



  • 書名:民生水利與可持續發展
  • 作者:陳雷
  • 出版日期:2012年4月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9781848169418
  • 外文名:Managing Water Resources for People's Livelihood and Sustainable Development Selected Articles and Speeches
  • 出版社:中國水利水電出版社,帝國理工學院出版社
  • 頁數:291頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:中國水利水電出版社




Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Water Management Strategies
Strengthen Water Resource Management During the 12th-Five-Year-Plan Period and Strive for a New Leap Forward in Reform and Development in the Water Sector
Promote Sound and Rapid Development of Water Conservancy in Line with the Scientific Outlook on Development
Scale New Heights of Reform and Development on the Path of Water Sector Modernization
Fully Implement the Spirit of the Central Water Conservancy Work Conference in the Creation of a New Situation of Water Conservancy Modernization with Chinese Characteristics
Part Ⅱ Flood Control, Drought Relief and Disaster Mitigation
Flood Control, Drought Relief and Disaster Mitigation in China
China's Experience in Dealing with Major Water Disasters
Further Consolidate Development of an Integrated Urban Flood Control System in China
Part Ⅲ Integrated Water Resources Management
Implement the Strictest Water Resources Management System to Ensure Sustainable Economic and Social Development
Opening Speech at the Third Yangtze Forum
Establish "Three Red Lines" for Water Management and Promote Harmony Between People and Water
Joint Efforts in Building an Environmentally Friendly Society
Practice Strict Management of Water Resources and Promote the New Development of China's Water Sector
Part Ⅳ Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Water Supply
Accelerate the Provision of Safe Drinking Water and Strive to Safeguard and Improve People's Livelihood
The Development of Irrigation and Drainage in China
Part Ⅴ Hydropower and Renewable Energy
Develop Small Hydropower, Improve People's Livelihood and Facilitate Sustainable Socio-economic Development
Scientific Exploitation of Hydro Potential and Vigorous Development of Rural Hydropower
Part Ⅵ Ecology and Environment Protection
Break New Ground for Soil and Water Conservation in China
Implement the Strictest Water Resources Management System to Promote Harmony Between People and Lakes
Part Ⅶ Law and Regulation
Enhance Water Administration, Facilitate Rule-by-Law Water Governance
Comprehensively Implement Central Document No. 1 and Accelerate Reform and Development in the Water Sector


