



  • 中文名:游遍世界英語口語放口袋旅遊英語隨身帶入門學習
  • 作者:未來教育教學與研究中心
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519218683


①常用辭彙 一覽無遺
②核心句型 一目了然
③情景對話 一探究竟


Chapter 1 Basic Communicative Language基本交際用語
Unit 1 Greeting 見面問候
Unit 2 Invitation, Thanks and Apologies邀請,感謝及道歉
Unit 3 Daily Communication 日常交流
Chapter 2 Preparations for the Journey旅行準備
Unit 1 Travel Plans 旅行計畫
Unit 2 Applying for a Visa 申請簽證
Unit 3 Making a Plane Reservation 預定機票
Unit 4 Air Travel 飛機旅行
Unit 5 Going Through Customs 海關通行
Unit 6 Exchanging Foreign Currencies 兌換外幣
Chapter 3 Travel Accommodation 旅行住宿
Unit 1 Reserving Rooms 預定房間
Unit 2 Registering 入住登記
Unit 3 Accommodation Services住宿服務
Unit 4 Making Complaints 酒店投訴
Unit 5 Checking out 結賬退房
Chapter 4 Enjoying Meals品嘗美食
Unit 1 Local Delicacies當地美食
Unit 2 Booking a Table預定餐位
Unit 3 Taking a Seat入座
Unit 4 Ordering Food點餐
Unit 5 Eating用餐
Unit 6 Services During the Meal餐間服務
Unit 7 Paying the Bill結賬離開
Chapter 5 Transportation交通出行
Unit 1 Taking a Bus 坐公車
Unit 2 Taking a Taxi 乘計程車
Unit 3 Taking the Subway 坐捷運
Unit 4 Driving a Car 自駕出遊
Unit 5 Taking the Train 坐火車
Unit 6 Traveling by Ship 乘船遊覽
Unit 7 Renting a Car 租車
Chapter 6 Sightseeing觀光遊覽
Unit 1 Visiting Activities參觀活動
Unit 2 At the Amusement Park在遊樂園
Unit 3 In the Scenic Area在風景區
Unit 4 Watching Performances and Games觀看演出及比賽
Unit 5 Visiting Human Landscapes探訪人文景觀
Chapter 7 Tourist Shopping旅遊購物
Unit 1 Purchasing Clothes購買服裝
Unit 2 Purchasing Specialties購買特產
Unit 3 Purchasing Cosmetics購買化妝品
Unit 4 Purchasing Souvenirs購買紀念品
Unit 5 Purchasing Jewels and Ornaments購買珠寶和飾品
Unit 6 Purchasing Electronic Products購買電子產品
Unit 7 After-sale Service售後服務
Chapter 8 Chatting During the Tour旅途閒聊
Unit 1 Talking About the Weather聊聊天氣
Unit 2 Talking About Time 聊聊時間
Unit 3 Talking About Jobs聊聊工作
Unit 4 Talking About Sports聊聊體育運動
Unit 5 Talking About Health 聊聊健康
Unit 6 Talking About Customs聊聊習俗
Unit 7 Taking About Dreams 聊聊夢想
Unit 8 Talking About Family 聊聊家庭
Chapter 9 Life Services生活服務
Unit 1 At the Bank在銀行
Unit 2 At the Post Office 在郵局
Unit 3 At the Barbershop在理髮店
Unit 4 At the Supermarket在超市
Chapter 10 Global Scenery環球之旅
Unit 1 Scenery of America美洲風光
Unit 2 Scenery of Europe歐洲風光
Unit 3 Scenery of Asia 亞洲風光
Unit 4 Scenery of Australia澳洲風光
Unit 5 Scenery of Africa非洲風光
Chapter 11 Dealing with Problems 狀況處理
Unit 1 Getting Lost迷路
Unit 2 Loss of Goods物品丟失
Unit 3 Traffic Accident交通事故
Unit 4 Seeing a Doctor生病就醫
Unit 5 Change of Weather天氣突變
Unit 6 Farewell離別送行


