任國際刊物《The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal》編委,長期擔任Materials Letter》、《Nanotechnolgy》、《Physica E》、《材料研究學報》、《物理學報》等30餘種國內外知名刊物審稿人;教育部教學指導委員會(航空專業)委員,蘭州交通大學兼職教授。
目前已在《Fatig.Fract.of Mater.Struct》、《Int. J. of Fatig.》、《力學學報》、《航空學報》等主流刊物上發表)論文250餘篇,其中SCI檢索30餘篇、EI 檢索50篇。出版有《納米技術概論》(國防工業出版社,2007)、《新型碳納米材料-富勒烯》(國防工業出版社,2008)、《近空間飛行器》(航空工業出版社,2012)、《納米藝術概論》(清華大學出版社,2010)、《航空航天概論》(航空工業出版社,2011)等著作/教材。
1.Shen Haijun, Guo Wanlin. Corrosivefatigue of structure with dimple holes under aircraft loading. Fract. Eng.Mater. & Struct. 2002(23)
2.Shen Haijun. Modification of James-Anderson Method of 3D effects ofFatigue Crack Propagation considered. Int. J of Fatig. 2005(4)
3.ShenHaijun. 3D constraint effects on 3D crack propagation. Int. J. of Fatig. 2005(5)
4.Shen Haijun. Compressive andtensile properties of Ar filled carbon nanopeapods. Materials letter 2006(2)
5.HaijunShen. MD simulations on the melting and compression of C, SiC and Si nanotubes.J.Mater.Sci. 2007.42(15)
6.Shen Haijun. Compressive and tensile mechanical properties of Ar-filledcarbon nanopeapods. Materials Letters 2007 61(2)
7.HaijunShen. Mechanical Properties of Compressed Cn(n=20, 60, 80, 180) and EndohedralM@C60 (M=Na, Al, Fe) Fullerene Molecules. Molecular Physics.2007 105:2405-2409.
8. HaijunShen Thermal Conductivity and tensile Properties of BN SIC Nanotubes.Computational Materials Science 2009 47(1):220
9. ShenHaijun.Thermal-stabilityand compressive properties of one boron nitride nanotube embedded in anothercarbon tube Micro & Nano Letters, 2011(6): 444
10. HaijunShen. 3D Fracture Mechanics Investigation on Surface Fatigue Crack Propagation.Fatig.Fract.of Mater.Struct.2011 34(9)