- 2023.01開始,華東理工大學,資源與環境工程學院,副教授
- 2018.04-2022.12,華東理工大學,資源與環境工程學院,講師
- 2014.05-2014.08,德國圖賓根大學,訪問學生
- 2013.08-2017.08,新加坡南洋理工大學,環境工程,博士
- 2012.11-2013.08,新加坡南洋理工大學,研究助理
- 2007.09-2011.06,河海大學,給排水工程,學士
- 複雜水質環境下納濾和反滲透膜微污染物控制規律和損傷機理
- 高有機物含量廢水中痕量抗生素和激素類物質的去除技術與機理
- 高鹽高毒性複雜體系化工廢水的梯度處理技術開發與工藝最佳化
- 2013年,新加坡政府授予“全額博士獎學金”
- 2014年,德國政府授予“Baden-Württemberg Stipendium獎學金”
- 2018年,華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院青年教師授課大賽二等獎
- 2019年,華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院青年教師授課大賽二等獎
- 2020年,華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院優秀青年教師
- 2020年,華東理工大學青年英才培育計畫(A類)
- 2021年,全國石油和化工教育優秀教學團隊
- 國家自然科學基金青年項目,聚醯胺膜消毒損傷機制及其誘導的水處理效應研究,52100085,2022/01-2024/12,主持。
- 上海市自然科學基金面上項目,膜法去除泳池水中高濃度高毒性污染物的基質效應及損傷機理研究,19ZR1412800,2019/07-2022/06,主持。
- Zhao, H., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Sheng, M., Cao, G., Cai, L., Meng, S. and Tang, C.Y., 2021. Degradation of polyamide nanofiltration membranes by bromine: changes of physiochemical properties and filtration performance. Environmental Science & Technology 55(9), 6329-6339.
- Chen, X.*, Yang, L., Sun, J., Wei, W., Liu, Y. and Ni, B.-J.*, 2020. Influences of longitudinal heterogeneity on nitrous oxide production from membrane-aerated biofilm reactor: a modeling perspective. Environmental Science & Technology54(17), 10964-10973.
- Yang, L., Schmalz, C., Zhou, J., Zwiener, C., Chang, V.W.C.*, Ge, L., Wan, M.P., 2016. An insight of disinfection by-product (DBP) formation by alternative disinfectants for swimming pool disinfection under tropical conditions. Water Research 101, 535-546.
- Yang, L., She, Q., Wan, M.P., Wang, R., Chang, V.W.C.*, Tang, C.Y.*, 2017. Removal of haloacetic acids from swimming pool water by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. Water Research 116, 116-125.
- Yang, L., Zhou, J., She, Q., Wan, M.P., Wang, R., Chang, V.W.C.*, Tang, C.Y.*, 2017. Role of calcium ions on the removal of haloacetic acids from swimming pool water by nanofiltration: mechanisms and implications. Water Research 110, 332-341.
- Chen, X., Li, F., Huo, P., Liu, J., Yang, L., Li, X., Wei, W. and Ni, B.-J., 2022. Influences of longitudinal gradients on methane-driven membrane biofilm reactor for complete nitrogen removal: A model-based investigation. Water Research 220, 118665.
- Yang, L., Chen, X., She, Q., Cao, G., Liu, Y., Chang, V.W.C.*, Tang, C.Y.*, 2018. Regulation, formation, exposure, and treatment of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in swimming pool waters: a critical review. Environment International 121, 1039-1057.
- Xie, Y., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Zhao, H., Cao, G., Li, X., Bai, L., Meng, S. and Wang, R., 2022. The role of iron present in water environment in degradation of polyamide membranes by free chlorine. Journal of Membrane Science 651, 120458.
- Zhao, H., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Wang, J., Bai, L., Cao, G., Cai, L. and Tang, C.Y., 2023. Reactivity of various brominating agents toward polyamide nanofiltration membranes. Separation and Purification Technology 305, 122490.
- Yang, L.*, X. Liang, Y. Han, Y. Cai, H. Zhao, M. Sheng, and G. Cao*., 2019. The coupling use of advanced oxidation processes and sequencing batch reactor to reduce nitrification inhibition of industry wastewater: Characterization and optimization. Chemical Engineering Journal 360, 1577-1586.
- Zhao, H., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Cai, L.*, Li, Y., Sheng, M., Cao, G. and She, Q. (2021) Magnesium-Induced Variation of Polyamide Membrane Behavior for the Treatment of Haloacetic Acids in Swimming Pool Waters. ACS ES&T Water 1(2), 346-355