



  • 軟體名稱:桑巴視頻通訊與反應
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:7.21MB
  • 支持版本:iOS6.0及以上
桑巴為您提供通過增加反應鏡頭獨特的視頻通信體驗。 選擇一個朋友,錄製視頻和輕彈送。當他們看到你的訊息,他們的反應將被記錄並自動傳送給您。 使用Samba,訊息和回響變成一個直接的,豐富的,引人入勝的談話。沒有文字或表情符號可以與真正的面部表情競爭。使用Samba你得到實時真實反應。 森巴舞。微笑/通話/吶喊/愛情/笑起來就像你的意思。 自動實時視頻回復 取消傳送 - 有第二個想法?訊息和反應可以在任何時候被刪除 弗里克送 - 快速和容易! 將訊息傳送給任何人您的聯繫人列表 不要浪費您的設備上寶貴的空間 快進和快退的查看選項 一次性或分段的訊息之間進行選擇。只要是有創意! 100%免費 下載samba現在。 Samba offers you a unique video messaging experience by adding reaction shots. Choose a friend, record your video and flick to send. As they view your message, their reaction will be recorded and automatically sent back to you. With Samba, the message and the response turn into an immediate, rich and engaging conversation. No word or emoticon can compete with a genuine facial expression. With Samba you get real reactions in real-time. Samba. Smile/Talk/Scream/Love/Laugh Like You Mean It. Automatic real-time video responses UNSEND - having second thoughts Messages and reactions can be deleted at any time Flick to send - quick and easy! Send messages to anyone on your contact list Don’t waste precious space on your device Fast-forward and rewind viewing options Choose between one-shot or segmented messages. Get creative! 100% FREE Download Samba now.

