


中南大學土木工程本科,日本群馬大學岩土工程碩士、博士。研究興趣包括高速遠程滑坡(rock avalanche)運動機理和堆積特性的實驗模擬和數值分析。主持科研項目4項,已發表科技論文28篇,其中以第一作者發表SCI 3篇。論文涵蓋高速遠程滑坡的現場調查、實驗技術與數值分析等工作成果。


  • 中文名:楊情情
  • 畢業院校中南大學
  • 性別:女
  • 學歷:博士研究生
  • 教學職稱:講師


2009. 10 ~ 2012. 9,日本群馬大學,岩土工程,博士;
2008. 10 ~ 2009. 9,日本群馬大學,岩土工程,碩士;
2006. 9 ~ 2008. 6,中南大學,岩土工程,碩士;
2002. 9 ~ 2006. 6,中南大學,土木工程,學士。


2012. 12至今,西南交通大學,地質工程系,講師,碩導。




(1)1. 2015. 1 ~ 2017. 12,冰-岩碎屑流運動特性的冰屑影響機制研究. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目;
(2)2015. 1 ~ 2017. 12,粒徑組成對碎屑流運動特性影響的實驗研究. 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動經費項目;
(3)2014. 1 ~ 2015. 12,冰屑對冰-岩碎屑流運動特性的影響. 中央高校科技創新項目。
(4)2015.11~2017.12,大型滑坡斜槽試驗數據分析. 中國科學院水利部成都山地災害與環境研究所委託項目


(1)楊情情,蘇志滿*,陳鑼增,黃麗娟. 冰屑對冰-岩碎屑流運動特性影響作用的初步分析. 工程地質學報(已錄用). doi: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2015.06.000
(2)陳鴻志,蘇志滿*,楊情情,徐林榮. 2013年尤特颱風暴雨誘發廣樂高速公路沿線土石流的活動特徵與危害特性. 自然災害學報. (已錄用).
(3)Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Zhiman Su*, Fei Cai and Keizo Ugai. Enhanced mobility of polydisperse granular flows in a small flume. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 2015, 2:12. doi:10.1186/s40677-015-0019-4
(4)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情), Fei Cai, Zhiman Su, Keizo Ugai, Lingyu Xu, Runqiu Huang, Qiang Xu. Numerical Simulation of Granular Flows in a Large Flume Using Discontinuous Deformation Analysis. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2014, 47 (6): 2299-2306(SCI)
(5)Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Fei Cai*, Keizo Ugai, Zhiman Su, Runqiu Huang, Qiang Xu. A simple lumped mass model to describe velocity of granular flows in a large flume. Journal of Mountain Science. 2012, 9(2): 221-231(SCI)
(6)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情), Fei Cai, Keizo Ugai, Masao Yamada, Zhiman Su, Aly Ahmed, Runqiu Huang, Qiang Xu. Some factors affecting mass-front velocity of rapid dry granular flows in a large flume. Engineering Geology, 2011, 122: 249-260(SCI)
(7)Aly Ahmed*, Keizo Ugai, Qingqing Yang(楊情情). Assessment of 3D Slope Stability Analysis Methods Based on 3D Simplified Janbu and Hovland Methods. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2012, 12(2): 81–89(EI)
(8)Linrong Xu, Zhiman Su*, Keizo Ugai, Fei Cai, Qingqing Yang(楊情情). Google Earth as a tool in terrain survey of debris flow watershed. Advanced Materials Research, 05/2011, 261-263: 1563-1566(EI)
(9)Zhiman Su*, Keizo Ugai, Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Fei Cai, Linrong Xu, 2011. Roles of topography on the run-out of rock avalanche: based on flume tests and case studies. 西北地震學報,2011, 33(S1):58-63. (CSCD)
(10)鵜飼恵三*,楊情情,蔡飛,山田正雄,黃潤秋,許強.岩屑なだれのメカニズムに関する基礎的研究(碎屑流機理的基礎研究). 日本地すべり學會志,2011,48(1):12-22
(11)蘇志滿*,徐林榮,鵜飼恵三,楊情情,蔡飛. 2007年日本群馬縣南牧村土石流發災特點與啟示. 山地學報,2010年,283(3):367-372
(12)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情), Zhiman Su, Keizo Ugai, Fei Cai, Masao Yamada. Recent landslide disaster induced by earthquakes. Journal of the Singapore Engineer , 2009, Jan, 36-38
(1)Fei Cai*, Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Zhiman Su. DDA simulations of large landslides triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, ICADD11, Fukuoka, 2013, 27-29 August: 201-206
(2)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情),Fei Cai, Keizo Ugai, Zhiman Su, Lingyu Xu. Numerical simulation of granular flows by DDA. In: K Ugai, Hiroshi Y, Akihiko W (eds), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake-Induced Landslides, Kiryu, November 7-9, 2012: 643-648
(3)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情), Fei Cai, Keizo Ugai. Application of DDA to simulate some landslides triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake. 第51回日本地すべり學會研究発表會,日本札幌,August 28-31, 2012:33-34
(4)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情), Fei Cai, Zhiman Su, Keizo Ugai, Kohei Matsuda. Effects of fine particles on run-out of dense granular flows in a small flume. International Debris-flow Workshop, Chengdu, August 11-12, 2012: 42-45
(5)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情), Fei Cai, Keizo Ugai, Kohei Matsuda. Effects of fine particles on the run-out of granular flows in a small flume. 第47回地盤工學研究発表會,日本八戸, July 14-16,2012:1765-1766
(6)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情), Keizo Ugai, Fei Cai, Zhiman Su, Masao Yamada. Small-scale flume test under dynamic condition for rock avalanches. GeoHunan International Conference II:Emerging Technologies for Design, Construction, Rehabilitation, and Inspections of Transportation Infrastructures, Changsha, 9-11 June, 2011, pp.165-172(EI)
(7)Fei Cai*, Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Zhiman Su, Keizo Ugai. Effects of rock mass structure on stability of rock slopes investigated by shaking table tests. Proceedings of International Symposium on Earthquake Induced Landslides and Disaster Mitigation at the Third Anniversary of the Wenchuan Earthquake, Chengdu, May 12-15, 2011: 56-57
(8)Zhiman Su*, Keizo Ugai, Fei Cai, Linrong Xu, Masao Yamada, Qingqing Yang(楊情情). Emergency Evacuation in 8-13 Qingping Debris Flow Events in China and Enlightenments on Hazard Mitigation. An International Symposium on Earthquake Induced Landslides and Disaster Mitigation at the 3rd Anniversary of the Wenchuan Earthquake, Chengdu, May 12-15: 43-44
(9)Keizo Ugai, Qingqing Yang*(楊情情), Fei Cai, Qiang Xu, Aly Ahmed, Zhiman Su, Masao Yamada. Laboratory flume static and dynamic experiment for rock avalanches. Geo-Shanghai, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Shanghai, June 3-5, 2010, Geotechnical Special Publication, ASCE, No. 201: 278-287(EI)
(10)Zhiman Su*, Linrong Xu, Fei Cai, Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Keizo Ugai. Application of mathematical programming in the optimization of hazard mitigation of debris flow along expressway. Proceeding of International Workshop on Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan, 2011: 1997-2000 (EI)
(11)Zhiman Su*, Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Keizo Ugai, Fei Cai, Aly Ahmed, Masao Yamada. Key Technologies of Dynamic Flume Test for Earthquake Induced Rock Avalanches. Advances in Unsaturated Soil, Geo-Hazard, and Geo-Environmental Engineering, 2011: 173-179
(12)Qingqing Yang*(楊情情),Keizo Ugai, Fei Cai, Masao Yamada. The effect of released material on mass front velocity of rock avalanches. 第45回地盤工學研究発表會講演集, 日本松山, August 18-20, 2010: 1637-1638
(13)Keizo Ugai*, Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Fei Cai, Qiang Xu, Aly Ahmed, Masao Yamada, Laboratory flume experiment for rock avalanches. 第44回地盤工學研究発表會講演集, 2009: 1577 -1578
(14)Keizo Ugai*, Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Fei Cai, Qiang Xu, Aly Ahmed, Zhiman Su, Masao Yamada,. Laboratory flume experiment for rock avalanches. Proceedings of Internatinal Symposium on Rock Mechanics, HongKong, 2009
(15)Keizo Ugai*, Qingqing Yang(楊情情), Fei Cai, Qiang Xu, Aly Ahmed, Zhiman Su, Masao Yamada, 2009. Shaking table tests of laboratory flume for rock avalanche, 第48回日本地すべり學會研究発表會, 174-175
(16)Zhiman Su*, Qingqing Yang(楊情情). The roles of terrain characteristics and debris supply conditions in predicting debris-flow attributes. Geo-Changsha 2007: an international conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 2007: 319-326(ISTP)


