主要是八疊球菌, 蘇雲 金桿菌, 金黃色葡萄球菌, 枯草桿菌, 大腸桿菌等 |