

深圳市微科電子科技有限公司成立於2002年, 是一家集產品研發、生產、銷售於一體的高科技公司。主要產品包括:數碼播放器(MP3、MP4)、遊戲機、數碼相框、錄音筆、GPS、手機、移動存儲等七大系列,上百種產品種類,多個容量規格型號及顏色款式產品,並保持每月至少推出十款以上新品的速度及時跟進市場,不斷豐富產品線以保持公司在行業的領先地位,並有計畫地向相關產品領域拓展,審慎實行多元化,穩步推行“豎微科WEIKE、微盛兩大數碼品牌,做百年企業”的經營戰略目標。


  • 公司名稱:深圳市微科電子科技有限公司
  • 外文名:Shenzhen Microtech Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 經營範圍:數碼產品的產品研發、生產、銷售
  • 公司口號:豎微科WEIKE、微盛兩大數碼品牌 做百年企業


微科電子秉著“產品創新,品質嚴控,服務到位”為核心的經營理念給用戶提供優質價廉的高科技產品,給經銷商提供高效增值的新產品, 始終堅持以“共贏”理念為準則,即確保“代理,員工,公司,社會”,共同獲得合理利益的滿足和發展機會,使公司能夠堅實,穩定的發展。


Founded in 2002, Shenzhen Microtech Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech company integrating product development, production and sales. Its main products include mobile memory , digital player(MP3/MP4),digital photo frame,game player,digital record voice,and mobile phone, in seven major series and dozens of product categories. There are different capacities, specifications, models and colors of products. The company will introduce at least one style of new product every month, timely follow up the market, continuously enrich the product line to keep its leading position in the industry, explore the relevant product field under plan, carefully make multiple implementation, and steadily carry out the business strategy of "establishing WEIKE digital brand and becoming an enterprise lasting over 100 years".
With the business philosophy of "product innovation, strict quality control and considerate service", Microtech Electronics Technology provides high-quality and cheap hi-tech products for users, provides highly efficient and value added new products for distributors, and always persists in the principle of "mutual benefit", ensuring the joint reasonable benefit and development opportunity for "distributors, employees, company and society", so that the company can develop solidly and steadily.
To improve and complete its own value, Microtech Electronics Technology establishes the professional brand in the domestic digital field based on the philosophy of "good faith, practicality and innovation". It introduces the domestic and foreign advanced technology, serves the society with technology, and repays the consumers with high-quality product and high-quality service. We have put the WEIKE brand planning and management as the development basis of the company, devote to improving the brand loyalty, strengthen the brand effect, and improve the key competitiveness through improving product technical content and technical innovation ability.


