



  • 中文名:江和龍
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職稱:研究員







2000年-2004年--博士,南洋理工大學(新加坡),環境生物技術專業 ;


2006年-2008年, 美國俄克拉荷馬大學,博士後;
2004年-2006年, 新加坡南洋理工大學,新加坡世紀基金研究員;
2000年-2004年, 新加坡南洋理工大學,環境生物技術博士學位。


2008年11月~ , 研究員,中科院南京地理與湖泊研究所;
2006年-2008年, 美國俄克拉荷馬大學,研究科學家;
2004年-2006年, 新加坡南洋理工大學,新加坡世紀基金研究員;
1995年6月-2000年7月, 科技管理, 江蘇省建設委員會。


2017-12-17-2021-12-19,江蘇省海洋湖沼學會常務理事, 常務理事;




1. 江和龍,宋天順,嚴月根,“一種微生物燃料電池及其在去除自然沉積物中有機物的套用”,中國發明專利授權號:ZL201010181651.7
2. 江和龍,宋天順,“一種沉積物微生物電化學裝置及其套用”,中國發明專利授權號:ZL201010518598.5
3. 周平,江和龍,好氧生物膜廢水處理裝置, 中國發明專利授權號: ZL201110111046.7
4. 江和龍,宋天順,一種土壤水分測定裝置, 中國發明專利授權號: ZL201110036902.7
5. 江和龍,“處理水體中低濃度氨氮的好氧生物膜的培養方法及裝置”, 中國發明專利授權號: ZL201110449353.6
6. 江和龍,周艷麗,趙志偉,“一種沉積物微生物還原活性檢測裝置及方法”,中國發明專利授權號:ZL 201210202944.8
7. 江和龍,晏再生,一種強化濕地生態系統中有機物去除性能的裝置及方法,中國發明專利授權號:ZL 201210141670.6
8. 江和龍,徐華成,一種分級提取藍藻胞外聚合物的方法,中國發明專利授權號:ZL 201310248303.0
9. 江和龍,徐華成,一種湖泊水華藍藻胞外聚合物的製備方法及套用,中國發明專利授權號:ZL201310245453.6


(1)Effects of dissolved organic matter leaching from macrophyte litter on black water events in shallow lakes,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018,通訊作者
(2)Towards quantitative understanding of the bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in freshwater lake during cyanobacteria blooming,Environmental Science and Technology,2017,通訊作者
(3)Interconnection of key microbial functional genes for enhanced benzo[a]pyrene biodegradation in sediments by microbial electrochemistry,Environmental Science and Technology,2017,通訊作者
(4)Roles of phytoplankton- and macrophytes-derived dissolved organic matter in sulfamethazine adsorption on goethite,Environmental Pollution,2017,通訊作者
(5)Multi-spectroscopic investigation on the complexation of tetracycline with dissolved organic matter derived from algae and macrophyte,Chemosphere,2017,通訊作者
(6)Bioavailable phosphorus (P) reduction is less than mobile P immobilization in lake sediment for eutrophication control by inactivating agents,Water Research,2017,通訊作者
(7)Extracellular polymeric substances facilitate the biosorption of phenanthrene on cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa,Chemosphere,2016,通訊作者
(8)Electrolyte cations binding with extracellular polymeric substances enhanced Microcystis aggregation: implication for Microcystis bloom formation in eutrophic freshwater lakes,Environmental Science and Technology,2016,通訊作者
(9)Chemicals used for in situ immobilization to reduce the internal phosphorus loading from lake sediments for eutrophication control,Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,2016,通訊作者
(10)No enhancement of cyanobacterial bloom biomass decomposition by sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) at different temperatures,Environmental Pollution,2016,通訊作者
(11)Tuning the adsorptive properties of drinking water treatment residue via oxygen-limited heat treatment for environmental recycle,Chemical Engineering Journal,2016,通訊作者
(12)The enhanced survival of submerged macrophyte Potamogeton malaianus by sediment microbial fuel cells,Ecological Engineering,2016,通訊作者
(13)Variation of physicochemical properties of drinking water treatment residuals and Phoslock induced by fulvic acid adsorption: implication for lake restoration,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016,通訊作者
(14)Increasing sulfate concentrations result in higher sulfide production and phosphorous mobilization in a shallow eutrophic freshwater lake,Water Research,2016,通訊作者
(15)Relative contribution of iron reduction to sediment organic matter mineralization in contrasting habitats of a shallow eutrophic freshwater lake,Environmental Pollution,2016,通訊作者
(16)Algal bloom sedimentation induces variable control of lake eutrophication by phosphorus inactivating agents,Science of the Total Environment,2016,通訊作者
(17)Depth-dependent variation of sedimentary dissolved organic matter composition in a eutrophic lake: implications for lake restoration,Chemosphere,2016,通訊作者
(18)Key factors related to drinking water treatment residue selection for adsorptive properties tuning via oxygen-limited heat treatment,Chemical Engineering Journal,2016,通訊作者
(19)Inferior adaptation of bay sediments in a eutrophic shallow lake to winter season for organic matter decomposition,Environmental Pollution,2016,通訊作者
(20)Effects of cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances on the stability of ZnO nanoparticles in eutrophic shallow lakes ,Environmental Pollution ,2015,通訊作者
(21)To prevent the occurrence of black water aggromerate through sediment microbial fuel cell,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,通訊作者
(22)Complex interactions between the macrophyte Acorus calamus and microbial fuel cells during pyrene and benzopyrene degradation in sediments,Scientific Reports,2015,通訊作者
(23)Beyond enhancement of macrophyte litter decomposition in sediments from a terrestrializated shallow lake through bioanode employment,Chemical Engineering Journal,2015,通訊作者
(24)Niveispirillum cyanobacteriorum sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing bacterium isolated from cyanobacterial aggregates in a eutrophic Lake,International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology,2015,通訊作者
(25)Aging of aluminum/iron-based drinking water treatment residuals in lake water and their association with phosphorus immobilization capability,Journal of Environmental Management ,2015,通訊作者
(26)Towards understanding the role of extracellular polymeric substances in cyanobacterial Microcystis aggregation and mucilaginous bloom formation,Chemosphere,2014,通訊作者
(27)To improve the performance of sediment microbial fuel cell through amending colloidal iron oxyhydroxide into freshwater sediments,Bioresource Technology ,2014,通訊作者
(28)Temperature and cyanobacterial bloom biomass influence phosphorous cycling in eutrophic lake sediments,PLoS One,2014,通訊作者
(29)Accelerated removal of pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene in freshwater sediments with amendment of cyanobacteria-derived organic matter,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2014,通訊作者
(30)Effect of temperature on submerged macrophyte litter decomposition within sediments from a large shallow and subtropical freshwater lake,Hydrobiologia,2013,通訊作者
(31)UV-induced photochemical heterogeneity of dissolved and attached organic matter associated with cyanobacterial blooms in a eutrophic freshwater lake,Water Research,2013,通訊作者
(32)Continuous cellulosic bioethanol fermentation by cyclic fed-batch cocultivation,Applied and Environmental Microbiology,2013,第1作者
(33)Insights into extracellular polymeric substances of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa using fractionation procedure and parallel factor analysis,Water Research,2013,通訊作者
(34)Cellulose degradation by one mesophilic strain Caulobacter crescentus FMC1 under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions,Bioresource Technology,2013,通訊作者
(35)Analysis of the attached microbial community on mucilaginous cyanobacterial aggregates in the eutrophic lake Taihu reveals the importance of Planctomycetes,Microbial Ecology,2013,通訊作者
(36)Investihation on extracellular polymeric substances from mucilaginous cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic freshwater lakes,Chemosphere,2013,通訊作者
(37)Enhanced degradation of phenanthrene and pyrene in freshwater sediment by combined employment of sediment microbial fuel cell and amorphous ferric hydroxide,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2012,通訊作者
(38)Various voltage productions by microbial fuel cells with sedimentary inocula taken from different sites in one freshwater lake,Bioresource Technology,2012,通訊作者
(39)Tolerance and remedial function of rooted submersed macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis to phenanthrene in freshwater sediments,Ecological Engineering,2011,通訊作者
(40)Construction and operation of freshwater sediment microbial fuel cell for electricity generation,Bioprocess Biosystem Engineering,2011,通訊作者
(41)Toxicity of phenanthrene in freshwater sediments to rooted submersed macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis,Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,2011,通訊作者
(42)Mechanisms of enhanced cellulosic bioethanol fermentation by co-cultivation of Clostridium and Thermoanaerobacter spp.,Bioresource Technology,2011,第3作者
(43)Effects of sediment pretreatment on the performance of sediment microbial fuel cells,Bioresource Technology,2011,通訊作者
(44)Removal of organic matter in freshwater sediment by microbial fuel cells at various external resistances,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,2010,通訊作者
(45)Properties of phenol-removal aerobic granules during normal operation and shock loading,Journal of Industrial Microbiology Biotechnology,2010,通訊作者
(46)Bioaugmentation and coexistence of two functionally similar bacterial strains in aerobic granules,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2007,通訊作者
(47)Enhanced phenol biodegradation and aerobic granules by two coaggregating bacterial strains,Environmental Science Technology,2006,通訊作者
(48)Changes in structure, activity and metabolism of aerobic granules as a microbial response to high phenol loading,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2004,第1作者
(49)Bacterial diversity and function of aerobic granules engineered in a sequencing batch reactor for phenol degradation,Applied and Environmental Microbiology ,2004,第1作者



( 1 )沼澤化湖泊沉積物中纖維素的降解過程及機理, 主持,國家級,2010-01--2012-12
( 2 )微生物電化學作用下的湖泊沉積物中有機物分解過程特徵, 主持,國家級,2011-01--2013-12
( 3 )湖泊沉積物有機質分解過程及其環境效益過程, 主持,部委級,2011-01--2013-12
( 4 )湖泊沉積物中生物過程, 主持,部委級,2010-08--2013-07
( 5 )湖泛污染應急處置技術研發, 主持,國家級,2012-06--2016-05
( 6 )藻源性湖泛24小時應急預測技術及裝置, 主持,市地級,2012-11--2015-11
( 7 )淺水湖泊草源性湖泛發生過程及其機理過程及機理, 主持,國家級,2014-01--2017-12
( 8 )捷運施工排水淨化處理, 主持,研究所(學校),2014-08--2015-10
( 9 )高效殺藻控水華的顆粒微生物製劑的製備及示範套用, 主持,省級,2014-06--2017-06
( 10 )中科院創新交叉團隊項目, “沉積物生物電流修復”, 主持,部委級,2016-01--2018-12
( 11 )鄉村水系環境質量改善的生態化關鍵技術, 主持,部委級,2016-01--2018-12
( 12 )藻型湖灣中硫酸鹽還原條件下異養生物固氮過程特徵及機理, 主持,國家級,2017-01--2020-12
( 13 )望虞河西部湖盪健康生態系統構建技術研發與工程示範, 主持,國家級,2017-01--2020-06
( 14 )不同穩態的富營養淺水湖泊微生物群落功能模式比較:在營養鹽循環中套用, 主持,國家級,2018-01--2021-12


(1)Bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in a cyanobacterial blooming lake and impacts on emerging contaminant behaviour2018-05-20
(3)Cyanobacterial bloom decay improved sulfate reduction with a high sulfide production in a eutrophic lake2016-11-17
(4)Distinct diversity and function of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in cyanobacterial bloom aggregates in a freshwater lake2016-10-24
(5)High sulfide production related to utilization of organic matters from cyanobacterial bloom biomass in a eutrophic lake2016-07-31
(6)Degradation and environmental impacts of organic matters from phytoplankton blooms and macrophytes in eutrophic lakes2016-05-09
(7)Utilization and environmental impact of organic carbon from cyanobacterial bloom biomass in a eutrophic lake江和龍,徐華成,蔡海元2015-05-17
(8)Extracellular polymeric substances improved cyanobacterial Microcystis aggregation and bloom formation in one freshwater lake江和龍,徐華成2014-09-10


4、Editorial Board Member, theinternationaljournal Scientific Reports (2015年SCI影響因子: 5.228)


