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《藥物分析雜誌》、《世界科學技術-中醫藥現代化》、 《分析試驗室》、《分析儀器》 | |
以微流控晶片及其與質譜、光譜聯用分析技術為基礎,發展生命分析與藥物分析新方法,開發生物醫用新材料新器件,發明器官類器官晶片新模型,致力於服務國家藥品質量與安全、新藥創製以及中藥現代化研究與開發。近年來重點聚焦於器官類器官晶片、單細胞亞細胞分析及基於質譜的多組學分析等。曾主持完成國家重大科技專項第一個微流控晶片藥物研發關鍵技術項目,在器官晶片核心關鍵技術及血管、肝、腎、腸等器官晶片模型研究方面取得重要進展。2016-2020年間以第一發明人申請發明專利16項(授權8項),以通訊作者在Nat. Protoc., Adv. Mater., Anal. Chem., Lab Chip等重要學術期刊上發表SCI論文59篇(14篇IF>10)。工作以來累計發表SCI論文180餘篇,Web ofScience引用5000餘次,發明專利30餘項。部分研究成果已在製藥企業、臨床醫院得到廣泛套用,曾合作獲得國家科技進步二等獎3項。
2018 世界中醫藥學會聯合會中醫藥國際貢獻獎-科技進步二等獎(2/10)
2016 國家科技進步二等獎(3/10)
2015 中華中醫藥學會科學技術進步一等獎(3/15)
2014 國家科技進步二等獎(8/10)
2013 廣西科技進步二等獎(6/10)
2012 北京市科技進步二等獎(4/10)
2007 國家科學技術進步二等獎(7/10)
近年來發表的論文(Recent Publications):
1. Xie RX, Liang Z, Ai YJ, Zheng WC, XiongJL, Xu PD, Liu YP, Ding MY, Gao JY, Wang Jiaping, and Liang QL*. Composable microfluidic spinning platforms for facileproduction of biomimetic perfusable hydrogel microtubes. Nature Protocols 2021, 16, 937-964.
2. Xie RX, Korolj A, Liu C, Song X, Lu R,Zhang BY, Ramachandran A, Liang QL* and Radisic M*. h-FIBER: Microfluidictopographical hollow fiber for studies of glomerular filtration barrier. ACS Central Science 2020, 6, 903-912.
3. Xie RX, Zheng WC, Guan LD, Ai YJ and Liang QL*. Engineering of Hydrogel Materialswith Perfusable Microchannels for Building Vascularized Tissues. Small 2020, 16(15), 1902838.
4. Ai YJ, Xie RX, Xiong JL and Liang QL*. Microfluidics forBiosynthesizing: from Droplets and Vesicles to Artificial Cells. Small 2020,16(9),1903940.
5. Xiong Jl, Xie RX, Wang Y, Wang CL, Ai YJ,Zheng WC, Ding MY, Gao JY, Wang JP, and Liang QL*. Nitrite-ResponsiveHydrogel: Smart Drug Release Depending on the Severity of the NitricOxide-Related Disease. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12, 51185
6. Li JF, Liu L, Ai YJ, Liu Y, Sun HB* and Liang QL*. Self-Polymerized Dopamine-Decorated Au NPs and Coordinated with Fe-MOF asa Dual Binding Sites and Dual Signal-Amplifying Electrochemical Aptasensor forthe Detection of CEA. ACS AppliedMaterials & Interfaces 2020, 12(5), 5500-5510
7. Ai YJ, Hu ZN, Liu L, Zhou JJ, Long Y, LiJF, Ding MY, Sun HB* and Liang QL*.Magnetically Hollow Pt Nanocages with Ultrathin Walls as a Highly IntegratedNanoreactor for Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation Reaction. Advanced Science 2019, 6(7), 1802132.
8. Wang Y, Shao ZX, Zheng WC, Xie YY, Luo GA,Ding MY and Liang QL*. A 3D constructof the intestinal canal with wrinkle morphology on a centrifugation configuringmicrofluidic chip. Biofabrication 2019, 11 (4), 045001.
9. Ai YJ, Zhang F, Wang CL, Xie RX and Liang QL*. Recent progress inlab-on-a-chip for pharmaceutical analysis and pharmacological/toxicologicaltest. TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2019, 117, 215-230.
10.Xie RX, Xu PD, Liu YP, Li LL, Luo GA, Ding MY and Liang QL*. Necklace-LikeMicrofibers with Variable Knots and Perfusable Channels Fabricated by anOil-Free Microfluidic Spinning Process. Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1705082.
11.Zhang F, Xiong LG, Ai YJ, Liang Z and Liang QL*. Stretchable Multi-responsive Hydrogel withActuatable, Shape memory and Self-healing Properties. Advanced Science 2018, 5, 1800450.
12.Li LL, Li YQ, Shao ZX, Luo GA, Ding MY and Liang QL*. Simultaneous Assay of Oxygen-Dependent Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicityof Anticancer Drugs on an Integrated Microchip. Analytical Chemistry 2018,90(20), 11899-11907.
13.Ma LD, Wang YT, Wang JR, Wu JL, Meng XS, Hu P, Mu X, Liang QL* and Luo GA*. Design and Fabrication of a Liver-on-a-chip Platformfor Convenient, Highly Efficient, and Safe in Situ Perfusion Culture of 3D HepaticSpheroids. Lab on a Chip 2018, 18, 2547 -2562.
14.Yang SH, Zhang FF, Liang QL* and Wang ZH*.A Three-Dimensional Graphene-Based Ratiometric Signal Amplification Apta sensorfor MUC1 Detection. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2018, 120, 85-92.
15.Yang SH, Zhang FF, Wang ZH* and Liang QL*. A Graphene Oxide-based Label-free ElectrochemicalAptasensor for the Detection of Alpha-fetoprotein. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2018, 112, 186-192.
16.Ai YJ, He MQ, Zhang F, Long Y, Li YZ, Han Q, Ding MY, Sun HB* and Liang QL*. Metallo-supramolecular PolymerEngineered Porous Carbon Framework Encapsulated Stable Ultra-smallNanoparticles: a General Approach to Construct Highly Dispersed Catalysts. Journalof Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 16680-16689.
17.Long Y, Han Q, Yang ZQ, Ai YJ, Sun SA, Wang Y, Liang QL* and Ding MY*. A Novel Solvent-free Strategy for the Synthesis ofBismuth Oxyhalides. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 13005-13011.
18.Xu PD, Xie RX, Liu YP, Li LL, Luo GA, Ding MY and Liang QL*. Bioinspired Microfibers with Embedded Perfusable Helical Channels. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1701664.
19.Zhou BJ, Li YZ, Niu GL, Lan MH, Jia QY and Liang QL*. Near-Infrared Organic Dye-Based Nanoagent for the Photothermal Therapyof Cancer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8, 29899-29905.
20.Li LL, Wang WX, Ding MY, Luo GA and Liang QL*. Single-Cell-Arrayed Agarose Chip for in Situ Analysis of Cytotoxicityand Genotoxicity of DNA Cross-Linking Agents. Analytical Chemistry 2016, 88, 6734-6742.