- 中文名:沈祥
- 出生日期:1980年12月
- 就職單位:寧波大學高等技術研究院
2011/11-2012/01: 澳大利亞國立大學雷射物理中心訪問學者
- 硫系玻璃薄膜製備技術和薄膜結構、缺陷、電學特性、相變行為等研究;
- 研究納米壓印或光刻製備硫系脊型光波導的技術工藝及其在非線性光子器件中的套用。
- “新型紅外硫系玻璃製備關鍵技術及套用”項目獲得2014年國家技術發明獎二等獎(排名4/6)
- 2012年浙江省科技進步一等獎(排名8/13)、2011年寧波市科技進步一等獎(排名8/13)“新型寬頻主動光纖及光纖放大器研究”項目獲得2007年浙江省科技進步二等獎(排名5/7)
- 2007年寧波市科技進步一等獎(排名6/7)“稀土摻雜重金屬氧化物玻璃發光特性研究”項目獲得了2010年浙江省高等學校科研成果一等獎(排名4/7)
- Yimin Chen, Guoxiang Wang, Manman Tian, Xiang Shen*, et al ,Fast reversible laser-induced crystallization of Sb-rich Zn-Sb-Se phase change material with excellent stability, AIP Advances,2015, 5,077174
- Xiang Shen*, et al, Improved phase change behavior of Sb3Te material by ZnSb doping for phase change memory. Applied Physics A, 2015, 119(2): 425-429
- Yimin Chen, Guoxiang Wang, Xiang Shen*, et al, Crystallization behavior of ZnxSb100-x films for ultralong data retention application, Crystengcomm, 2014, 16(5):757-762
- Wenhou Wei, Liang Fang, Xiang Shen, Rongping Wang, Transition threshold in GexSb10Se90-x glasses, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115:113510
- Ting wang, Xin Gai, Wenhou Wei, Rongping Wang, Zhiyong Yang, Xiang Shen, Steve Madden, Barry Luther-Davies, Systematic Z-scan measurement for the third order nonlinearity of chalcogenide glasses, Optics Materials Express, 2014, 4(5):1011-1022
- Wen-Hou Wei, Xiang Shen, Si-Wei Xu, Liang Fang, Rong-Ping Wang, Structural investigation on GexSb10Se90-x glasses using X-ray photoelectron spectra, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115:183506
- Yimin Chen, Guoxiang Wang, Jun Li, Xiang Shen*,et al, Sb-rich Zn-Sb-Te phase-change materials: A candidate for trade-off between crystallization speed and data retention, Applied Physics Express, 2014, 7: 105801
- Guoxiang Wang, Yimin Chen, Xiang Shen*, et al, Reversibility and stability of ZnO-Sb2Te3 nanocomposite films for phase change memory applications, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6 (11): 8488–8496.
- Junjian Li, Guoxiang Wang, Jun Li, Xiang Shen*, et al, Fast crystallization and low-power amorphization of Mg-Sb-Te reversible phase-change films, Crystengcomm, 2014, 16 (32), 7401-7405
- Xiang Shen*,et al, Enhanced thermal stability and electrical behavior of Zn-doped Sb2Te films for phase change memory application, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102;131902.
- T.Wang, W.H.Wei,X. Shen, R.P.Wang, B.Luther Davies, I.Jackson, Elastic transition thresholds in Ge-As(Sb)-Se Glasses, Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics, 2013, 46:165302.
- Wenhou Wei,L.Fang, Xiang Shen,Rongping wang,Crystallization kinetics in Ge-Sb-Se glasses,physica status solidi (B),2013,250(1):59-61.
- Yu chen, Xiang Shen*,et al, Optical and structural properties of Ge-Sb-Se thin films fabricated by sputtering and thermal evaporation, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2013, 548:155-160,
- Jing Fu,Xiang Shen*, et al, Crystallization characteristics of Mg-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 films for phase change memory applications, Applied Surface Science, 264:269-272, 2013.
- Li Jun, Chen Tao, Sun Junqiang, Shen Xiang, Double-Brillouin-Frequency spaced mulitiwavelength generation in a ring brillouin-erbium fiber laser, Chin. Phys.Lett., 30(2): 024205 ,2013.
- Guoxiang Wang, Qiuhua Nie*, Xiang Shen, et al, Phase change behaviors in Zn-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 films, Applied Physics Letters, 101:051906, 2012
- Guoxiang Wang, Xiang Shen*, et al, Improved thermal and electrical properties of the Al-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 films for phase-change random access memory, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45: 375302, 2012.
- Guoxiang Wang, Xiang Shen, Qiuhua Nie*, et al, Te-based chalcogenide films with high thermal stability for phase change memory, Journal of Applied Physics, 111: 93514, 2012.
- Guoxiang Wang*, Qiuhua Nie, Xiang Shen, et al, Advantages of Zn1.25Sb2Te3 material used for phase change memory, Materials Letters, 87:135-138, 2012
- Jing Fu, Xiang Shen, et al, Structural evolution of Ge2Sb2Te5 films under the 488 nm laser irradiation, Materials Letters, 88:148-151, 2012.
- Yi Wu, Xiang Shen, et al, Silver Nanoparticles Enhanced Upconversion Luminescence in Er3+/Yb3+ Codoped Bismuth-Germanate Glasses, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(50), 25040- 25045, 2011.
- Xiang Shen*,et al, Preparation and third-order optical nonlinearity of glass ceramics based on GeS2-Ga2S3-CsCl pseudo-ternary system, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 357(11-13): 2316-2319, 2011.
- Xiang Shen*, et al, Temperature dependence of upconversion luminescence in erbium-doped tellurite glasses, Journal of Luminescence, 130 (8): 1353-1356, 2010.