- 中文名:梁德青
- 外文名:Liang Deqing
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:研究員
- 畢業院校:上海交通大學
梁德青 ,男,博士,現主要從事水合物基礎研究及套用技術研究包括水合物基礎物理化學性質、形成/分解熱力學和動力學、天然氣(水合物)儲運技術、水合物儲氫技術、水合物抑制技術等。作為負責人主持國家自然科學基金2項、國家973課題1項、中國科學院知識創新工程課題3項、廣東省自然科學基金重點項目1項。發表期刊論文80多篇,其中SCI/EI論文40多篇,獲得省部級獎勵3項。

(1)Phase equilibrium conditions for simulated landfill gas hydrate formation in aqueous solutions of tetrabutylammonium nitrate, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2014,第5作者
(2)Equilibrium Data of (tert-Butylamine+CO2) and(tert-Butylamine+N2) Clathrate Hydrates, Journal of Chemical And Engineering Data,2014,第5作者
(3)Phase Equilibria of CO2 Hydrate in CaCL2-MgCL2 Aqueous Solutions, Journal of Chemical And Engineering Data,2014,第5作者
(4)Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon dioxide hydrate growth in electrolyte solutions of NaCl and MgCl2 , Molecular Physics,2014,第5作者
(5)Phase Equilibrium Data of Tetrabutylphosphonium Bromide Plus Carbon Dioxide or Nitrogen Semiclathrate Hydrates, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2013,第5作者
(6)The Formation of Natural Gas Hydrate From SDS-Solutions and Decomposition By Microwave Heating in a Static Reactor, PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013,第5作者
(7)Gas hydrate formation in fine sand, SCIENCE CHINA: Earth Sciences,2013,第5作者
(8)Phase equilibria of CO2 hydrate in NaCl-MgCl2 aqueous solutions, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2012,第5作者
(9) Molecular dynamics simulations of the mechanisms of thermal conduction in methane hydrates, Science China-Chemistry,2012,第5作者
(10) Hydrate phase equilibrium for the (hydrogen plus tert-butylamine plus water) system, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, 2011,第5作者
(11)Experimental Investigation on the Dissociation Behavior of Methane Gas Hydrate in an Unconsolidated Sediment by Microwave Stimulation, ENERGY FUELS,2011,第5作者
(12)Hydrate Equilibrium Data for Methane + tert-Butylamine + Water, J. Chem. Eng. Data,2010,第1作者
(13)Continuous Formation Process of CO2 Gas Hydrate via a Vortex and Impinging Stream Reactor, Energy Fuels,2010,第5作者
(14)Phase Equilibrium Data of Binary Hydrate in the System Hydrogen + Acetone +Water, J. Chem. Eng. Data,2010,第5作者
(15)Phase Equilibria of ethane hydrate in MgCl2 aqueous solutions, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2010,第5作者
(16)Experimental Determination of the Equilibrium Conditions of Binary Gas Hydrates of Cyclopentane + Oxygen, Cyclopentane + Nitrogen, and Cyclopentane + Hydrogen, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res,2010,第5作者
(17)Kinetic studies of gas hydrate formation with low-dosage hydrate inhibitors, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry,2010,第5作者
(18)Estimation of ultra-stability of methane hydrate at 1 atm by thermal conductivity measurement, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry,2010,第5作者
(2)Equilibrium Data of (tert-Butylamine+CO2) and(tert-Butylamine+N2) Clathrate Hydrates, Journal of Chemical And Engineering Data,2014,第5作者
(3)Phase Equilibria of CO2 Hydrate in CaCL2-MgCL2 Aqueous Solutions, Journal of Chemical And Engineering Data,2014,第5作者
(4)Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon dioxide hydrate growth in electrolyte solutions of NaCl and MgCl2 , Molecular Physics,2014,第5作者
(5)Phase Equilibrium Data of Tetrabutylphosphonium Bromide Plus Carbon Dioxide or Nitrogen Semiclathrate Hydrates, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2013,第5作者
(6)The Formation of Natural Gas Hydrate From SDS-Solutions and Decomposition By Microwave Heating in a Static Reactor, PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013,第5作者
(7)Gas hydrate formation in fine sand, SCIENCE CHINA: Earth Sciences,2013,第5作者
(8)Phase equilibria of CO2 hydrate in NaCl-MgCl2 aqueous solutions, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2012,第5作者
(9) Molecular dynamics simulations of the mechanisms of thermal conduction in methane hydrates, Science China-Chemistry,2012,第5作者
(10) Hydrate phase equilibrium for the (hydrogen plus tert-butylamine plus water) system, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, 2011,第5作者
(11)Experimental Investigation on the Dissociation Behavior of Methane Gas Hydrate in an Unconsolidated Sediment by Microwave Stimulation, ENERGY FUELS,2011,第5作者
(12)Hydrate Equilibrium Data for Methane + tert-Butylamine + Water, J. Chem. Eng. Data,2010,第1作者
(13)Continuous Formation Process of CO2 Gas Hydrate via a Vortex and Impinging Stream Reactor, Energy Fuels,2010,第5作者
(14)Phase Equilibrium Data of Binary Hydrate in the System Hydrogen + Acetone +Water, J. Chem. Eng. Data,2010,第5作者
(15)Phase Equilibria of ethane hydrate in MgCl2 aqueous solutions, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2010,第5作者
(16)Experimental Determination of the Equilibrium Conditions of Binary Gas Hydrates of Cyclopentane + Oxygen, Cyclopentane + Nitrogen, and Cyclopentane + Hydrogen, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res,2010,第5作者
(17)Kinetic studies of gas hydrate formation with low-dosage hydrate inhibitors, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry,2010,第5作者
(18)Estimation of ultra-stability of methane hydrate at 1 atm by thermal conductivity measurement, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry,2010,第5作者
( 1 )儲能材料與技術, Energy Storage Materials and Technology, 化學工業出版社, 2004-10, 第2作者。