- 中文名:潘玉潔
- 畢業院校:南京大學大氣科學學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:氣象學
- 任職院校:南京信息工程大學大氣科學學院
- 職稱:講師
2005年9月 - 2010年6月南京大學大氣科學學院,氣象學方向,博士
2001年9月 - 2005年6月南京大學大氣科學學院,大氣科學專業,學士
2010年10月- 2014年2月俄克拉荷馬大學風暴分析和預報中心博士後
1.Yujie Pan, Mingjun Wang, Ming Xue, 2020: Impacts of Humidity Adjustment Through Radar Data Assimilation Using Cloud Analysis on the Analysis and Prediction of a Squall Line in Southern China. Earth and Science Space, 7
2.Mingjun Wang, Kun Zhao, Yujie Pan, Ming Xue, 2020: Evaluation of Simulated Drop Size Distributions and Microphysical process using polarimetric radar observations for landfalling Typhoon Mato (2014). Evaluation of simulated drop size distributions and microphysical processes using polarimetric radar observations for landfalling Typhoon Matmo (2014). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125
3.Yujie Pan, Mingjun Wang, 2018: Impact of assimilation frequency of radar data with ARPS 3DVar and Cloud Analysis System on forecasts of a squll line in southern China. Adv. Atmos. Sci, 36:2, 160-172
4. 田薈君,潘玉潔*,劉佳,王明筠.2014年5月31日華東地區一次暖區颮線過程的都卜勒天氣雷達分析. 氣象科學,2018,38(2), 191-202
5.Yujie Pan, Ming Xue, Kefeng Zhu, Mingjun Wang, 2018: A GSI-based dual-resolution coupled EnSRF-3DEnVar hybrid data assimilation system for the operational rapid refresh Model. Adv. Atmos. Sci, 35(5), 518-530
6.Yujie Pan, Ming Xue, Guoqing Ge, 2016: Incorporating diagnosed intercept parameters and the graupel category within the ARPS cloud analysis system for the initialization of double-moment microphysics: Testing with a squall line over south China. Mon. Wea. Rev. 144, 371–392.
7.Yujie Pan, Kefeng Zhu, Ming Xue, Xuguang Wang, Ming Hu, Stanley G. Benjamin, Stephen S. Weygandt, and Jeffrey S. Whitaker, 2014: A GSI-Based Coupled EnSRF–En3DVar Hybrid Data Assimilation System for the Operational Rapid Refresh Model: Tests at a Reduced Resolution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 3756–3780.
8.Kefeng Zhu, Yujie Pan, Ming Xue, Xuguang Wang, Jeffrey S. Whitaker, Stanley G. Benjamin, Stephen S. Weygandt, and Ming Hu, 2013: A Regional GSI-Based Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation System for the Rapid Refresh Configuration: Testing at Reduced Resolution. Mon. Wea. Rev.,141, 4118–4139.
9.潘玉潔、趙坤、潘宜農、王亦平.2012:用雙都卜勒雷達分析華南一次颮線系統的中尺度特徵.氣象學報,70, 736-751
10.Yujie Pan, Kun Zhao, Yinong Pan, 2010: Single-Doppler observation of a high precipitation (HP) supercell accompanied with the 12 April 2003 severe squall line in Fujian province, Acta Meteorol. Sin., 24, 51-65.
11.潘玉潔、趙坤、潘宜農,2008:一次強颮線內強降水超級單體風暴的單都卜勒雷達分析,氣象學報. 66(4): 621-636
12.趙坤、周仲島、潘玉潔、葛文忠.2008:台灣海峽中氣旋結構的單都卜勒雷達分析,氣象學報. 66(4):637-651
13.Evaluation of Simulated Drop Size Distributions and Microphysical process using polarimetric radar observations for landfalling Typhoon Mato (2014). Evaluation of simulated drop size distributions and microphysical processes using polarimetric radar observations for landfalling Typhoon Matmo (2014).[J].Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
14.Impacts of Humidity Adjustment Through Radar Data Assimilation Using Cloud Analysis on the Analysis and Prediction of a Squall Line in Southern China.Earth and Science Space,20207
15.Impact of the Assimilation Frequency of Radar Data with the ARPS 3DVar and Cloud Analysis System on Forecasts of a Squall Line in Southern China.ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES36(2):160-172
17.A Prototype Regional GSI-based EnKF-Variational Hybrid Data Assimilation System for the Rapid Refresh Forecasting System: Dual-Resolution Implementation and Testing Results.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences35(5):518–530
18.Incorporating diagnosed intercept parameters and the graupel category within the ARPS cloud analysis system for the initialization of double-moment microphysics: Testing with a squall line over south China.Monthly Weather Review144(1):371-392
19.A GSI-Based Coupled EnSRF-En3DVar Hybrid Data Assimilation System for the Operational Rapid Refresh Model: Tests at a Reduced Resolution.Monthly Weather Review142(10):3756-3780
20.A regional GSI-based ensemble kalman filter data assimilation system for the rapid refresh configuration: Testing at reduced Resolution.Monthly Weather Review141(11)
1、2018.01- ,國家科技重大專項,第四課題,短臨無縫隙融合方法與精細化預報系統構建及套用,骨幹,專題負責人
2、2018.01- ,國家面上項目,都卜勒雷達反射率因子的多相態雲分析和混契約化研究,主持人
3、2013.12-2017.06 973項目“突發性強對流天氣的多源資料融合和同化理論”,參項