樂鵬 博士,武漢大學遙感信息工程學院教授,博導。武漢大學遙感信息工程學院地理信息工程系副主任,地理空間信息與位置服務研究所所長,中組部國家青年拔尖人才,教育部新世紀優秀人才,IEEE GRSS地球信息科學委員會主席。
- Yue, P., Baumann, P., Bugbee, K., and Jiang, L., 2015. Towards Intelligent GIServices. Earth Science Informatics, 8(3), 463-481.
- Yue, P., Zhang, M., and Tan, Z., 2015. A geoprocessing workflow system for environmental monitoring and integrated modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software. 69, 128-140.
- Sun, Z., Fang, H., Deng, M., Chen, A., Yue, P., and Di, L., 2015. Regular Shape Similarity Index: A Novel Index for Accurate Extraction of Regular Objects from Remote Sensing Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(7), 3737-3748.
- Yue, P., Ramachandran, R., Baumann, P., 2015. Editorial: intelligent GIServices. Earth Science Informatics, 8(3), 461-462.
- Hu, L., Yue, P., Zhang, M., Gong, J., Jiang, L., Zhang, X., 2015. Task-oriented Sensor Web data processing for environmental monitoring. Earth Science Informatics, 8(3), 511-525.
- He, L., Yue, P., Di, L., Zhang, M., and Hu, L., 2015. Adding geospatial data provenance into SDI - a service-oriented approach. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(2), 926-936.
- He, L., Yue, P., Jiang, L., and Zhang, M., 2015. Fuzzy spatial relation ontology driven detection of complex geospatial features in a web service environment. Earth Science Informatics, 8(1), 63-76.
- Sun, Z., Peng, C., Deng, M., Chen, A., Yue, P., Fang, H., and Di, L., 2014. Automation of customized and near-real-time vegetation condition index generation through cyberinfrastructure-based geoprocessing workflows. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(11), 4512-4522.
- Zhai, X, Yue, P., Jiang, L., Wang, L., 2014. Three-dimensional geospatial information service based on cloud computing, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8(1): 085195.
- Yue, P., Jiang, L., Hu, L., 2014. Google Fusion Tables for managing soil moisture sensor observations. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(11), 4414-4421.
- Li, D., Gong, J., and Yue, P., 2014. Geoinformatics education in China. Geo-spatial Information Science, 17(4), 208-218.
- Han, W., Yang, Z., Di, L., and Yue, P., 2014. A Geospatial Web Service Approach for Creating On-demand Cropland Data Layer Thematic Maps. Transactions of the ASABE, 57(1), 239-247.
- Yuan, J., Yue, P., Gong, J., and Zhang, M., 2013. A linked data approach for geospatial data provenance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51(11), 5105-5112.
- Yue, P., Di, L., Wei, Y., and Han, W., 2013. Intelligent services for discovery of complex geospatial features from remote sensing imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 83: 151-164.
- Sun, Z., Yue, P., Hu, L., Gong, J., Zhang, L., Lu, X., 2013. GeoPWProv: interleaving map and faceted metadata for provenance visualization and navigation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51(11), 5131-5136.
- Yue, P., Gong, J., Di, L., Yuan, J., Sun, L., Sun, Z., and Wang, Q., 2010. GeoPW: Laying Blocks for the Geospatial Processing Web. Transactions in GIS, 14 (6): 755–772.
- Yue, P., Gong, J., Xiang, L. and Chen, J., 2010. Analysis-enhanced virtual globe for digital Earth. Science China Technological Sciences, 53 (s1): 61-67.
- Yue, P., Gong, J., and Di, L., 2010. Augmenting geospatial data provenance through metadata tracking in geospatial service chaining. Computers & Geosciences, 36 (3): 270-281.
- Boulos, M.N.K., Warren, J., Gong, J., and Yue, P., 2010. Web GIS in practice VIII: HTML5 and the canvas element for interactive online mapping. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2010, 9:14-26.
- Gong, J., Xiang, L., Chen, J., and Yue, P., 2010. Multi-source geospatial information integration and sharing in virtual globes. Science China Technological Sciences, 53 (s1): 1-6.
- Yue, P., Di, L., Yang, W., Yu, G., Zhao, P. and Gong, J., 2009. Semantic web services - based process planning for earth science applications. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23 (9): 1139-1163.
- Zhao, P., Di, L., Yu, G., Yue, P., Wei., Y., and Yang, W., 2009. Semantic web-based geospatial knowledge transformation. Computers & Geosciences, 35 (4): 798-808.
- Yue, P., Di, L., Yang, W., Yu, G. and Zhao, P., 2007. Semantics-based automatic composition of geospatial Web services chains. Computers & Geosciences, 33 (5): 649-665.
- 樂鵬,網路地理信息系統和服務. 武漢: 武漢大學出版社, 2011.
- Yue P., 2013. Semantic Web-based Intelligent Geospatial Web Services, Springer publication.
- Gong, J., Xiang, L., Chen, J., Yue, P., and Liu, Y., 2011. GeoGlobe: A Virtual Globe for Multi-Source Geospatial Information Integration and Service. Advances in Web-based GIS, Mapping Services and Applications, Taylor & Francis Publication.
- Yue, P., He, L., and Di, L., 2010. Semantic Web Enabled Intelligent Geoprocessing Service Chaining. Geospatial Web Services: Advances in Information Interoperability, IGI Global publication.
- Yue, P., Di, L., Zhao, P., Yang, W., Yu, G., and Wei, Y., 2010. Semantic Augmentations to an ebRIM Profile of Catalogue Service for the Web. Standards-Based Data and Information Systems for Earth Observations, Springer Publication.
- Gong, J., Wu, H., Gao, W., Yue, P., and Zhu, X., 2009. Geospatial Service Web. Geospatial Technology for Earth Observation, Springer Publication.
- Yue, P., Di, L., Yang, W., Yu, G., and Zhao, P., 2009. Towards Automatic Composition of Geospatial Web Services. Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics, IGI Global publication.
- Yu, G., Di, L., Yang, W., Zhao, P., and Yue, P., 2009. Multiagent Systems for Distributed Geospatial Modeling, Simulation and Computing. Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics, IGI Global publication.
- Zhao, P., Di, L., Yang, W., Yu, G., and Yue, P., 2009. Geospatial Semantic Web: Critical Issues. Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics, IGI Global publication.