歐美大學教育指導中心(EAU),是一家致力於全球教育資源合作和發展的國際性組織。指導中心以“教育無國界”(Education Beyond Boundaries)為宗旨,專注於全球教育的交流與合作、教育理論及市場研究、國際課程研發、教學改革和交流。
- 中文名:歐美大學教育指導中心
- 外文名:European-American University Education Instruction Centre
導中心以“教育無國界”(Education Beyond Boundaries)為宗旨,專注於全球教育的交流與合作、教育理論及市場研究、國際課程研發、教學改革和交流。在中國,近幾年EAU為中國與歐洲、美洲、澳洲的大學、中學、教育研究機構提供全方位的教育服務和解決方案。至今,歐美大學教育指導中心(EAU)在全球的會員院校中,一流的中學和大學已超過200所。
About EAU
European-American University Education Instruction Centre (EAU) is aco-operative industry organization of education and training providers aimed at serving as a platform to integrate resources for the development of the Global education industry. Under the principles of “Education Beyond Boundaries,” EAU has been focused on communication and cooperation between theChinaand Europe,America,Australiain the educational arena, in areas such as theory, market research, international courses, international exchanges, and education reform. In recent years, EAU has been directly committed to providing multi-dimensional educational services and solutions for Chinese and global high schools and universities. Up to date, EAU has established a comprehensive network of over 200 Chinese and global high schools and universities.