長期從事項目前期策劃、大型複雜工程項目管理、項目管理信息化等方面的教學、科研與實踐工作。近年來先後主持了國家自然科學基金重大項目子課題及面上項目、上海市科委重大科技攻關項目、國家住房和城鄉建設部以及上海市建交委等國家級、省部級科研項目,曾主持中國2010年上海世博會工程建設總體項目管理、濟南高新技術開發區項目群管理、無錫高新技術開發區項目群管理等數十項複雜工程項目管理實踐。因大型複雜群體項目系統性控制關鍵技術研究獲上海市科技進步一等獎、教育部科技進步二等獎,因世博會工程建設總體項目管理獲國際項目管理協會(IPMA)項目卓越大獎( Project Excellence Award ),並先後兩次獲得中國項目管理評獎委員會中國項目管理成就獎,第六屆中國IPMP國際項目經理大獎。於2010年獲上海市五一勞動獎章。
2010年國際項目管理協會(IPMA)項目卓越大獎( Project Excellence Award )
(1) Le, Y., Wang, Y., Luo, C., & Peng, Y. (2013). Integration of Financial and Contract Management on Shanghai Expo Construction Program, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.(SCI)
(2) Le, Y., Shan, M., Chan, A. P., & Hu, Y. (2014). Investigating the causal relationships between causes of and vulnerabilities to corruption in the Chinese public construction sector.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.(SCI)
(3) Le, Y., Shan, M., Chan, A. P., & Hu, Y.(2014).Overview of Corruption Research in Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,30(4)(SCI)
(4) Shan, M., Chan, A. P., Le, Y., & Hu, Y. (2014). Investigating the Effectiveness of Response Strategies for Vulnerabilities to Corruption in the Chinese Public Construction Sector.Science and Engineering Ethics, 1-23. (SCI)
(5) Hu, Y.,Chan, A., &Le, Y.(2014). Understanding the Determinants of Program Organization for Construction Megaproject Success: Case Study of the Shanghai Expo Construction.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.(SCI)
(6) Hu, Y.,Chan, A., Le, Y.&Jin, R.(2013). From Construction Megaproject Management to Complex Project Management: Bibliographic Analysis. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.(SCI)
(7) Lu, Y., Cui, Q., & Le, Y. (2013). Turning Green to Gold in the Construction Industry: Fable or Fact?.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,139(8), 1026-1036.(SCI)
(8) Hu, Y., Chan, A. P., Le, Y., Jiang, W. P., Xie, L. L., & Hon, C. H. (2011). Improving megasite management performance through incentives: Lessons learned from the Shanghai Expo construction.Journal of Management in Engineering,28(3), 330-337. (SCI)
(9) Ameyaw, E. E., Hu, Y., Shan, M., Chan, A. P., & Le, Y. (2014) Application of Delphi Method in Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) Research: A Quantitative Perspective, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management.(SCI)
(10)Fang, J., & Le, Y. (2012). Organizational Culture and Knowledge Sharing in Construction Project Organization: A Review.Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,4(19).(EI)
(11)Xie, L., &Le, Y. (2012). A study of the knowledge management of large and complicated group projects. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7(15), 562-571. (EI)
(12)Ma, L., He, Q., Li, Y., Le, Y., & Hu, Y. (2012). Research on factors influencing cooperation in Temporary Multi-Organization of construction industry: An empirical study in China,International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 6(22), 600-609. (EI)