



  • 中文名:洪有為
  • 畢業院校:廈門大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師



2005-09--2008-12 廈門大學 理學博士


2024-01~至今,中國科學院城市環境研究所, 研究員
2018-08~2018-09,德國萊布尼茨對流層研究所, 訪問學者
2016-01~2023-12, 中國科學院城市環境研究所, 副研究員
2014-04~2015-04,美國加州大學河濱分校, 訪問學者
2009-02~2015-12,中國科學院城市環境研究所, 助理研究員





1. Hong, Y.*, Zhang, K., Liao, D., Chen, G., Zhao, M., Lin, Y.,Ji, X., Xu, K., Wu, Y., Yu, R., Hu, G., Choi, S.-D., Xue, L.*, and Chen, J.:Exploring the amplified role of HCHO in the formation of HMS and O3 duringthe co-occurring PM2.5 and O3 pollution in a coastal city ofsoutheast China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 10795–10807,https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-10795-2023, 2023(中科院一區).
2. Ji,X., Hong, Y.*, Lin, Y., Xu,K., Chen, G., Liu, T., Xu, L., Li, M., Fan, X., Wang, H., Zhang, H., Chen, Y.,Yang, C., Lin, Z., and Chen, J.*: Impacts of Synoptic Patterns andMeteorological Factors on Distribution Trends of Ozone in Southeast ChinaDuring 2015–2020, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128,e2022JD037961, 2023(Natureindex期刊).
3. Liu, T., Lin, Y., Chen, J.*, Chen, G.,Yang, C., Xu, L., Li, M., Fan, X., Zhang, F., and Hong, Y.*Pollution mechanisms andphotochemical effects of atmospheric HCHO in a coastal city of southeastChina. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 859:160210 (中科院一區)
4. Hong, Y., Xu, X., Liao,D., Liu, T., Ji, X., Xu, K., Liao, C., Wang, T., Lin, C., and Chen, J.:Measurement report: Effects of anthropogenic emissions and environmentalfactors on the formation of biogenic secondary organic aerosol (BSOA) in acoastal city of southeastern China, Atmos.Chem. Phys., 22, 7827-7841, 2022. (中科院一區)
5. Liu T.#, Hong,Y.#, Li, M., Xu, L., Chen, J.*, Bian Y., Yang C., Dan Y., Zhang Y., Xue L.,Zhao M., Huang Z., Wang H., Atmospheric oxidation capacity and ozone pollutionmechanism in a coastal city of Southeast China: Analysis of a typicalphotochemical episode by Observation-Based Model. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 22, 2173-2190, 2022 (中科院一區)
6. Liu, T., Chen, G., Chen, J.*, Xu, L., Li, M., Hong, Y.*, Chen, Y., Ji, X.,Yang, C., Chen, Y., Huang, W., Huang, Q., Wang, H., 2021. Seasonalcharacteristics of atmospheric peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in a coastal city ofSoutheast China: Explanatory factors and photochemical effects. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 22, 4339-4353, 2022. (中科院一區)
7. Ji, X., Xu, K., Liao, D., Chen, G., Liu, T., Hong, Y. *, Dong, S., Choi,S.-D., and Chen, J.*: Spatial-temporal Characteristics and Source Apportionmentof Ambient VOCs in Southeast Mountain Area of China, Aerosol Air Qual. Res.,22, 220016, 2022.
8. Chen, G., Liu, T., Ji, X., Xu, K., Hong, Y*., Xu, L., Li, M., Fan, X., Chen,Y., Yang, C., Lin, Z., Huang, W., and Chen, J.: Source Apportionment of VOCsand O3 Production Sensitivity at Coastal and Inland Sites of Southeast China,Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 22, 220289, 10.4209/aaqr.220289, 2022a.
9. Hong,Y., Xu, X., Liao, D., Ji, X., Hong, Z., Chen, Y., Xu, L., Li, M., Wang, H.,Zhang, H., Xiao, H., Choi, S.-D., Chen, J.*, 2021a. Air pollution increaseshuman health risks of PM2.5-bound PAHs and nitro-PAHs in the Yangtze RiverDelta, China. Science of the total environment 770, 145402. (中科院一區)
10. Hong,Y., Xu, X., Liao, D., Zheng, R., Ji, X., Chen, Y., Xu, L., Li, M., Wang, H.,Xiao, H., Choi, S.-D., Chen, J.*, 2021b. Source apportionment of PM2.5and sulfate formation during the COVID-19 lockdown in a coastal city ofsoutheast China. Environmental Pollution 286, 117577.
11. Liu T., Hu B., Xu X., Hong Y.*, Zhang Y., Xu L., Wu, X.,Li M., Chen Y., Chen X., ChenJ.*Characteristics ofPM2.5-bound secondary organic aerosol tracers in a coastal city in SoutheasternChina: seasonal patterns and pollution identification. AtmosphericEnvironment,2020.237,117710
12. Liu T., Hu B., Yang Y., Li M., Hong Y.*, Xu X., Xu L., Chen N., Chen Y., Xiao H., Chen J.*;Characteristics and source apportionment of PM2.5 on an island inSoutheast China: Impact of sea-salt and monsoon , Atmospheric Research,2020, 235: 104786 (中科院一區)
13. Hu, B., Liu, T., Hong, Y.*, Xu, L., Li, M., Wu, X., Wang, H., Chen, J., Chen,J., 2020. Characteristics of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in a coastal city ofsoutheastern China: Photochemical mechanism and pollution process. Scienceof the total environment 719, 137493-137493 (中科院一區)
14. Hong, Z., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Xu, L., Liu, T.,Xiao, H., Hong Y.*, Chen, J.,Li, M., Deng, J., Wu, X., Hu, B., Chen, X., Secondary organic aerosol of PM2.5in a mountainous forest area in southeastern China: Molecular compositions andtracers implication. Science of the Total Environment 2019.653, 496-503 (中科院一區)
15. HuBY, Liu TT., Yang YX, Chen, J., Xu, L., Hong, Z., Chen, X., Hong Y.*,Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Surface Ozone in a Coastal Island ofSoutheast China: Influence of Sea-land Breezes and Regional Transport. Aerosoland Air Quality Research 2019, 19, 1734-1748


(1) Low-Cost Sensors for Indoor and Outdoor Pollution, Springer, 2019-12, 第 5 作者



( 1 ) 沿海城市二次有機氣溶膠(SOA)的組成特徵及其來源研究, 主持, 省級, 2016-04--2019-03
( 2 ) 基於熱光透射法(TOT)-高分辨同位素質譜(IR/MS)聯用技術研究大氣PM2.5中碳氣溶膠的來源, 主持, 市地級, 2015-10--2017-10
( 3 ) 寧波近海地基站的集成套用與觀測研究, 主持, 國家級, 2016-07--2020-06
( 4 ) 基於解吸電噴霧飛行時間質譜技術的海洋大氣研究, 主持, 國家級, 2016-12--2019-11
( 5 ) 南平市近地層臭氧的污染成因與調控策略研究., 主持, 省級, 2018-01--2018-12
( 6 ) 攜帶型可實時原位監測氮氧化物及臭氧含量的感測器, 主持, 市地級, 2020-01--2022-12
( 7 ) 沿海城市大氣SOA的分布特徵及其來源識別, 主持, 研究所(學校), 2020-07--2022-06
( 8 ) 沿海城市大氣光化學前體物亞硝酸的分布規律與來源識別, 主持, 部委級, 2020-08--2022-12
( 9 ) 沿海城市大氣臭氧的污染特徵與成因機制研究—以廈門為例, 主持, 省級, 2020-07--2023-06
( 10 ) 沿海典型城市大氣污染的特徵、來源及其調控策略研究, 主持, 省級, 2020-08--2023-07
( 11 ) 基於高山背景觀測研究大氣有機硫酸酯液相形成機制, 主持,國家級,2023-01-2026-12


(1)Effects of anthropogenic emissions and environmental factors on SOA formation in a coastal city of Southeastern China 第27屆中國大氣環境科學與技術大會 2021-11-26
(2)沿海城市大氣氧化性及其對氣溶膠二次生成的影響 第五屆海峽兩岸城市環境青年論壇 2021-11-05
(3)福建沿海大氣污染過程與機制 2018年海峽兩岸空氣品質管理交流研討會 2018-10-21
(4)海西城市群大氣PM2.5污染特徵與來源解析研究 第七屆海峽兩岸環境與生態會議-台北論壇 洪有為 2017-08-06
(5)Pattern of atmospheric mercury speciation during episodes of elevated PM2.5 levels in a coastal city in the Yangtze River Delta, China 2017-07-18
(6)長三角典型城市大氣形態汞的分布特徵及來源研究 第22屆中國大氣環境科學與技術大會中國環境科學學會大氣環境分會2016年學術年會 2016-10-21
(7)Characteristics and sources of PM2.5-bound carbonaceous aerosols in the Yangtze River Delta, China Youwei Hong 2016-04-17
(8)Ambient distribution and origins of PM2.5-bound n-alkanes in the Yangtze River Delta 第八屆全國環境化學大會 洪有為 2015-11-05


