水電水利工程爆破施工技術規範(DL/T 5135-2013 英文版)

水電水利工程爆破施工技術規範(DL/T 5135-2013 英文版)

《水電水利工程爆破施工技術規範(DL/T 5135-2013 英文版)》是中國電力出版社出版的書籍。


  • 書名:水電水利工程爆破施工技術規範(DL/T 5135-2013 英文版)
  • 出版社中國電力出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年06月01日 
  • 頁數:35 頁 
  • 定價:21.00 元
  • 開本:32 開 
  • 裝幀:平裝 
  • ISBN:9787519831868 


This Specification is developed to regulate the drill blasting operation for hydropower and water resources projects and ensure the construction quality and safety.| This Specification applies to the excavation blasting for hydropower and water resources projects.| The construction organization design and special blasting plan shall be prepared for blasting operation.| The application of advanced techniques and processes as well as new type material and equipment is encouraged and shall be confirmed through demonstration or tests.| In addition to this Specification, the blasting operation for hydropower and water resources projects shall also comply with the relevant national standards in force.|


1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 GeneraI Requirements
3.2 Blasting Materials and Tools
3.3 Blasting Tests
3.4 Igniting Methods
3.5 Igniting Network
3.6 Blasting Monitoring
4 Blasting for Open Excavation
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Blasting for Slope Excavation
4.3 Blasting for Foundation Pit
4.4 Blasting for Trench
4.5 Charging with Site Explosive Mix-charge Truck
5 Blasting for Underground Excavation
5.1 General Requirements
5.2 Blasting for Tunnel
5.3 Blasting for Vertical and Inclined Shafts
5.4 Blasting at Special Areas in Tunnel and Cavern
5.5 Blasting at Adverse Geological Areas in Tunnel and Cavern
6 Underwater Blasting
6.1 General Requirement
6.2 Blasting
6.3 Underwater Blasting for Rock Plug
7 Demolition Blasting
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Cofferdam and Rock Ridges Demolition
7.3 Concrete Cut-off Wall Demolition
7.4 Powerhouse Expansion and Dam Reinforcements
8 Quality and Safety
Appendix A Allowed Particle Vibration Velocity for Blasting
Explanation of Wording in This Standard
List of Quoted Standards|


