



  • 中文名:汽車技術(英語版)
  • 作者:李清民、刁立福、王林超、吳芷紅、劉志信 
  • ISBN:9787302333272
  • 定價:35元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年2月 


本書全面細緻地介紹了汽車構造、汽車工作原理、汽車檢測維修以及汽車新技術的相關知識。全書共分為23個單元,涵蓋發動機和底盤幾乎所有總成。其中發動機部分在傳統基本構造基礎上增加新的內容,如進氣增壓技術、柴油發動機共軌技術和混合動力汽車技術;底盤部分對自動變速器、無極變速器和制動防抱死系統(驅動防滑轉系統)的結構及工作原理進行了細緻的闡述。每個單元包括正文、辭彙、例句解析和思考題四部分。 本書既可作為大學本科、專科院校汽車類專業的專業英語教材或汽車構造雙語教學教材,也可作為專業技術人員對外技術交流的參考書。


Unit 1 The Reciprocating Piston
Petrol Engine 1
1.1 Modern requirements 1
1.1.1 Optimum performance 1
1.1.2 Good fuel economy 1
1.1.3 Less pollution 1
1.1.4 Minimum noise level 2
1.1.5 Easy cold starting 2
1.1.6 Economic servicing 2
1.1.7 Acceptable durability 2
1.1.8 Least weight 3
1.1.9 Compact size 3
1.1.10 Economic manufacture 3
1.2 Engine nomenclature 3
1.2.1 TDC and BDC 4
1.2.2 Piston stroke 4
1.2.3 Piston displacement 4
1.2.4 Engine capacity 4
1.2.5 Mean effective pressure 5
1.2.6 Indicated and brake power 5
1.2.7 Engine torque 5
1.2.8 Compression ratio 6
1.3 Operating principles of four-stroke
petrol engine 7
  • Newwordsandexpressions 8
  • Notestothetext 10
  • Unit2CombustionChambers
  • andProcesses 12
  • 2.1Combustioninthepetrolengine 12
  • 2.1.1Basicconsiderations 12
  • 2.1.2Normalandabnormal
  • combustion 13
  • 2.2Petrolenginecombustionchambers 14
  • 2.2.1Hemisphericalchamber 14
  • 2.2.2Wedgechamber 15
  • 2.2.3Bowl-in-pistonchamber 16
  • 2.3Combustioninthedieselengine 17
  • 2.4Dieselenginecombustionchambers 17
  • 2.4.1Basicconsideration 17
  • 2.4.2Advantagesanddisadvantages
  • ofdirect-injection 18
  • 2.5Cylinderchargeagitation 19
  • 2.5.1Basicrequirements 19
  • 2.5.2Compressionturbulence 19
  • 2.5.3Inductionswirl 20
  • Newwordsandexpressions 21
  • Notestothetext 22
  • Unit3CylinderAssembliesandPiston
  • ?CrankMechanism 25
  • 3.1Cylinderandcrankthrow
  • arrangements 25
  • 3.1.1Considerationsincylinder
  • design 25
  • 3.1.2Arrangementofengine
  • cylinders 25
  • 3.1.3Crankthrowarrangements 26
  • 3.2Cylinderblock,crankcaseandhead 27
  • 3.2.1Cylinderblockconstruction 27
  • 3.2.2Cylinderbores 28
  • 3.2.3Crankcaseconstruction 29
  • 3.2.4Cylinderheadconstruction 29
  • 3.2.5Cylinderheadgasket 29
  • 3.2.6Cylinderliners 30
  • 3.3Pistonsandconnectingrods 31
  • 3.3.1Pistonconstructionand
  • nomenclature 31
  • 3.3.2Pistonmaterialsandexpansion
  • control 32
  • 3.3.3Gudgeonpinsandtheir
  • location 33
  • 3.3.4Typesofpistonringand
  • nomenclature 34
  • 3.3.5Pistonringmaterialsand
  • expansioncontrol 35
  • 3.3.6Connectingrods 35
  • 3.3.7Big-endbearingand
  • nomenclature 36
  • 3.4Crankshaftassemblyand
  • mainbearings 37
  • 3.4.1Crankshaftconstructionand
  • nomenclature 37
  • 3.4.2Flywheelwithtorsionalvibration
  • ?damper 38
  • 3.4.3Crankshafttimingwheeland
  • pulley 38
  • 3.4.4Crankshaftmainbearingsand
  • nomenclature 39
  • 3.5Crankshafttorsionalvibration
  • ?dampers 40
  • 3.5.1Thecausesofcrankshaft
  • vibration 40
  • 3.5.2Methodsofmountingtorsional
  • vibrationdampers 40
  • 3.6Valvetrain 41
  • 3.6.1Sidecamshaft,push-rodsand
  • rockers 41
  • 3.6.2Identifyingthepartsofacam
  • profile 43
  • 3.6.3Hydraulictappets 44
  • 3.6.4Enginevalves 45
  • 3.6.5Valvesprings 45
  • 3.7Timingdrive 46
  • 3.7.1Valvetimingdiagrams 46
  • 3.7.2Methodsofdrivingcamshafts 47
  • 3.7.3Variablevalvetiming 48
  • Newwordsandexpressions 49
  • Notestothetext 52
  • Unit4DieselFuelInjectionSystems 55
  • 4.1Generallayout 55
  • 4.2Thein-linefuelinjectionpump 55
  • 4.2.1Constructionandoperation 55
  • 4.2.2Pumpingelementcontrol 57
  • 4.2.3Pumpingelementdelivery
  • valve 58
  • 4.3Governingthein-linefuelinjection
  • pump 58
  • 4.3.1Minimumandmaximumspeed
  • governor 58
  • 4.3.2All-speedgovernor 59
  • 4.4ConstructionandOperationofthe
  • DistributorFuelInjectionPump 60
  • 4.5Timingin-linefuelinjectionpumps 62
  • 4.6Fuelinjectors 62
  • 4.6.1Basicrequirements 62
  • 4.6.2Typesoffuelinjectornozzle 63
  • 4.7Introductiontoelectronic
  • dieselcontrol 63
  • 4.7.1Basicfeaturesofanelectronic
  • dieselcontrolsystem 64
  • 4.7.2Electronicunitinjector
  • system 65
  • Newwordsandexpressions 66
  • Notestothetext 67
  • Unit5PetrolEngineFuelInjection 68
  • 5.1Advantagesofpetrolengine
  • fuelinjection 68
  • 5.2Mutipointfuelinjection 69
  • 5.2.1Fuelflowsystem 69
  • 5.2.2Airflowsystem 70
  • 5.2.3Electricalflowsystem 71
  • 5.2.4Furtherdevelopmentofthe
  • electronicMPIsystem 71
  • 5.3Single-pointfuelinjection 72
  • 5.3.1ElectronicSPIsystem 72
  • 5.3.2Furtherdevelopments 74
  • Newwordsandexpressions 74
  • Notestothetext 75
  • Unit6HybridElectricVehicles 77
  • 6.1Conceptofhybridelectricdrivetrain 77
  • 6.2Architecturesofhybridelectric
  • drivetrain 79
  • 6.2.1Serieshybridelectric
  • ?drivetrain 80
  • 6.2.2Parallelhybridelectric
  • drivetrain 82
  • 6.2.3Torque-couplingparalledhybrid
  • electricdrivetrain 82
  • 6.3Electricpropulsionsystems 83
  • 6.3.1Thefunctionandtherequirement
  • ofelectricpropulsionsystems 83
  • 6.3.2Thestructureevolutionofelectric
  • propulsionsystems 85
  • 6.3.3DCmotordrives 86
  • 6.3.4Inductionmotordrives 87
  • 6.3.5Permanentmagneticbrushless
  • DCmotordrives 88
  • Newwordsandexpressions 89
  • Unit7EngineLubrication 91
  • 7.1Enginelubricationoils 91
  • 7.1.1Mineraloils 91
  • 7.1.2Syntheticoils 91
  • 7.1.3Functionsandpropertiesof
  • engineoil 91
  • 7.1.4Classificationofengineoils
  • byviscosity 92
  • 7.2Enginelubricationsystems 94
  • 7.3Oilpumpsandpressurereliefvalves 96
  • 7.3.1Developingoilpressureinthe
  • fullyforcedsystem 96
  • 7.3.2Externalgearpump 96
  • 7.3.3Internalgearpump 97
  • 7.3.4Pressurereliefvalves 97
  • Newwordsandexpressions 99
  • Notestothetext 100
  • Unit8EngineCooling,Vehicle
  • HeatingandAirConditioning 102
  • 8.1Enginewater-coolingsystem 102
  • 8.1.1Circulationofcoolingwater 102
  • 8.1.2Operatingprincipleofthe
  • thermosyphonicsystem 103
  • 8.1.3Forced-circulationcooling
  • system 103
  • 8.1.4Coolantpumpconstruction 104
  • 8.1.5Coolantpumpoperation 106
  • 8.1.6Variable-drivefan 106
  • 8.1.7Radiatorconstruction 108
  • 8.1.8Thermostaticcontrolofthe
  • water-coolingsystem 108
  • 8.2Enginecoolant 109
  • 8.2.1Antifreezesolutions 109
  • 8.2.2Chemicalcomposition 109
  • 8.2.3Long-lifeenginecoolants 110
  • 8.3Refrigeratedairconditioning 110
  • 8.3.1Principlesofrefrigeratedair
  • conditioning 110
  • 8.3.2Componentsofarefrigeratedair
  • conditioningsystem 111
  • Newwordsandexpressions 114
  • Notestothetext 115
  • Unit9IntakeandExhaustSystem 120
  • 9.1Aircleanerandsilencer 120
  • 9.1.1Generalrequirements 120
  • 9.1.2Methodsofaircleaning 120
  • 9.1.3Methodsofairsilencing 120
  • 9.1.4Typesandapplications 121
  • 9.2Intakeandexhaustmanifolds 122
  • 9.2.1Intakemanifold 122
  • 9.2.2Exhaustmanifold 123
  • 9.2.3Exhaustsilencer 123
  • Newwordsandexpressions 125
  • Notestothetext 125
  • Unit10ForcedInduction 127
  • 10.1Naturalaspirationandforced
  • induction 127
  • 10.2Methodsofpressurecharging 127
  • 10.2.1Mechanicalsupercharging 127
  • 10.2.2Exhaustturbocharging 129
  • Newwordsandexpressions 132
  • Notestothetext 133
  • Unit11EngineEmissionControl 135
  • 11.1Petrolenginepollutants 135
  • 11.1.1Thenatureandsourcesof
  • pollutants 135
  • 11.1.2Permittedlevelsof
  • pollutants 135
  • 11.2Petrolengineemissioncontrol 135
  • 11.2.1Generalbackground 135
  • 11.2.2Pre-catalytic-converteremission
  • controls 136
  • 11.2.3Catalyticconverters 136
  • 11.3Dieselenginepollutants 138
  • 11.3.1Causesofsmokeemission 138
  • 11.3.2Assessingthedensityofsmoke
  • emission 139
  • Newwordsandexpressions 139
  • Notestothetext 140
  • Unit12FrictionClutches 142
  • 12.1Typesofsingle-plateclutch 142
  • 12.1.1Multi-coilspringclutch 142
  • 12.1.2Diaphragmspringclutch 144
  • 12.2Clutchcontrolsystems 145
  • 12.2.1Cable-operatedcontrol
  • system 145
  • 12.2.2Hydraulicallyoperated
  • controlsystem 147
  • 12.2.3Clutchpedalandlinkage
  • adjustment 148
  • 12.3Clutchcenterplateconstruction 150
  • 12.3.1Functioningofcentreplate
  • components 150
  • 12.3.2Sinteredmetalclutch
  • linings 152
  • Newwordsandexpressions 153
  • Nosestothetext 153
  • Unit13LayshaftGearboxes 156
  • 13.1Constant-meshgearboxes 156
  • 13.2Inertialocksynchromesh 158
  • 13.2.1Blockingpinsynchronizers 158
  • 13.2.2Baulkingring
  • synchronizers 160
  • 13.3Gearselectormechanisms 161
  • 13.3.1Multi-railselection 161
  • 13.3.2Remotetypeofgearlever
  • control 164
  • Newwordsandexpressions 165
  • Notestothetext 166
  • Unit14FluidCouplingsandTorque
  • ?Converters 169
  • 14.1Fluidcouplings 169
  • 14.1.1Backgroundandadvantagesin
  • fluidcouplings 169
  • 14.1.2Basicconstructionofasealed
  • fluidcoupling 169
  • 14.1.3Operationofafluid
  • coupling 170
  • 14.2Torqueconverters 171
  • 14.2.1Torqueconvertersinmotor
  • vehicles 171
  • 14.2.2Advantagesoftorque
  • converters 171
  • 14.2.3Basicconstructionofatorque
  • converter 172
  • 14.2.4Operationofatorque
  • converter 173
  • 14.3Fluidcouplingsandtorqueconverters
  • inservice 174
  • 14.3.1Fluidcouplings 174
  • 14.3.2Torqueconverters 174
  • Newwordsandexpressions 175
  • Notestothetext 176
  • Unit15EpicyclicGearboxes 178
  • 15.1Basicepicyclicgearing 178
  • 15.1.1Generalbackgroundand
  • advantagesofepicyclic
  • gearing 178
  • 15.1.2Basicconstructionofan
  • epicyclicgeartrain 178
  • 15.2Operationofepicyclicgeartrains 179
  • 15.2.1Simpleepicyclicgeartrain 179
  • 15.2.2Coupledsimpleepicyclic
  • geartrains 180
  • 15.2.3Simpsonepicyclicgearset 181
  • 15.2.4Ravigneauxepicyclic
  • gearset 183
  • 15.3Frictionbrakesforepicyclic
  • gearboxes 184
  • 15.3.1Typesoffrictionbrake 184
  • 15.3.2Bandbrakes 184
  • 15.3.3Multi-plateclutches 185
  • Newwordsandexpressions 186
  • Notestothetext 187
  • Unit16AutomaticTransmissionsfor
  • PassengerCars 191
  • 16.1Advantagesofthefullyautomatic
  • transmission 191
  • 16.2Basicconstructionofanautomatic
  • transmission 191
  • 16.3Automatictransaxles 192
  • 16.3.1Inputchaindrive 192
  • 16.3.2Outputthree-geardrive 194
  • 16.3.3Outputfour-geardrive 194
  • 16.4Hydrauliccontrolsystems 195
  • 16.4.1Functionsofthehydraulic
  • controlsystem 195
  • 16.4.2Operationofthehydraulic
  • controlsystem 195
  • 16.4.3Hydraulicpump 196
  • 16.4.4Pressureregulatorandboost
  • valves 197
  • 16.4.5Manualvalve 197
  • 16.4.6Throttleandkick-down
  • valves 200
  • 16.5Electrohydrauliccontrolsystems 202
  • 16.5.1Advantagesofelectronic
  • transmissioncontrol 202
  • 16.5.2Arrangementandfunctioningof
  • anelectronic?transmission
  • controlsystem 202
  • Newwordsandexpressions 203
  • Notestothetext 204
  • Unit17PropellerShaftsandJoints 208
  • 17.1Universaljoints 208
  • 17.2Flexiblejoints 209
  • 17.3Jointsforfront-axlehalf-shafts 210
  • Newwordsandexpressions 211
  • Notestothetext 211
  • Unit18Differential 214
  • 18.1Finaldrive 214
  • 18.2Constructionandoperatingprinciple
  • ofthedifferential 215
  • 18.2.1Constructionofbevel-gear
  • differential 215
  • 18.2.2Operatingprincipleof
  • differential 216
  • 18.2.3Constructionofspur-gear
  • differential 216
  • 18.3Differentiallock 217
  • 18.3.1Dog-clutchdifferentiallock 217
  • 18.3.2Automaticdifferentiallocksand
  • limited-slipdifferentials 218
  • Newwordsandexpressions 221
  • Notestothetext 221
  • Unit19Suspension 224
  • 19.1Basicstructureofsuspension 224
  • 19.2Suspensionoperatingprinciple 224
  • 19.2.1Oscillation 225
  • 19.2.2Suspensionbump,rollandpitch
  • movements 226
  • 19.3Typesofspring 227
  • 19.3.1Leafsprings 227
  • 19.3.2Coilsprings 227
  • 19.3.3Torsionbarsprings 228
  • 19.4Dampers 229
  • 19.4.1Twin-tubedampers 229
  • 19.4.2Single-tubedampers 230
  • 19.5Wheellocation 230
  • 19.5.1Rigidaxle 231
  • 19.5.2Independentsuspension 232
  • Newwordsandexpressions 233
  • Notestothetext 233
  • Unit20Steering 237
  • 20.1Steeringtrapeze 237
  • 20.2Geometryofsteeredfrontwheels 238
  • 20.2.1Camberangleknuckle 238
  • 20.2.2Kingpininclination 239
  • 20.2.3Steeringoffset
  • (scrubradius) 239


