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樂鵬 博士武漢大學遙感信息工程學院教授,博導。武漢大學遙感信息工程學院地理信息工程系副主任,地理空間信息與位置服務研究所所長,中組部國家青年拔尖人才,教育部新世紀優秀人才,IEEE GRSS地球信息科學委員會主席。


  • 中文名:樂鵬
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校武漢大學、美國喬治-梅森大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:地理信息系統與服務
  • 職務:武漢大學遙感信息工程學院地理信息工程系副主任
  • 學術代表作:《IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》
  • 主要成就:中組部國家青年拔尖人才、教育部新世紀優秀人才、IEEE GRSS地球信息科學委員會主席




2004/7 - 2007/5,美國喬治-梅森大學,地理信息系統,博士聯合培養
2003/9 - 2007/6,武漢大學,地圖學與地理信息系統,博士
2000/9 - 2003/6,武漢大學,大地測量學與測量工程,碩士
1996/9 - 2000/6,武漢測繪科技大學,大地測量,學士


2015/10 - 至今,武漢大學遙感信息工程學院,教授
2011/7 - 2013/2,美國喬治-梅森大學,空間信息科學與系統研究中心,研究副教授(Research Associate Professor)
2008/11 - 2011/11,武漢大學,測繪遙感信息工程國家重點實驗室,副教授
2007/7 - 2008/11,武漢大學,測繪遙感信息工程國家重點實驗室,助教、講師
2000年至2004年從事國產大型組件式GIS基礎軟體平台的研製和開發。2004年至2007年美國國家航空航天局(NASA)數百萬美元項目研究骨幹,美國地學空間情報局(NGA)項目技術負責人。曾獲2006 IEEE International Services Computing Contest三等獎,2004 Carbon Cup Open Geospatial Design Competition獲獎,所做的工作在2006年全球語義網年會的語義網挑戰競賽(Semantic Web Challenge)中獲榮譽提名。
出版中英文著作2部,參與五部英文書籍章節編寫,登記軟體著作權2項,授權專利2項。提出了地球空間信息服務的註冊、發現、匹配、組合、溯源等一系列方法,設計開發了空間信息處理服務平台和空間信息處理建模工具,以國產GIS平台軟體為核心合作開發電網GIS服務平台和跨平台GIS核心,組織出版《IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》地學數據溯源專刊和《Earth Science Informatics》地理信息智慧型服務專刊。開發的地理信息服務開源軟體獲2013 年INSPIRE(歐洲空間信息基礎設施建設計畫)歐盟挑戰競賽“水晶牛獎”,2013湖北省自然科學一等獎(排名第四),2014年教育部自然科學一等獎(排名第二)。


  1. Yue, P., Baumann, P., Bugbee, K., and Jiang, L., 2015. Towards Intelligent GIServices. Earth Science Informatics, 8(3), 463-481.
  2. Yue, P., Zhang, M., and Tan, Z., 2015. A geoprocessing workflow system for environmental monitoring and integrated modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software. 69, 128-140.
  3. Sun, Z., Fang, H., Deng, M., Chen, A., Yue, P., and Di, L., 2015. Regular Shape Similarity Index: A Novel Index for Accurate Extraction of Regular Objects from Remote Sensing Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(7), 3737-3748.
  4. Yue, P., Ramachandran, R., Baumann, P., 2015. Editorial: intelligent GIServices. Earth Science Informatics, 8(3), 461-462.
  5. Hu, L., Yue, P., Zhang, M., Gong, J., Jiang, L., Zhang, X., 2015. Task-oriented Sensor Web data processing for environmental monitoring. Earth Science Informatics, 8(3), 511-525.
  6. He, L., Yue, P., Di, L., Zhang, M., and Hu, L., 2015. Adding geospatial data provenance into SDI - a service-oriented approach. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(2), 926-936.
  7. He, L., Yue, P., Jiang, L., and Zhang, M., 2015. Fuzzy spatial relation ontology driven detection of complex geospatial features in a web service environment. Earth Science Informatics, 8(1), 63-76.
  8. Sun, Z., Peng, C., Deng, M., Chen, A., Yue, P., Fang, H., and Di, L., 2014. Automation of customized and near-real-time vegetation condition index generation through cyberinfrastructure-based geoprocessing workflows. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(11), 4512-4522.
  9. Zhai, X, Yue, P., Jiang, L., Wang, L., 2014. Three-dimensional geospatial information service based on cloud computing, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8(1): 085195.
  10. Yue, P., Jiang, L., Hu, L., 2014. Google Fusion Tables for managing soil moisture sensor observations. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(11), 4414-4421.
  11. Li, D., Gong, J., and Yue, P., 2014. Geoinformatics education in China. Geo-spatial Information Science, 17(4), 208-218.
  12. Han, W., Yang, Z., Di, L., and Yue, P., 2014. A Geospatial Web Service Approach for Creating On-demand Cropland Data Layer Thematic Maps. Transactions of the ASABE, 57(1), 239-247.
  13. Yuan, J., Yue, P., Gong, J., and Zhang, M., 2013. A linked data approach for geospatial data provenance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51(11), 5105-5112.
  14. Yue, P., Di, L., Wei, Y., and Han, W., 2013. Intelligent services for discovery of complex geospatial features from remote sensing imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 83: 151-164.
  15. Sun, Z., Yue, P., Hu, L., Gong, J., Zhang, L., Lu, X., 2013. GeoPWProv: interleaving map and faceted metadata for provenance visualization and navigation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51(11), 5131-5136.
  16. Yue, P., Gong, J., Di, L., Yuan, J., Sun, L., Sun, Z., and Wang, Q., 2010. GeoPW: Laying Blocks for the Geospatial Processing Web. Transactions in GIS, 14 (6): 755–772.
  17. Yue, P., Gong, J., Xiang, L. and Chen, J., 2010. Analysis-enhanced virtual globe for digital Earth. Science China Technological Sciences, 53 (s1): 61-67.
  18. Yue, P., Gong, J., and Di, L., 2010. Augmenting geospatial data provenance through metadata tracking in geospatial service chaining. Computers & Geosciences, 36 (3): 270-281.
  19. Boulos, M.N.K., Warren, J., Gong, J., and Yue, P., 2010. Web GIS in practice VIII: HTML5 and the canvas element for interactive online mapping. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2010, 9:14-26.
  20. Gong, J., Xiang, L., Chen, J., and Yue, P., 2010. Multi-source geospatial information integration and sharing in virtual globes. Science China Technological Sciences, 53 (s1): 1-6.
  21. Yue, P., Di, L., Yang, W., Yu, G., Zhao, P. and Gong, J., 2009. Semantic web services - based process planning for earth science applications. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23 (9): 1139-1163.
  22. Zhao, P., Di, L., Yu, G., Yue, P., Wei., Y., and Yang, W., 2009. Semantic web-based geospatial knowledge transformation. Computers & Geosciences, 35 (4): 798-808.
  23. Yue, P., Di, L., Yang, W., Yu, G. and Zhao, P., 2007. Semantics-based automatic composition of geospatial Web services chains. Computers & Geosciences, 33 (5): 649-665.
  24. 樂鵬,網路地理信息系統和服務. 武漢: 武漢大學出版社, 2011.
  25. Yue P., 2013. Semantic Web-based Intelligent Geospatial Web Services, Springer publication.
  26. Gong, J., Xiang, L., Chen, J., Yue, P., and Liu, Y., 2011. GeoGlobe: A Virtual Globe for Multi-Source Geospatial Information Integration and Service. Advances in Web-based GIS, Mapping Services and Applications, Taylor & Francis Publication.
  27. Yue, P., He, L., and Di, L., 2010. Semantic Web Enabled Intelligent Geoprocessing Service Chaining. Geospatial Web Services: Advances in Information Interoperability, IGI Global publication.
  28. Yue, P., Di, L., Zhao, P., Yang, W., Yu, G., and Wei, Y., 2010. Semantic Augmentations to an ebRIM Profile of Catalogue Service for the Web. Standards-Based Data and Information Systems for Earth Observations, Springer Publication.
  29. Gong, J., Wu, H., Gao, W., Yue, P., and Zhu, X., 2009. Geospatial Service Web. Geospatial Technology for Earth Observation, Springer Publication.
  30. Yue, P., Di, L., Yang, W., Yu, G., and Zhao, P., 2009. Towards Automatic Composition of Geospatial Web Services. Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics, IGI Global publication.
  31. Yu, G., Di, L., Yang, W., Zhao, P., and Yue, P., 2009. Multiagent Systems for Distributed Geospatial Modeling, Simulation and Computing. Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics, IGI Global publication.
  32. Zhao, P., Di, L., Yang, W., Yu, G., and Yue, P., 2009. Geospatial Semantic Web: Critical Issues. Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics, IGI Global publication.


