



  • 書名:海事基礎英語綜合教程2
  • 作者:趙志剛
  • ISBN:9787566309761
  • 定價:30.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014.3
  • 開本:185mm×260mm/
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 叢書名:海事公共英語系列教材
  • 字數/頁數:294千字/
Unit 1 Ocean in Our Eyes1
Text A Oceans and Continents3
Text B Coastal Climates12
Text C The Battle at Hampton Roads between the Virginia and the Monitor18
Unit 2 Ocean in Our Society23
Text A Ocean and Economy—Chinese Marine Economy25
Text B Ocean and History—The Age of Discovery36
Text C Eleanor Creesy: Navigator of One of the Fastest Sailing Ships41
Unit 3 International Maritime Organization (IMO)47
Text A Introduction to IMO49
Text B History of IMO60
Text C The 60th Anniversary of the Adoption of the IMO Convention66
Unit 4 International Maritime Conventions71
Text A Introduction to STCW73
Text B Introduction to SOLAS84
Text C Introduction to MARPOL89
Unit 5 Careers at Sea95
Text A “Go to Sea!”97
Text B A Sea of Opportunities107
Text C Man on the Go114
Unit 6 Ship Crew119
Text A The Organization of a Ship’s Crew121
Text B Seafarers’ Professions and Ranks132
Text C Seamen’s Certificates138
Unit 7 Types of Merchant Ships143
Text A Types of Merchant Ships145
Text B Ship Documents and Classification156
Text C Oasis of the Seas—The Floating City162
Unit 8 Ship Structure and Equipment167
Text A Ship Structure169
Text B Ship Systems and Equipment179
Text C Ship Repair and Maintenance185


