- 中文名:楊雄里
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:上海
- 出生日期:1941年10月14日
- 職業:教學科研工作者
- 畢業院校:日本國立生理學研究所
- 主要成就:中國科學院學部委員(1991年)
開發中國家科學院院士(2006年) - 代表作品:《大辭海》
- 科研綜述
- 主要論著
1:Yang X L ,Tauchi M.,Kaneko A ,Quantitative Analysis of Photorceptor Inpuls to External Horizontal Cells in the Goldfish Retina,Jpn.J.Physiol, 1982,32:399~420. |
2:Yang X L ,Tauchi M,Kaneko A ,Convergence of Signals from Red-sensitive and Green-sensitive Cones to External Horizontal Cells of the Goldfish Retina,Vision Res ,1983,23:371~380 |
3:Yang X L et al ,Circadian Rhythm in the Electroretinogram of the Crab (Scylla Serrata),Acta Physiol Sinica,1984,36:202~206 |
4:楊雄里,一種新的雙相C型水平細胞的鑑定,中國科學(B輯),1986,29:835~842. |
5:Yang X L ,Convergence of Photoreceptor Inputs onto Horizontal Cells of Cyprinid Retina,Vision:Structure and Function Science Publishing Inc ,1988,192~232. |
6:Yang X L ,Tornquist K ,Dowling J E ,Modulation of Cone Horizontal Cell Activity in the Teleost Fish Retina I Effects of Prolonged Darkness and Background Illumination on Light Responsiveness, J Neurosci ,1988,8:2259~2268 |
7:Yang X L ,Tornquist K ,Dowling J E,Modulation of Cone Horizontal Cell Activity in the Teleost Fish Retina,II Role of Interplexiform Cells and Dopamine in Regulating Light Responsiveness,J Neurosci,1988,8:2269~2278. |
8:Tornquist K,Yang X L,Dowling,J E ,Modulation of Cone Horizontal Cell Activity in the Teleost Fish Retina,Ⅲ Effects of Prolonged Darkness and Dopamine on Coupling of Horizontal Cells J Neurosci,1988,8:2279~2288. |
9:Yang X L ,WuS M ,Effects of Background Illumination on the Horizontal Cell Responses in the Tiger Salamander Retina,JNeurosci,1989,9:815~827. |
10:Yang X L ,Wu S M ,Effects of Prolonged Light Exposure,GABA and Glycine on the Horizontal Cell Responses in the Tiger Salamander Retina, J Neurophysiol,1989,61:1025~1035. |
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