

栗琳,清華北大生命聯合中心“青年學者”。前維也納醫科大學臨床質譜實驗室副主任,德國Bruker公司外部專家顧問,Red Bull 公司 Leading Scientist,阿爾茨海默病協會委員。本科畢業於北京大學



  • 中文名:栗琳
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:神經生物學




  • 2016年創立“豪思生物”。
  • 2014-2015維也納醫科大學 助理教授
  • 2009-2015紅牛公司 科學顧問


  1. 提高記憶力藥物的研發及其神經生物學機制,尤其是減緩老年痴呆藥物的機制。
  2. 抗抑鬱藥物的研發和抑鬱的分子機制
  3. 蛋白酶磷酸化機制對大腦各通路的作用機理
  4. 學習和記憶的分子機制
  5. 血液中疾病生物標誌物的研發


  1. 2009-2014《胺基酸》雜誌 (IF:3.914)編輯委員會成員
  2. 學術刊物特邀審稿人:公共科學圖書館期刊,國際神經化學, Fontier in Neuroscience雜誌等。
  3. 兩年一屆的胺基酸,多肽和蛋白質大會主辦方負責人。成功地在希臘 2008 (100 人參會), 奧地利 2010(500 人參會)和中國 2012(350 人參會)舉辦年會
  4. 雜誌 Hippocampus (IF: 5.492) 2012 年 22 期 《蛋白及蛋白組學》專刊的特邀編委及封面人物。


  • Public health analysis about Asia-­Pacific region countries. 2005.4 The Philippines
  • Binding mechanism of H5N1 influenza virus neuraminidase with ligands. 2007.8 Greece
  • Structure biology personality drug design. 2007.9 France
  • Proteins link to learning and memory. 2009.8 Austria
  • Proteomics study links to cognitive function. 2010.5
  • Generation and characterization of a specific polyclonal antibody against the mouse serotonin receptor 1A: a state-of-the-art recommendation on how to characterize antibody specificity. 2011.5 China
  • Distinct set of kinases induced after retrieval of spatial memory discriminate memory modulation processes in the mouse hippocampus. 2012 USA
  • Network of brain protein level changes in glutaminase deficient fetal mice. 2012 Spain
  • Changes of several brain receptor complex levels in cerebral cortex of patients with Alzheimer disease-­probable new pharmaceutical target 2013 USA


  • 2004北京大學優秀新生獎
  • 北京大學優秀生獎學金
  • 北京大學優秀生獎學金
  • 北京大學最佳畢業論文獎
  • 摩根斯坦利青年科學家獎
  • OEMV獎學金
  • 江蘇省省級“雙創人才”
  • 《財富》“中國40位40歲以下的商界精英”
  • 2023年3月,入選“福布斯中國商界20位潛力女性”名單。


  • Goran Mucic, Sunetra Sase, Oliver Stork, Gert Lubeca, Lin Li. Networks of protein kinases and phosphatases in the individual phases of contextual fear conditioning in the C57BL/6J mouse. Behavioural Brain Research.2014 Nov 21. 通訊作者
  • Kongzhao Li, Iris Müller, Sudarshan Patil, Harald Höger, Arnold Pollak, Nina Russo-Schlaff, Gert Lubec, Lin Li. Strain-independent global effect of hippocampal proteins in mice trained in the Morris water maze. Amino Acids. 2012 Oct;43. 通訊作者
  • Lin Li, Edina Csaszar; Edit Szodorai; Sudarshan Patil; Arnold Pollak; Gert Lubec. The differential hippocampal phosphoproteome of Apodemus sylvaticus paralleling spatial memory retrieval in the Barnes maze. Behavioural Brain Research 第一作者
  • 5. Lin Li, Fernando Sialana, Harald Höger, Nina Russo-Schlaff, Gert Lubec,Protein kinases paralleling late-phase LTP formation in dorsal hippocampus in the rat. Plos One (submitted) 第一作者
  • 6. Lin Li, Han Wang, Maryam Ghafari, Gunyong An, Volker Korz, Gert Lubec. Dorsal hippocampal brain receptor complexes linked to the protein synthesis-dependent late phase (LTP) in the rat. Brain Structure and Function 2014 Jan 18. 第一作者
  • 7. Lin Li, Lanhua You, Berta Sunyer, Sudarshan Patil, Harald Höger, Arnold Pollak, Oliver Stork, Gert Lubec. Hippocampal protein kinase C family members in spatial memory retrieval in the mouse. Behavioural Brain Research 2014 January, Pages 202–207. 第一作者
  • 8. Lin Li, Ajinkya Sase, Sudarshan Patil, Berta Sunyer, Harald Höger, Karl-Heinz Smalla, Oliver Stork, Gert Lubec. Distinct set of kinases induced after retrieval of spatial memory discriminate memory modulation processes in the mouse hippocampus. Hippocampus. 2013 Aug;23(8):672-83. 第一作者
  • 9. Lin Li, Sanjay V. Boddul1, Sudarshan S. Patil1, Jun-Fang Zheng, Gunyong An, Harald Höger, Gert Lubec. Proteins linked to extinction in contextual fear conditioning in the C57BL/6J mouse. Proteomics. 2011 Sep;11(18):3706-24. 第一作者
  • 10. Lin Li, Veronika Mauric, Jun-Fang Zheng, Sung Ung Kang, Sudarshan Patil, Harald Höger, Gert Lubec. Olfactory bulb proteins linked to olfactory memory in C57BL/6J mice. Amino Acids. 2010 Aug;39(3):871-86. 第一作者
  • 11.Lin Li, Nigel Whittle, Stefanie Klug, Wei-Qiang Chen, Nicolas Singewald, Miklos Toth, Gert Lubec. Serotonin1A-receptor-dependent signaling proteins in mouse hippocampus. Neuropharmacology. 2009 Oct-Nov;57(5-6):556-66. 第一作者
  • 13.Narkhyun Bae, Lin Li, Martin Lödl, and Gert Lubec. Peptide toxin glacontryphan-M is present in the wings of the butterfly Hebomoia glaucippe. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 30;109(44):17920-4. 並列一作
  • 14.Amedeo A. Azizi, Lin Li, Thomas Ströbel, Wei-Qiang Chen, Irene Slavc, Gert Lubec. Identification of c-myc-dependent proteins in the medulloblastoma cell line D425Med. Amino Acids. 2012 Jun;42(6):2149-63. 並列一作
  • 15.Nigel Whittle, Lin Li, Wei-Qiang Chen, Jae-Won Yang, Simone B. Sartori, Gert Lubec, Nicolas Singewald. Changes in brain protein expression are linked to magnesium restriction-induced depression-like behavior. Amino Acids. 2011 Apr;40(4):1231-48. 並列一作
  • 18.Wei-Qiang Chen, Lin Li, Gert Lubec. Proteomic differences between white and brown adipocytes. Amino Acids. 2014 Jan 5. 第二作者
  • 20.Xiaoli Guo, Lin Li, Yang Zhu, Kuo-Chen Chou. Cleavage mechanism of the H5N1 hemagglutinin by trypsin and furin. Amino Acids. 2008 Aug;35(2):375-82. 第二作者
  • 21.Narkhyun Bae, Yvonne Wang, Lin Li, Stephen Rayport, Gert Lubec. Network of brain protein level changes in glutaminase deficient fetal mice. J Proteomics. 2013 Mar 27;80:236-49.
  • 22.Eun-Jung Kim, Francisco J. Monje, Lin Li, Harald Höger, Daniela D. Pollak, Gert Lubec. Alzheimer's disease risk factor lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase regulates long-term synaptic strengthening, spatial learning and memory. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2013 Feb;70(4):743-59.
  • 23.Alev Deli, Katharina Schipany, Margit Rosner, Harald Höger, Arnold Pollak, Lin Li, Markus Hengstschläger, Gert Lubec. Blocking mTORC1 activity by rapamycin leads to impairment of spatial memory retrieval but not acquisition in C57BL/6J mice. Behav Brain Res. 2012 Apr 15;229(2):320-4.
  • 25.Jing-Fang Wang, Dong-Qing Wei, Lin Li, Si-Yuan Zheng, Yi-Xue Li, Kuo-Chen Chou. 3D structure modeling of cytochrome P450 2C19 and its implication for personalized drug design. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Apr 6;355(2):513-9.

