- 中文名:海外晚清文學研究文選
- 作者:李歐梵 季進
- ISBN:978-7-309-10068-6
- 頁數:412頁
- 定價:32 元
- 出版社:復旦大學出版社
- 出版時間:2016年1月
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:32開
1. Hsü Chen-ya's Yü-li hun: An Essay in Literary History and Criticism C.T. Hsia
2. Formation of Modern Subjectivity and Essay: Zhou Shoujuan's “In the Nine-Flower Curtain” Jianhua Chen
3. The Beginnings of Mass Culture:Journalism and Fiction in the Late Ch'ing and Beyond Leo Ou-fan Lee and Andrew J. Nathan
4. Edifying Depravity: The Courtesan Novel David Der-wei Wang
5. Narrative Modes in Late Qing Novels Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova
6. The Second Stage of Vernacular Translation Patrick Hanan
7. New Ways of Writing Theodore Huters
8. Synchronized Reading: Installment Aesthetics and the Formation of the Mediasphere Alexander Des Forges