



  • 中文名:歐洲與“一帶一路”倡議:回應與風險(英文版)
  • 作者:劉作奎
  • 出版時間:2016年12月1日
  • 出版社:中國社會科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787516194447
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


  《歐洲與一帶一路倡議--回應與風險 (英文版)/智庫叢書》闡述了“一帶一路”是新時期 中國出台的全新戰略倡議,它以促進中國與相關國家 互聯互通和經貿合作為主導,積*推進政策溝通、貨 幣流通和民心相通。中國提出“一帶一路”倡議後, 在歐洲國家,尤其的在中東歐國家引起了多元的反響 ,歐盟機構也對“一帶一路”倡議表示了一定的關注 ,並期待這一倡議能夠與歐盟現有的多項工程和計畫 對接。


Chapter 1 The Responses to the "Belt and Road" Initiative from Central
and Eastern European Countries and the EU institutions
I. Various Developing Stages of China's Policy towards CEEC: From Regional
Cooperation to the Connectivity to the "Belt and Road" Initiative
II. The Analysis of the Responses to China's Initiatives in Different Phases from
Central and Eastern European Countries and EU Institutions
1. The Promotion of the China-CEEC Regional Cooperation
2. The Promotion of the Comprehensive Development of the China-EU
Relations and the Connectivity between China and Europe
3. The Promotion of the Construction of the "Belt and Road" Initiative
in Europe
4. The Promotion of the Synergy between the Development Strategies
of China and Europe
Chapter 2 European Elites' Opinions on the "Belt and Road" Initiative:
An Analysis Based on the Survey
I. About the Survey .
II. European Elites' Views on the "Belt and Road" Initiative
1. From your perspective, what are the fundamental objectives of
the "Belt and Road" Initiative?
2. In your opinion, what are the features of the "Belt and Road" Initiative?
3. Among so many complicated issues faced by the countries along the "Belt and Road",
which ones would be solved under China's "Belt and Road" Initiative?
III. The Cooperation Mechanism Needed by the "Belt and Road" Initiative
1. Which mechanism is proper for the policy coordination between
China and EU during the construction of the "Belt and Road"?
2. Is it necessary to establish a specialized coordination mechanism for
the connectivity and infrastructure construction between China and Europe?
3. Which tools can be used by China and EU in the financial integration during
the construction of the "Belt and Road"?
IV. Challenges and Opportunities for the "Belt and Road" Initiative
1. How much is the cooperative potential between the Juncker's Investment
Plan and the "Belt and Road" Initiative?
2. Which issues are and will be faced by the cooperation on infrastructure
construction between China and the countries along the "Belt and Road"?
3. What's your opinion on the Joint Statement on Integration of Eurasian Economic
Union and the "Belt and Road" Project signed by China and Russia in May, 2015?
4. Will Chinese active promotion of the unimpeded trade between
China and EU have counter-balance on the TTIP?
5. What kind of issues are and will be faced by the China-EU financial
cooperation during the construction of the "Belt and Road"?
6. What kind of issues are and will be faced by the China-EU
people-to-people exchanges and cooperation?
V. Issues and Policy Suggestions Raised by the Elites
VI. Conclusions
Chapter 3 Risks Assessment on the Layout and Construction of the "Belt andRoad" Initiative in Europe
I. The Development and Chanllenges of the "Silk Road Economic Belt"
Construction in Europe
1. The Central and Eastern Europe is an Important Connection of
the "Silk Road Economic Belt".
2. Risks and Difficulties Faced by the "Silk Road Economic Bell".
II. The Development and Challenges of the China-Europe Land-Sea Express
Passage in Europe
1. Introduction to the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Passage
2. The Impacts of the Continuous Crisis in Greece on the Construction of
the "Belt and Road".
3. The Impacts of the Political Crisis in Macedonia on the Construction of
the "Belt and Road".
4. The Impacts of Non-traditional Security Threats like Terrorism in
the Balkans on the Construction of the "Belt and Road".
5. The Impacts of the EU Standards and Regulations on the Construction of
the "Belt and Road".
6. The Impacts of the Refugee Crisis on the Construction of the "Belt and Road".
Chapter 4 Policy Suggestions
I. Efforts should be made to strengthen the internal and external coordination to
facilitate tile building of the corridors linking the: "Silk Road Economic Belt" ...,
II. China should concentrate on the regions of greatest strategic importance to
build them as the breakthrough of the deeper cooperation
IIl. China should establish mechanisms to unblock channels of cooperation
IV. China should properly and wisely handle the relationship with the
European Union and address the EU concerns through mutually
beneficial and win-win cooperation
V. China should cooperate with influential sub-regional organizations
in a pragmatic and flexible way, so as to lay a solid foundation for
sub-regional cooperation under the "Belt and Road" Initiative
VI. China should accurately interpret the essence of the "Belt and Road"
Initiative and uphold its key principles
VII. China should properly solve the regional crisis on a case-by-case basis
VIII. Chinese think tank scholars should develop abilities of detecting
issues through questionnaire surveys, so as to provide intellectual
support to the implementation of the "Belt and Road" Initiative
IX. China and the CEEC should establish innovative and
implementation-oriented mechanisms
X. China should attach importance to and strengthen cooperation with
the European countries, third parties, and key stakeholders
XI. China should enhance the forward-looking research and be well- prepared
theoretically for the in-depth development of the "Belt and Road" Initiative


