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  • 中文名:楊林燕
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1989年6月
  • 畢業院校河海大學南洋理工大學
  • 籍貫:江蘇南通
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員


  1. 2023.01開始,華東理工大學,資源與環境工程學院,副教授
  2. 2018.04-2022.12,華東理工大學,資源與環境工程學院,講師
  3. 2014.05-2014.08,德國圖賓根大學,訪問學生
  4. 2013.08-2017.08,新加坡南洋理工大學,環境工程,博士
  5. 2012.11-2013.08,新加坡南洋理工大學,研究助理
  6. 2007.09-2011.06,河海大學,給排水工程,學士


  1. 複雜水質環境下納濾和反滲透膜微污染物控制規律和損傷機理
  2. 高有機物含量廢水中痕量抗生素和激素類物質的去除技術與機理
  3. 高鹽高毒性複雜體系化工廢水的梯度處理技術開發與工藝最佳化


專注於複雜水體污染控制理論與技術方面的研究,包括複雜水質環境下納濾和反滲透膜微污染物控制規律和損傷機理、高有機物含量廢水中痕量抗生素和激素類物質的去除技術與機理、高鹽高毒性複雜體系化工廢水的梯度處理技術開發與工藝最佳化等。在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Chemical Engineering Journal等權威期刊累計發表學術論文四十餘篇,JCR 1區期刊論文占比約80%,申請國內發明專利6項、國際專利1項,授權國內發明專利2項,榮獲華東理工大學青年英才培育計畫(A類)和華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院優秀青年教師(科研類)榮譽稱號。


  1. 2013年,新加坡政府授予“全額博士獎學金”
  2. 2014年,德國政府授予“Baden-Württemberg Stipendium獎學金”
  3. 2018年,華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院青年教師授課大賽二等獎
  4. 2019年,華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院青年教師授課大賽二等獎
  5. 2020年,華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院優秀青年教師
  6. 2020年,華東理工大學青年英才培育計畫(A類)
  7. 2021年,全國石油和化工教育優秀教學團隊


  1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,聚醯胺膜消毒損傷機制及其誘導的水處理效應研究,52100085,2022/01-2024/12,主持。
  2. 上海市自然科學基金面上項目,膜法去除泳池水中高濃度高毒性污染物的基質效應及損傷機理研究,19ZR1412800,2019/07-2022/06,主持。


  1. Zhao, H., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Sheng, M., Cao, G., Cai, L., Meng, S. and Tang, C.Y., 2021. Degradation of polyamide nanofiltration membranes by bromine: changes of physiochemical properties and filtration performance. Environmental Science & Technology 55(9), 6329-6339.
  2. Chen, X.*, Yang, L., Sun, J., Wei, W., Liu, Y. and Ni, B.-J.*, 2020. Influences of longitudinal heterogeneity on nitrous oxide production from membrane-aerated biofilm reactor: a modeling perspective. Environmental Science & Technology54(17), 10964-10973.
  3. Yang, L., Schmalz, C., Zhou, J., Zwiener, C., Chang, V.W.C.*, Ge, L., Wan, M.P., 2016. An insight of disinfection by-product (DBP) formation by alternative disinfectants for swimming pool disinfection under tropical conditions. Water Research 101, 535-546.
  4. Yang, L., She, Q., Wan, M.P., Wang, R., Chang, V.W.C.*, Tang, C.Y.*, 2017. Removal of haloacetic acids from swimming pool water by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. Water Research 116, 116-125.
  5. Yang, L., Zhou, J., She, Q., Wan, M.P., Wang, R., Chang, V.W.C.*, Tang, C.Y.*, 2017. Role of calcium ions on the removal of haloacetic acids from swimming pool water by nanofiltration: mechanisms and implications. Water Research 110, 332-341.
  6. Chen, X., Li, F., Huo, P., Liu, J., Yang, L., Li, X., Wei, W. and Ni, B.-J., 2022. Influences of longitudinal gradients on methane-driven membrane biofilm reactor for complete nitrogen removal: A model-based investigation. Water Research 220, 118665.
  7. Yang, L., Chen, X., She, Q., Cao, G., Liu, Y., Chang, V.W.C.*, Tang, C.Y.*, 2018. Regulation, formation, exposure, and treatment of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in swimming pool waters: a critical review. Environment International 121, 1039-1057.
  8. Xie, Y., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Zhao, H., Cao, G., Li, X., Bai, L., Meng, S. and Wang, R., 2022. The role of iron present in water environment in degradation of polyamide membranes by free chlorine. Journal of Membrane Science 651, 120458.
  9. Zhao, H., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Wang, J., Bai, L., Cao, G., Cai, L. and Tang, C.Y., 2023. Reactivity of various brominating agents toward polyamide nanofiltration membranes. Separation and Purification Technology 305, 122490.
  10. Yang, L.*, X. Liang, Y. Han, Y. Cai, H. Zhao, M. Sheng, and G. Cao*., 2019. The coupling use of advanced oxidation processes and sequencing batch reactor to reduce nitrification inhibition of industry wastewater: Characterization and optimization. Chemical Engineering Journal 360, 1577-1586.
  11. Zhao, H., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Cai, L.*, Li, Y., Sheng, M., Cao, G. and She, Q. (2021) Magnesium-Induced Variation of Polyamide Membrane Behavior for the Treatment of Haloacetic Acids in Swimming Pool Waters. ACS ES&T Water 1(2), 346-355


