- 中文名:梁利娟
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:心理語言學、神經語言學
- 職務:雙語認知與發展實驗室副主任
- 職稱:教授
2011.9~2014.7 北京師範大學 心理學院,心理語言學方向,博士
2008.9~2011.7 山東大學 外國語學院,心理語言學方向,碩士
2022.1~至今 廣東外語外貿大學 外國語言學及套用語言學研究中心,專職研究員、碩士生導師、雲山青年學者
2016.9~2017.9 The University of Edinburgh, School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences, 博士後
2014.7~2021.12 廣東外語外貿大學 英語教育學院,雲山青年學者
Liang, L., & Chen, B.(2022). The non-native phonemic perception mechanism utilized by bilingualswith different L2 proficiency levels. International Journal of Bilingualism,26 (3), 368-386. (SSCI, A&HCI)
Liang, L., Chondrogianni,V., & Chen, B. (2022). Online processing of the grammatical aspect markerby L2 Chinese learners. Second LanguageResearch, 38 (4), 765-786. (SSCI)
Liang, L., & Chen, B.(2020). The impact of language proficiency on the time course and neural basisof L2 semantic access in bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism, 24 (4), 840-860. (SSCI,A&HCI)
Liang, L., Wen, Y., & Dong, Y.(2018). Gender constraint in L1 and L2 reflexive pronoun resolution byChinese-English bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 45, 1-12.(SSCI)
Liang, L., SharwoodSmith, M., Chondrogianni, V., & Chen, B. (2017). The pre-attentive L2orthographic perception mechanism utilized by bilinguals with differentproficiency levels. Frontiers in Psychology (Language Sciences), 8,1357. (SSCI)
Liang, L. &Chen, B. (2014). Processing morphologically complex words in second languagelearners: the effect of proficiency. Acta Psychologica, 150, 69-79.(SSCI)
梁利娟,陳寶國.(2013).元語言意識對第二語言習得的影響及其與其他因素的互動作用.外語教學理論與實踐,2, 21-27。(CSSCI)
Yang,X., Liang, L., & Chen, B. (2023).Word class effect on L2 ambiguous word acquisition: Evidence from ERPs. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 68, 101157. (SSCI)
Yang,X., Zhang, Y., Liang, L., &Chen, B. (2023). The impact of syntactic category on L2 ambiguous wordacquisition: Evidence from English Pseudowords. Current Psychology. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-04137-0. (SSCI)
Wang,J., Liang, L., & Chen, B.(2023). The age of acquisition effect in processing second language words andits relationship with the age of acquisition of the first language. Language and Cognition. DOI:10.1017/langcog.2022.40. (SSCI)
Zhang,Y., Yang, X., Liang, L., & Chen,B. (2022). The impact of learning new meaning on the previously learned meaningof L2 ambiguous words: The role of semantic similarity. Psychophysiology, 59, e13992. (SSCI)
Hao,S., Liang, L., Wang, J., Liu, H.,& Chen, B. (2021). The effects of emotional context and exposure frequencyon L2 contextual word learning. International Journal of Bilingualism, 25 (5), 1280-1296. (SSCI, A&HCI)
Zhang,Y., Lu, J., Liang, L., & Chen,B. (2020). The effect of semantic similarity on learning ambiguous words in asecond language: An event-related potential study. Frontiers in Psychology(Language Sciences), 11, 1633. (SSCI)
Lü,J., Liang, L., & Chen, B. (2019). The effect of executive controlability on the comprehension of second language metaphor. InternationalJournal of Bilingualism, 23 (1),87-101. (SSCI, A&HCI)
JiaoL., Liu, C., Liang, L., Plummer, P.,Perfetti, C., & Chen, B. (2019). The contributions of language control toexecutive functions: from the perspective of bilingual comprehension. Quarterly Journal of ExperimentalPsychology, 72 (8), 1984-1997.(SSCI)
Liu, H., Dunlap, S., Liang, L., &Chen, B. (2018). The effect of inhibitory control and its training on L1 and anew learned language switching. International Journal of Bilingualism, 22(6), 653-674. (SSCI, A&HCI)
Chen, B., Ma, T., Liang, L., &Liu, H. (2017). Rapid L2 word learning through high constraint sentencecontext: An event-related potential study. Frontiers in Psychology (LanguageSciences), 8, 2285. (SSCI)
Liu, H., Liang, L., Zhang, L., Lu, Y.,& Chen, B. (2017). Modulatory role of inhibition during language switching:Evidence from evoked and induced oscillatory activity. InternationalJournal of Bilingualism, 21 (1), 57-80. (SSCI,A&HCI)
Zhang, Q., Liang, L., Yao, P., Hu, S.,& Chen, B. (2017). Parallel morpho-orthographic and morpho-semanticactivation in processing second language morphologically complex words:Evidence from Chinese-English bilinguals. International Journal ofBilingualism, 21 (3), 291-305. (SSCI, A&HCI)
Liu, H., Dunlap, S., Wu, M. S., Liang, L.,Lu, Y., & Chen, B. (2017). Inhibitory control predicts quasi languageswitching performance: evidence from face-to-face dialogue. Language,Cognition and Neuroscience, 32 (6), 695-708. (SSCI)
Liu, H., Liang, L., Dunlap, S., Fan,N., & Chen, B. (2016). Theeffect of domain-general inhibition-related training on language switching: AnERP study. Cognition, 146, 264-276. (SSCI)
Wei, X., Chen,B., Liang, L. & Dunlap, S. (2015). Native language influence on thedistributive effect in producing L2 subject-verb agreement. QuarterlyJournal of Experimental Psychology, 68(12), 2370-2383. (SSCI)
Chen, B., Liang,L., Cui, P., & Dunlap, S. (2014). The priming effect of translationequivalents across languages for concrete and abstract words. ActaPsychologica, 153, 147-152. (SSCI)