- 軟體名稱:步驟跟蹤器
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體版本:iOS5.0及以上
- 軟體大小:17.41MB
步驟跟蹤器:在進行一些如電腦電器設備拆機維修或是下廚大展拳腳時難免會忘記具體的操作步驟,而本軟體通過拍照後的圖片添加批註功能可以方便大家在忘記步驟時也不會手忙腳亂,當然也可以拿給初學者當參考教程使用,還是挺實用的一款軟體。推薦給有需要圖片加批註的朋友試試看。 第一次進入軟體時可點擊 Quick Start 開始快速新建自己的項目,添加項目名及步驟名,在把需記錄的項目活動拍照後,可按住左下角的藍色標籤或游標,滑動至圖片中需要註明的位置。就位後,點按標籤或游標即可添加文字說明,此外還可通過點擊界面中帶有加號標記的 Add Step 添加下一個場景步驟的說明。 感覺批註過的圖片更容易理解和學習,不過很悲催的是並沒有發現如何導出帶有附註的圖片檔案,難道只能在一部設備上使用么?不知道後續會不會加入分享檔案供裝有同軟體的其他人參考的功能呢? Part Tracker is a powerful app that tracks the progress of any project you might work on. Part Tracker uses the camera on your device to take photos of each step, and then Part Tracker enables you to: 1. Add descriptions for each part of the photo 2. Set part assembly order 3. Tag parts with identifiers to find them later 4. Write instructions 5. Organize your project 6. Drag, Drop and add markers and labels. Practical Application: 1. Computer Repair 2. Engine Work 3. Automotive Work 4. Firearm dis assembly 5. DIY Projects 6. Home Applications 7. Restoration Projects Best of all Part Tracker is very easy to use, just follow the in app tutorial to get your bearings and then simply drag and drop! Build your own manual today and never forget what went where again. This app is perfect for anyone who has used a camera to take pictures of any sort of assembly or dis assembly process. Included in the app is my current progress on my 1950 Jeep Willys cj3a, which will be updated as I continue my work. Make documentation for any project you are doing on the fly! Show your progress to your friends! People who use Part Tracker Include: 1. Mechanics (tree-shade and pro) 2. Electricians 3. Computer Techs 4. Hobbyists 5. Amateur Cooks 6. Sportsmen Never forget what went where again!