



  • 中文名:汽車英語(第3版)
  • 作者:黃星、黃汽馳
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年12月
  • 頁數:238 頁
  • 定價:36 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787115346407




Unit 1 Introduction to Cars 1
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 1
* Kinds of Cars 1
New Words 5
Phrases and Expressions 6
* Types and Recurrence of Maintenance Operations 8
New Words 11
Phrases and Expressions 11
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 12
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 15
Troubleshooting Guide 15
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 16
Visiting the Car Company 16
Unit 2 Introduction to Automobile Engine 18
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 18
* Engine Construction (I) 18
New Words 21
Phrases and Expressions 22
* Engine Construction (II) 25
New Words 28
Phrases and Expressions 29
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 30
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 32
Troubleshooting Guide 32
Troubleshooting Engine Performance 33
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 34
Asking for Opinions 34
Unit 3 Lubrication and Cooling System 35
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 35
* Lubrication System 35
New Words 38
Phrases and Expressions 39
* Cooling System 42
New Words 46
Phrases and Expressions 46
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 48
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 50
Troubleshooting Guide 50
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 51
Talking about Car Maintenance 51
Unit 4 Introduction to Drive Train 52
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 52
* Drive Train (I) 52
New Words 55
Phrases and Expressions 56
* Drive Train (II) 59
New Words 63
Phrases and Expressions 64
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 65
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 67
Troubleshooting Guide 67
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 68
Purchasing a Car in the Shop 68
Unit 5 Automotive Ignition System 70
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 70
* Conventional Ignition System 70
New Words 75
Phrases and Expressions 75
* Electronic Ignition System 78
New Words 81
Phrases and Expressions 81
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 82
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 84
Troubleshooting Guide 84
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 86
Issuing the Information about a New Car 86
Unit 6 Introduction to Brake System 87
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 87
* Brake System (I) 87
New Words 91
Phrases and Expressions 91
* Brake System (II) 94
New Words 97
Phrases and Expressions 97
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 98
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 100
Troubleshooting Guide 100
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 101
Repairing the Car 101
Unit 7 Suspension System 103
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 103
* Suspension Components 103
New Words 107
Phrases and Expressions 107
* Suspension Types 110
New Words 113
Phrases and Expressions 114
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 115
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 117
Troubleshooting Guide 117
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 119
In the Car Laboratory 119
Unit 8 Automotive Steering System 120
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 120
* Types of Steering System 120
New Words 123
Phrases and Expressions 124
* Power Steering System 127
New Words 129
Phrases and Expressions 130
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 131
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 133
Troubleshooting Guide 133
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 135
Talking about the Steering System 135
Unit 9 Safety Airbag and Seatbelt System 137
Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading 137
* Safety Airbag 137
New Words 140
Phrases and Expressions 141
* Seatbelt 144
New Words 147
Phrases and Expressions 148
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 149
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 151
Troubleshooting Guide 151
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 152
Information about the Crash Sensor 152
Unit 10 Introduction to Instrument Cluster 154
PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 154
* Gauges and Warning Lamps 154
New Words 157
Phrases and Expressions 157
* Controls and Equipment 160
New Words 163
Phrases and Expressions 163
Part Ⅱ Glance at the Structure of the Automobile 164
Part Ⅲ Have a Try 167
Troubleshooting Guide 167
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking 169
Introduction to Gauges in Cars 169
附錄1 Vocabulary 171
附錄2 Phrases and Expressions 185
附錄3 汽車專業縮略詞解釋 194
附錄4 參考譯文 197
第 1單元 轎車簡述 197
第 2單元 汽車發動機介紹 201
第3單元 潤滑和冷卻系統 205
第4單元 傳動系介紹 210
第5單元 自動點火系統 215
第6單元 制動系統簡介 219
第7單元 懸架系統 223
第8單元 汽車轉向系統 227
第9單元 安全氣囊與安全帶系統 230
第 10單元 儀表群 234


