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  • 中文名:楊勇
  • 外文名:Yang Yong


姓 名:楊勇


2.1998-2001(碩士研究生學習階段),在昆明動物研究所張亞平院士實驗室從事果蠅遺傳學研究,發表SCI 論文一篇(IF=4.2);
4.2007-2011(博士研究生學習階段),在美國韋恩大學環境與健康研究所從事與果蠅精子運動相關功能基因的研究,系統的掌握了全套技術和分析方法,並以第一署名在和Molecular Biology of Cell上發表了兩篇有關果蠅精子運動的研究論文。


4.RNA干擾技術在在模式生物果蠅中篩選新的功能基因(湖北大學自然基金 3)2004-2007(0.5萬元)參與研究的項目
1.在油菜中表達核盤菌重要功能基因hprna及其對油菜菌和病抗性影響的研究(國家自然基金項目 參與)
2.物質代謝流向與油菜種子含油量關係的研究(國家自然基金項目 參與)
3.黑腹果蠅新突變型背甲著色圖式的分子機制(國家自然基金項目 第三主持人)
4.取食抗、感水稻的褐飛虱中腸組織比較蛋白組學研究(國家自然基金項目 ,第三主持人)
5.果蠅剪接體內含子丟失及SOD基因的反轉錄轉座與物種形成及適應輻射關係的研究(國家自然基金項目, ,第三主持人)
6.NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DIABETES AND DIGESTIVE AND KIDNEY DISEASES, DK071073, USA, NIH. (2007.01-2009,負責實驗室日常管理與技術指導,同時負責構建轉基因果蠅品系;細胞培養;基因克隆、測序、功能分析;精子運動模式分析等具體試驗工作)


1. Yong Yang, Zhuo-Cheng Hou, Yuan-Huai Qian, Han Kang, Qing-Tao Zeng. (2012). Increasing the Data Size to Accurately Reconstruct the Phylogenetic Relationships between Nine Subgroups of the Drosophila melanogaster Species Group (Drosophilidae, Diptera). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 30(1): 536-543.(top3,IF=3.9)
2. Yong Yang, Cochran DA, Gargano MD, King I, Samhat NK, Burger BP, Sabourin KR, Hou Y, Awata J, Parry DAD, Marshall WF, Witman GB and Lu X. (2011). Regulation of flagellar motility by the conserved flagellar protein CG34110/Ccdc135/FAP50. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 22(7):976-87. (top3,IF=5.9)
3. Yang Y and Lu X. (2011). Drosophila sperm motility in the reproductive tract. Biology of Reproduction 84(5):1005-1015. (top2,IF=3.5)
4.Yong Yang, Ya-Ping Zhang, Yuan-Huai, Qian, Qing-Tao Zeng. 2004. Phylogenetic Relationships Of Drosophila melanogaster Species Group Deduced From Spacer Regions Of Histone Gene H2a. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 30 (2):336-343. (top3,IF=4.2)
5. Lei-Lei Zhan, Jun Tian, Can Liu, Fang Ke, Yong Yang, Chun-Xuan Li, Yuan-Huai Qian, and Qing-Tao Zeng.(2008) An Intron Loss of Dfak Gene in Species of the Drosophila melanogaster Subgroup and Phylogenetic Analysis. Journal of Heredity. 99 (4):417–420. (SCI,IF=1.99)
6. Deng Qiuhong, Zeng Qing-tao, Qian Yuanhuai, Li Chunxuan, Yang Yong. (2007). Research on The Karyotype and Evolution of Drosophila melanogaster Species Group. Jounal of Genetics and Genomics. 34 (3):196-213.
7. Yan Xiu-ying, Zeng Qing-tao, Yong Yang, Qian Yuan-huai. 2006. Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships of Drosophila immigrans Species Group Based on H2a-H2b Spacer and Cyt B Sequences. Journal of molecular cell biology. 39(3): 277-280.(SCI, IF= 7.308)
8. Wang Jia-tai, Yong Yang, Zeng Qing-tao. 2006. Molecular evolution of intron in histone genes in Drosophila melanogaster species group. Journal of Hubei University. 28(1):72-74,90.
Li Ming, Chen Jian, Yang Yong, Liu Jie, Peng Yu and Liu Feng-Xiang . 2006. Phylogenetic Analyses of the Neriene Spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae) Based on Partial Mitochondrial COI DNA Sequence. Acta Arachnologica Sinica. 15(1):14-18.
9. Zhang Qiong, Yong Yang, Zeng Qing-Tao . 2005. Clone and Analysis of the Conserve Regions in Histone H3 Gene in Larinioides cornuta. Acta Arachnologica Sinica. 14(2):95-99.
Mou Shao-liang, Zeng Qing-tao, yong Yang, Qian Yuan-huai, Hu Guang-an. Phylogeny of Species Group Inferred from ND4L and ND4 Genes. Zoological Research. 2005. 26(4):344-349.
10. Zhang Chong-zhen,Zeng Qing-tao,Qian Yuan-huai,Yong Yang. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships among several genera in Drosophilidae deduced from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene partial sequence. Journal of Hubei University (Natural Science Edition).26(40):344-349.
S. -H. Xu, Qing Tao Zeng, Yuan Huai Qian, Shou Tao Li, Yong Yang. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD) Analysis of Drosophila simulans in the Mainland of China. Acta Genetica Sinica. 2003.30 (7):673-680
11. Jing Zhang, Qing Tao Zeng, Xiao Qiao Xue, Yuan Huai Qian, Shan Jin, Yong Yang. Studies of Localization of Black Streak Body Gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Acta Genetica Sinica. 2001.28 (6):527-534.
X.-Q. Xue, Q. T. Zeng, Y. Yang. An Improved Method for Drosophila Salivary Gland Chromosome. Laboratory Research And Exploration. 2000(5):108-109.
12. Zeng Qing Tao, Yong Yang, Yan Bing. Meiosis of Spider. Laboratory Research And Exploration. 1999, 18(4):54-56


