My school I love thee-love thy grounds and buildings; Love my books and teachers, truth and justice wielding; In all my future years I will never forget: Thy name and fame I love!
Kaifeng, I love thee-love thy walls and temples; History and legend write thy name with honor; Here lived an emperor, here were deeds of daring; Thy name and fame I love!
Honan, I love thee -love thy plains and mountains; Ancient heart of China, rich in lore and learning; Source of a race of men who can bless their country: Thy name and fame I love!
China, I love thee -love thy ancient greatness; Native land beloved, may thy future brighten; Till thou art strong and rich and thy people happy; Thy name and fame I love! 翻譯 母校之歌 母校啊 我愛你的幽幽齋樓 深深庭院 書海藏珍 大師不倦 歷久彌新永難忘 是你那名校風範 開封啊 我愛你那城牆疊摞 寺觀莊嚴 歷史傳奇 光照人寰 帝王英武留跡處 是你那名城風範 河南啊 我愛你那茵茵沃野 巍巍青山 古國心臟 經史之源 人文初祖肇始處 是你那名鄉風範 中華啊 我愛你的悠久歷史 廣大幅員 惟願故土 前程燦燦 國富民強帶笑看 是你那名邦風範