



  • 中文名:湖北統計年鑑2016
  • 作者:李團中、許曉紅
  • 出版社:中國統計出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年08月
  • 頁數:598 頁
  • ISBN:978-7-5037-7847-6
  • 主編單位:湖北省統計局、國家統計局湖北調查總隊


一、《湖北統計年鑑—2016》是一本信息密集的資料工具書。通過大量數據,全面地分析、記載和反映了湖北省2015年經濟、社會、科技、文化等方面的發展情況。具有信息量大、權威性強、適用性廣等特點。 二、本年鑑包括綜合、人口、從業人員和職工工資、固定資產投資、能源生產和消費、物價指數、人民生活、資源和環境、城市概況、農業、工業、建築業、運輸和郵電、國內貿易、對外經濟和旅遊、財政、金融和保險業、教育、科技和文化、體育、衛生、社會福利、湖北省開發區主要經濟指標、武漢城市圈、鄂西生態文化旅遊圈、縣域經濟、附錄等23個部分。 三、2016年的湖北統計年鑑,篇章結構與《中國統計年鑑》保持一致,參照執行了國家統計局《省級統計年鑑指標體系目錄》,採用了最新的國民經濟行業分類標準和指標口徑,並對英文注釋和指標解釋進行了全面修訂。 四、本年鑑對過去發表的統計資料重新予以審核,凡與本年鑑資料有出入的,均以本年鑑為準。本年鑑中統計公報的數據為初步數,若與年鑑數據不一致,請以年鑑數據為準。 五、年鑑中指標的使用要結合文中的指標解釋,以及註解合理使用,以免發生錯誤。 六、《湖北統計年鑑》公開出版以來,受到國內外讀者的愛護與支持,對本年鑑的內容和編輯工作提出了許多寶貴意見,為此,我們特表謝意。由於水平有限,編輯工作中難免有疏誤之處,竭誠歡迎讀者批評指正。 Ⅰ.Statistical Yearbook of Hubei 2016 is an information-intensive data referencebook.Through a large amount of data,comprehensive analysis,records and reflects theHubei province 2015 economy,society,science and technology,culture and other as-pects of development.With a large amount of information,authoritative,wide applicabil-ity and so on. Ⅱ.The Yearbook includes comprehensive,population,practitioners and staff sala-ries,fixed assets investment,energy production and consumption,price index,the life ofpeople and natural resources and the environment,city situation,agriculture,industry,construction,transportation,post and telecommunications,domestic trade,foreign econ-omy and tourism,finance,banking and insurance,education,science and culture,sports,public health,social welfare,Hubei Province Development Zone of main eco-nomic norms,Wuhan city circle,ecological cultural tourism circle of Western Hubei,county economy,Appendix 23 departments,city of part of the Department of city infor-mation,not including the city administer county. Ⅲ.In 2016 statistical yearbook of Hubei,discourse structure and "China Statisti-cal Yearbook" remain the same,with reference to the implementation of the "provincialstatistics index system directory".The statistic of yearbook adopted the lastest standardand diameter range.And the English version and the interpretation of indicators wererevised thoroughy. Ⅳ.The Yearbook of the past published statistical data to examine every and the al-manac data discrepancies,refer to this yearbook prevail.The Yearbook of statistics datafor the initial count,if the Yearbook text data are not consistent,please refer to the textdata is accurate. Ⅴ.In the annals of indicators are used to combine the interpretation of indicators,as well as annotations and reasonable use,so as to avoid mistakes. Ⅵ.Statistical Yearbook of Hubei published since,by domestic and foreign readersto care and support,the Yearbook content and editorial work put forward a lot of valu-able advice,for this,we express our gratitude.Because the level is limited,in the edit-ing work of unavoidable errors,we welcome suggestions and criticisms.


1 綜合39+41-80
2 人口81+83-89
3 就業人員和職工工資91+93-103
5 對外經濟貿易和旅遊145+147-164
9 居民生活201+203-227
11 資源和環境241+243-248
12 農業249+251-284
13 工業285+287-369
15 交通運輸、郵電391+393-408
17 科技和教育441+443-482
18 衛生和社會服務483+485-492
19 文化和體育493+495-513
20 公共管理及其他515+517-540
21 開發區主要經濟指標541+543-568
23 縣域經濟主要指標579+581-592
4 固定資產投資105+107-144
6 能源165+167-175
7 財政、金融、保險177+179-189
8 價格191+193-199
10 城市概況229+231-240
14 建築業371+373-390
16 國內貿易409+411-439
22 “兩圈”主要經濟指標569+571-577
附錄 全國分省主要指標593+595-624


