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  • 中文名:楊曉偉
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校吉林大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:華南理工大學軟體學院副院長
  • 性別:男
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 任職院校:華南理工大學


分別於1991年、1996年和2000年在吉林大學數學系、數學所和工程力學系獲得理論與套用力學專業學士、計算力學專業碩士和固體力學專業博士學位。研究領域為:機器學習和模式識別。主要學術貢獻包括:(一)在支持向量機領域,提出了基於核模糊C-均值聚類及最遠距離策略的模糊支持向量機分類算法和基於非凸最佳化的魯棒最小二乘支持向量機算法,首次證明了在高斯核所引導的高維特徵空間中,由模糊C-均值聚類算法生成的類中心未必在原始低維特徵空間中存在原像,糾正了高維特徵空間中樣本點到類中心的距離計算公式;(二)在張量分析領域,首次提出了線性支持高階張量機分類模型,克服了早期支持張量機分類模型沒有閉式解的不足,從理論上說明了標準支持向量機分類模型是該模型的一個特例;(三)在遷移學習領域,首次從統計學的角度出發提出了對齊源域和目標域聯合分布的淺層遷移學習算法,解決了遷移學習的一個本質性問題。相關成果主要發表在IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering、IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging、Neurocomputing、ICDM、SDM等國內外主流雜誌和國際學術會議上。到目前為止,指導學術型碩士和博士70餘人,其中1人獲得國家優青稱號,1人獲得廣東省青年珠江學者稱號,4人獲得廣東省傑青稱號。


1987.09--1991.07 吉林大學數學系理論與套用力學專業學習,獲理學學士學位
1993.09--1996.07 吉林大學數學所計算力學專業學習,獲理學碩士學位
1997.03--2000.06 在吉林大學工程力學系固體力學專業學習,工學博士




1991.07--1993.09 國營新鄉振動設備總廠工作
1996.07--2001.06 吉林大學數學系 講師
2001.06--2015.01 華南理工大學數學學院 講師、副教授、教授、博士生導師
2003.01--2003.06 新加坡國立大學機械工程學院 訪問學者
2006.02--2006.08 澳大利亞悉尼科技大學信息技術學院 訪問學者
2009.07--2010.07 澳大利亞悉尼科技大學軟體學院 訪問教授
2015.01-- 華南理工大學軟體學院,教授、博士生導師
2015.06-- 華南理工大學軟體學院 副院長






2005 廣東省自然科學二等獎
2007 廣東省自然科學三等獎
2009 第六屆高等教育國家級教學成果獎二等獎
2009 第一屆華南理工大學“我最喜愛的導師”提名獎
2010 全國商業科技進步獎一等獎
2013 廣東省自然科學二等獎
2015 廣東省科技進步一等獎
2017 第八屆華南理工大學“我最喜愛的導師”獎




  1. Liangqi Cai, Wen Wen, Biao Wu, and Xiaowei Yang, A coarse-to-fine user preferences prediction method for point-of-interest recommendation, Neurocomputing, 2021, 422:1-11.
  2. Yi Xiang, Han Huang, Miqing Li, Sizhe Li, and Xiaowei Yang, Looking for novelty in search-based software product line testing, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2021.3057853.
  3. Yi Xiang, Xiaowei Yang, Balancing constraints and objectives by considering problem types in constrained multi-objective optimization, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3089633.
  4. Yi Xiang, Yuren Zhou, Xiaowei Yang, and Han Huang, A many-objective evolutionary algorithm with Pareto-adaptive reference points,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2020, 24(1): 99-113.
  5. Yi Xiang, Xiaowei Yang, Yuren Zhou and Han Huang, Enhancing decomposition-based algorithms by estimation of distribution for constrained optimal software product selection, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2020, 24(2): 245-259.
  6. Yi Xiang, Xiaowei Yang, Yuren Zhou, Zibin Zheng, Miqing Li and Han Huang, Going deeper with optimal software products selection using many-objective optimization and satisfiability solvers, Empirical Software Engineering, 2020, 25(1), 591-626.
  7. Chen Sentao, Han Le, Liu Xiaolan, He Zongyao, Yang Xiaowei, Subspace distribution adaptation frameworks for domain adaptation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020, 31(12): 5204-5218.
  8. Sentao Chen, Mehrtash Harandi, Xiaona Jin, Xiaowei Yang, Semi-supervised domain adaptation via asymmetric joint distribution matching, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2020. 3027364.
  9. Sentao Chen, Mehrtash Harandi, Xiaona Jin, Xiaowei Yang, Domain adaptation by joint distribution invariant projections, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020, 29: 8264-8277.
  10. Xiaona Jin, Xiaowei Yang, Bo Fu, and Sentao Chen, Joint distribution matching embedding for unsupervised domain adaptation, Neurocomputing, 2020, 412: 115-128.
  11. Zisen Fang, Xiaowei Yang, Le Han, and Xiaolan Liu, A sequentially truncated higher order singular value decomposition based algorithm for tensor completion, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, 49(5): 1956-1967.
  12. Zhaoming Kong, Xiaowei Yang, Color image and multispectral image denoising using block diagonal representation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019, 28(9):4247-4259.
  13. Han Huang, Yihui Liang, Xiaowei Yang, and Zhifeng Hao, Pixel-level discrete multiobjective sampling for image matting, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019,28(8): 3739-3751.
  14. Sentao Chen and Xiaowei Yang, Tailoring density ratio weight for covariate shift adaptation, Neurocomputing, 2019, 333: 135-144.
  15. Zhaoming Kong, Le Han, Xiaolan Liu, Xiaowei Yang, A new 4-D nonlocal transform-domain filter for 3-D magnetic resonance images denoising, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2018, 37(4): 941-954.
  16. Le Han, Zhen Wu, Kui Zeng, Xiaowei Yang, Online multilinear principal component analysis, Neurocomputing, 2018, 275:888-896.
  17. Xiaolan Liu, Tengjiao Guo, Lifang He, Xiaowei Yang, A low-rank decomposition based transductive support tensor machine for semi-supervised classification, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015, 24(6):1825-1838.
  18. Xiaowei Yang, Le Han, Yan Li, and Lifang He, A bilateral-truncated-loss based robust support vector machine for classification problems, Soft Computing, 2015. 19 (10) :2871-2882.
  19. Tengjiao Guo, Le Han, Lifang He, Xiaowei Yang, A GA-based feature selection and parameter optimization for linear support higher-order tensor machine, Neurocomputing, 2014. 144, pp. 408-416.
  20. Xiaowei Yang, Liangjun Tan, Lifang He, A robust least squares support vector machine for regression and classification with noise, Neurocomputing, 2014, 140, pp. 41-52.
  21. Lifang He, Xiangnan Kong, Philip S. Yu, Ann B. Ragin, Zhifeng Hao, Xiaowei Yang, DuSK: A dual structure-preserving kernel for supervised tensor learning with applications to neuroimages, SDM, 2014, 127-135.
  22. Zhifeng Hao, Lifang He, Bingqian Chen, and Xiaowei Yang, A linear support higher-order tensor machine for classification, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2013, 22(7): 2911-2920.
  23. Xiaowei Yang, Qiaozhen Yu, Lifang He, Tengjiao Guo, The one-against-all partition based binary tree support vector machine algorithms for multi-class classification, Neurocomputing, 2013, 113: 1-7.
  24. Xiaowei Yang, Guangquan Zhang, Jie Lu, Jun Ma, A kernel fuzzy c-means clustering based fuzzy support vector machine algorithm for classification problems with outliers or noises, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2011, 19(1): 105-115.
  25. Xiaowei Yang, Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang, Adaptive pruning algorithm for least squares support vector machine classifier, Soft Computing, 2010, 14(7), 667-680.
  26. Ruichu Cai, Zhifeng Hao, Xiaowei Yang, Wen Wen, An efficient gene selection algorithm based on mutual information, Neurocomputing, 2009, 72(4-6): 991-999.
  27. Wen Wen, Zhifeng Hao, Xiaowei Yang, A heuristic weight-setting strategy and iteratively updating algorithm for weighted least-squares support vector regression, Neurocomputing 2008, 71(16-18): 3096-3103.


