
梁山,男,1967年12月生,四川省瀘州人。國家“985工程”科技創新平台 重慶大學測控及遙感信息傳輸研究院 “多目標測控與高精度測控研究中心”主任,教授。2006年入選國家教育部“新世紀優秀人才”。重慶市學術技術帶頭人(控制科學與工程)後備人選、IEEE Control Systems Society會員;日本計測自動控制學會(The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers)會員;國際一般系統論研究會(International Institute for General Systems Studies)中國分會信息系統與信息理論專業委員會 常務理事;《International Journal of Sensing, Computing and Control》共同主編。


  • 中文名:梁山
  • 性別:男
  • 出生日期:1967年12月生
  • 籍貫:四川省瀘州


1988.7-1996.3 四川瀘州老窖股份有限公司任 助理工程師
1992.9-1995.7 重慶大學自動化系 工學碩士
1996.4-1997.11 重慶大學自動化系 講師
1997.11-1999.9 教育部港澳台事務辦公室 項目主管
2000.10-2001.3 日本國熊本大學工學部 研究生
2001.4-2004.3 日本國熊本大學大學院 博士(Ph. D.)
2004.7 - 重慶大學自動化學院教授
2005.6- 重慶大學 “985工程”科技創新平台 測控及遙感信息傳輸研究院 多目標測控與高精度測控研究中心 主任、特聘專家。
日本儀器與控制工程師協會(日本計測自動制御學會,The Society ofInstrument and Control Engineers)會員;
中國儀器儀表學會 高級會員;
國際一般系統論研究會(InternationalInstitute for General Systems Studies)中國分會 信息系統與信息理論專業委員會 常務理事







1. 沼氣熱水器關鍵技術研究及其套用,重慶市科技攻關重點項目CSTCAC60052006。
2. 基於多率保持器的離散時間控制系統零點的穩定特性,教育部留學回國人員基金。
3. 基於多率信號重建機制的數字控制理論及套用研究,重慶市自然科學基金CSTC2005BB2020。
4. 面向智慧型儀器儀表的嵌入式軟體開放平台及其支撐環境研究,重慶市科技攻關重點項目(CSTC,2004AA2001-8277-02)。
5. 多變數系統的零點漸近穩定性研究,『日本財團法人C&C振興財團』和『日本熊本工業會』,
1. 船用機艙自動化技術攻關及產業化,重慶市科技攻關重點項目(CSTC2007AB3035)。
2. 基於多率信號保持器的離散時間多輸入多輸出系統零點穩定性研究,國家自然科學基金60574003。
3. 一類非線性汽車懸架系統混沌振動控制研究,教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫(NCET-06--766)。


1) 模糊控制在冶金工業中的套用,重慶大學出版社,1999年,第3作者。
1)Xie Kaiming, Liang Shan, Pang Beibei, AFlexible Inclination Measurement System Based On Wireless Sensor Network, 1stInt. Conf. on intelligent networks and intelligent system. 2008, to bepublished;
2)梁山等,基於廣義採樣保持函式的離散時間多輸入多輸出系統零點的穩定性,2008中國控制會議, 昆明。
3)Qin Zhu and Shan Liang, Analysis ofDynamics of a 2 DOF Non-linear Vehicle Model with First-order Averaging Method,Research Reports of Oyama National College of Technology, 2008.3。
4)Shan Liang, Tang Yunjian, Zhu Qin,Passive wake-up scheme for wireless sensor networks, Innovative Computing,Information and Control Express Letters, Vol.2 No. 2, 2008, pp. 149-154。
5)唐雲建,梁山等,低功耗射頻喚醒無線感測器網路設計,感測技術學報, pp. 2328-2332,2007, 20(10)。
6)Qin Zhu and Shan Liang, Sliding ModeControl of Chaos in Duffing’s Oscillator with Uncertainties, Research Reportsof Oyama National College of Technology, Vol. 39, 2007, pp. 55-60,
7)梁山等,離散時間MIMO系統極限零點的穩定性,自動化學報,pp. 339-442,2007, 33(4),
8)Shan Liang, Xiaodong Xian and M.Ishitobi, Stability of Zeros of the Multirate Sampling System, Dynamics ofContinuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems -Series A-Mathematical Analysis, 13,Part 1, Suppl. S, pp. 310-314, 2006.
9)Shan Liang, Xiaodong Xian and M.Ishitobi, Stability of Zeros of Discrete-Time Systems with GSHF, Dynamics ofContinuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B- Applications and Algorithms, 13, Part 2, 584-588, Suppl. S, DEC2006.
10)Qin Zhu, Mitsuaki Ishitobi and ShanLiang, Sliding Mode Control of Chaos for the System with Unknown Parameter,Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan,Vol. 55, 2006, pp.97-102,
11)Qin Zhu, Mitsuaki Ishitobi and ShangLiang, Identification of Chaotic Vibration with an Index Number Obtained byWavelet Transform, Proc. of the International Conference on Sensing, Computingand Automation, pp. 3651-3654, Chongqing, china, May 8-11, 2006.
12)Qin Zhu, Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Shan Liang,Sliding Mode Control with Quadratic Switching Functions and its Application toa Robot Manipulator, Proceedings of International Symposium on Advanced Controlof Industrial Process, pp. 145-150, 2005.8, Seoul, Keroa.
13)S. Liang, Q. Zhu and M. Ishitobi,Identification of Duffing’s Equation with Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network,Advance in Neural Networks, ISNN 2005, PT 2, LNCS 3497,2005, pp. 454–459,
14)S. Liang and M. Ishitobi, The stabilityproperties of the zeros of sampled models for time delay systems in fractionalorder hold case, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems -Series B - Applications and Algorithms, No. 11, 2004, pp. 299-312,
15)S. Liang and M. Ishitobi, Properties ofzeros of discretized system using multirate input and hold, IEE Proceedings -Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 151, No. 2, 2004, pp. 180-184,
16)M. Ishitobi and S. Liang, On zeros ofdiscrete-time models for collocated mass-damper-spring systems, ASME Journal ofDynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 126, No. 1, 2004, pp. 205-210,
17)S. Liang, M. Ishitobi and Q. Zhu,Improvement of stability of zeros in discrete-time multivariable systems usingfractional-order hold, International Journal of Control, Vol. 76, No. 17, 2003,pp. 1699-1711,
18)M. Ishitobi, Y. Nishioka, H. Kinoshita,S. Liang, Ripple-suppressed multirate control and its application to a systemwith an ultra sonic sensor, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, v 6, 2003,p 5979-5984,
19)M. Ishitobi and S. Liang, Asymptoticproperties and stability of zeros of sampled multivariable systems, Preprintsof the 15th triennial world congress of the International Federation ofAutomatic Control, CD-ROM, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002。
20)S. Liang, M. Ishitobi and Q. Zhu,Stability of zeros of sampled models for time-delay systems in the case ofapproximate fractional-order hold, Proc. of the 1st International Symposium onAdvanced Control of Industrial Process, pp. 453-458, Kumamoto, Japan, June 2002。
21)S. Liang and M. Ishitobi, On the zerosof a multivariable discrete-time control system with approximate fractionalorder hold, Proc. of 2001 International Conference on Control, Automation andSystems, pp. 386-389, Cheju, Korea, Oct. 2001。
22)M. Ishitobi and S. Liang, Zeros of amultivariable discrete-time system with fractional-order hold, Preprints of the1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control, CD-ROM, IFAC, Prague,Czech Republic, August 2001。
23)M. Ishitobi, Q. Zhu and S. Liang, Onzeros of discrete-time models for systems with time delays, Proc. of the 6thInternational Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, CD-ROM,WM3.3.1-6, Singapore, Dec. 2000。




