- 中文名:段昌奎
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:中國科學技術大學物理系教授、博士生導師
- 現任:中國科學技術大學物理系教授
1990.9-1998.6 中國科學技術大學物理系 本科、碩士、博士。
1998.9-2011.2 重慶郵電學大學 講師、教授(2003.11)。
1999.3-2003.8 紐西蘭Canterbury大學物理與天文系 博士後。
2006.11-2008.10 & 2009.11-2010.8 & 2010.9-2011.2 香港城市大學生物與化學系 訪問學者。
先後承擔國家自然科學基金項目7項(主持4項)和國家重點基礎研究計畫項目(973)的理論課題一項;先後在物理學、化學及材料科學領域國際期刊發表SCI錄論文100餘篇, 被SCI論文它引近800次;
1. Jun Wen, Lixin Ning, Chang-Kui Duan*, Yonghu Chen, Yongfan Zhang, and Min Yin, A Theoretical Study on the Structural and Energy Spectral Properties of Ce3+ Ions Doped in Various FluorideCompounds, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (2012) 20657-21138
2. Xiangkun Xu, Zixiang Wang, Changkui Duan, Pu Huang, Pengfei Wang, Ya Wang, Nanyang Xu, Xi Kong, Fazhan Shi, Xing Rong, and Jiangfeng Du, Coherence-Protected Quantum Gate by Continuous Dynamical Decoupling in Diamond, Physical Review Letters ,109 (2012) 070502
3. Jiahui Yang, Ya Wang, Zixiang Wang, Xing Rong, Chang-Kui Duan, Ji-Hu Su, and Jiangfeng Du, Observing Quantum Oscillation of Ground States in Single Molecular Magnet Physical Review Letters ,108 (2012) 230501
4. Chang-Kui Duan, Peter A. Tanner, Vladimir Makhov and Nicholas Khaidukov, Emission and excitation spectra of Ce3+ and Pr3+ ions in hexafluoroelpasolite lattices, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115 (2011), 8870–8876
5. Chang-Kui Duan, Peter A. Tanner, Andries Meijerink, and Vladimir Makhov. 4f-5d transitions of Tb3+ in Cs2NaYF6: the effect of distortion of the excited state configuration. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115 (2011), 9188–9191
6. C.K. Duan, H.L. Wen and P. A.Tanner.Local-field effect on the spontaneous radiative emission rate, Physical Review B 83 (2011) 245123
7. C.K. Duan and P.A. Tanner. Theoretical Study of the Crystal-Field Energy Levels and Two-Photon Absorption Intensities of Tb(3+) in Cubic Host Lattices, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (2011): 1922-1932
8. P.A. Tanner, C.K. Duan, Luminescent lanthanide complexes Selection rules and design. Coord. Chem. Rev. 254 (2010): 3026-3029
9. C.K. Duan, P.A. Tanner, What use are crystal field parameters? A Chemist's viewpoint. J. Phys. Chem. A 114 (2010): 6055-6062
10. C.K. Duan, P.A. Tanner, V. Babin, A. Meijerink, Theoretical Simulation and Synchrotron Excitation Spectra of Lanthanide Ions in Hexafluoroelpasolite Lattices, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (2009) 12580-12585.
11. C.K. Duan, P.A. Tanner, V.N. Makhov, M. Kirm, Vacuum ultraviolet spectra and crystal field analysis of YAlO3 doped with Nd3+ and Er3+, Physical Review B. 75 (2007).
12. C.K. Duan, G. Ruan, M.F. Reid, Calculation of single-beam two-photon absorption rate of lanthanides: Effective operator method and perturbative expansion, Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 (2004) 8183-8186.
13. C.K. Duan, M.F. Reid, G.W. Burdick, Many-body perturbation theory for spin-forbidden two-photon spectroscopy of f-element compounds and its application to Eu2+ in CaF2, Physical Review B. 66 (2002).
14. C.K. Duan, M.F. Reid, Non-Hermitian perturbative effective operators: Connectivity and derivation of diagrammatic representation, Journal of Chemical Physics. 115 (2001) 8279-8284.
15. K. Yan, C.K. Duan, Y. Ma, S.D. Xia, J.C. Krupa, Photoluminescence lifetime of nanocrystalline ZnS : Mn2+, Physical Review B. 58 (1998) 13585-13589.
16. W.P. Zhang, P.B. Xie, C.K. Duan*, K. Yan, M. Yin, L.R. Lou, et al., Preparation and size effect on concentration quenching of nanocrystalline Y2SiO5 : Eu, Chemical Physics Letters. 292 (1998) 133-136.