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Centrifuge test and numerical analysis of seismic responses of dyke on liquefiable soils foundation
中文關鍵字:液化 堤壩 動態土工離心模型試驗 有效應力分析 抗震性能
英文關鍵字:liquefaction dyke saturated soil foundation dynamic centrifuge test numerical simulation effective stress analysis seismic behaviors
The seismic behaviors of dykes with saturated liquefiable soil foundation are studied by dynamic centrifuge model test and numerical simulation. The peak shaking amplitudes of sine wave input motion in model test are 0.8056m/s2,1.7903m/s2 and 3.133m/s2 respectively, and the relative density of the foundation soil is 30%. At the same time, the effective stress analysis method is applied to carry out the numerical simulation of the seismic response of a dyke. It is found that the calculated settlement of the dyke, acceleration and excess pore pressure of sand deposit are in good agreement with the results of model test. Both physical model and numerical model indicate that the dykes built on liquefiable soil foundation subjected to earthquake motion may result in lager settlement and lateral spread. The stronger the motion,the larger deformation of dyke is. The ratios of excess pore water pressure are small in the liquefiable soil beneath the dyke in spite of large deformation. The characteristics of effective stress path and stress?strain relationship of the liquefiable soil beneath the dyke are different from those in free field.