- 中文名:南京航空航天大學
- 英文名:NUAA
- 簡稱:南航大
- 類別:公立大學
- 學校類型:理工類
- 屬性:國家重點大學,211,985優勢學科創新平台
- 所屬地區:江蘇省南京市
- 現任校長:聶宏
- 主管部門:工信部
- 博士點:土木工程,結構工程,力學
- 博士後流動站:力學一級學科
- 專職院士:胡海岩、朱荻、趙淳生、陳達、郭萬林、宣益民
- 主要院系:土木工程系
- 國家重點學科:力學,航空宇航科學及技術等
- 學校地址:南京市御道街29號
- 性別:男
2011年12月 同濟大學獲得土木工程專業工學博士學位
2012年1月-2014年3月 南京航空航天大學土木工程系 講師
2012年9月 在職進入南京航空航天大學力學一級學科從事博士後科研工作
2011年 日本東京工芸大學風工程研究中心 訪問學者
2014年3月-至今 南京航空航天大學土木工程系 副教授,副主任
1) 國家自然科學基金NSFC-RGC合作研究項目,5171101042,10MW級風力機體系風致非線性自激系統能量轉移機理及套用基礎研究,2018.1.1-2021.12.31,正在進行,主持
2) 國家自然科學基金,U1733129,颱風下中/小尺度模式耦合的航站樓屋蓋非線性振動機理及套用基礎研究,2018.1.1-2020.12.31,正在進行,主持
3) 國家自然科學基金,51208254,複雜環境下超大型冷卻塔風振機理與等效靜風荷載研究,2013.1-2015.12, 已完成,主持
4) 江蘇省六大人才高峰高層次人才計畫項目,JZ-026,颱風下超高層建築非線性振動能量轉移機理與套用基礎研究,2018.1-2020.12,正在進行,主持
5) 江蘇省青藍工程優秀青年骨幹教師培養計畫,大型風力機塔架-葉片體系非線性氣彈評估性能研究,2017.9-2020.8,正在進行,主持
6) 江蘇省自然科學基金優秀青年基金,BK20160083,超大型冷卻塔施工全過程風振機理與風荷載模型研究,2016.1-2019.12,正在進行,主持
7) 中國博士後科學基金特別資助,2015T80551,複雜工況下風力機流場驅動機理及氣動力模型,2015.9-2017.8, 正在進行,主持
8) 江蘇省自然科學基金,BK2012390,超大型冷卻塔風振耦合機理及氣動抗風措施研究,2012.7-2015.6, 已完成,主持
9) 中國博士後科學基金一等資助,2013M530255,周邊干擾下冷卻塔群抗風設計精細化研究,2013.6-2015.5,已完成,主持
10) 江蘇省博士後科學基金B類資助,1202006B,火/核電超大型冷卻塔三維風荷載與抗風設計方法研究,2012.9-2014.8, 已完成,主持
11) 江蘇省風力機高技術研究重點實驗室自主課題,ZAA20160013,強風作用下風力機塔架-葉片體系風致疲勞機理及剩餘壽命研究,2015.5-2017.4,正在進行,主持
12) 中央高校基本科研業務費,YAH12010,多目標等效靜力風荷載計算方法研究,2012.9-2014.8, 已完成,主持
13) 中國電力工程顧問集團科研項目,KFA14626,大型冷卻塔阻尼比特性及抗風抗震影響研究,2014.10-2016.6,正在進行,主持
14) 國家核電技術總公司科研項目,KFA16097,百萬機間接空冷塔結構抗風抗震研究(風荷載研究),2015.10-2016.8,已完成,主持
15) 中國電力工程顧問集團科研項目,KFA16342,220米大型冷卻塔風荷載塔群效應與風振分析,2015.1-2016.6, 已完成,主持
16) 廣東省電力設計研究院有限公司科研項目,KFA15433,超大型鋼結構冷卻塔風荷載和風振係數數值模擬,2015.5-2015.10, 已完成,主持
17) 廣東省電力設計研究院有限公司科研項目,KFA15433,超大型冷卻塔數值風洞模擬和風振係數研究,2016.5-2016.10, 已完成,主持
18) 中國電力工程顧問集團科研項目,KFA14806,超大型冷卻塔風振計算理論研究及風振軟體開發,2014.10-2016.6, 正在進行,主持
19) 上海聯創國際建築設計院科研項目,KFA14078,南京高淳電視塔與地形風洞試驗及風振分析,2013.12-2014.6,已完成,主持
20) 南京金辰建築設計研究院科研項目,KFA14085,蘇州金茂中心超高層建築風荷載數值模擬研究,2013.10-2014.6, 已完成,主持
21) 內蒙古電力勘測設計研究院有限公司科研項目,KFA14063,京能盛樂電廠超大型冷卻塔風洞試驗與抗風抗震性能研究,2014.10-2016.6, 已完成,主持
22) 上海現代建築設計集團有限公司科研項目,KFA13756,台州國際中心超高層建築風荷載風洞試驗與風振分析,2013.10-2014.5, 已完成,主持
23) 西北電力設計院有限公司科研項目,KFA13668,寧夏馬蓮台電廠二期超大型冷卻塔風洞試驗及安全分析,2012.12-2013.6, 已完成,主持
24) 國內重大工程抗風抗震項目,KFA16818,三塔合一冷卻塔現場實測、模態識別與安全性評估,2016.10-2017.10, 已完成,主持
25) 北京國能中電節能環保技術股份有限公司科研項目,KFA17868,180m高三管集束式鋼結構煙囪風荷載與風振效應研究,2017.6-2017.12, 已完成,主持
26) 中聯築境建築設計有限公司科研項目,KFA17868,南京美術館新館風荷載與風振效應風洞試驗研究,2017.8-2018.12, 正在進行,主持
27) 國家重點基礎研究計畫973項目,2014CB046200,大型風力機的關鍵力學問題研究及設計實現,2014.1-2018.12, 正在進行,參與
28) 江蘇省自然科學基金重點項目,BK20140059,大型風力機的關鍵力學問題研究及設計實現,2015.1-2018.12, 正在進行,參與
· [1] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. A new methodology for analysis of equivalent static wind loads on super-large cooling towers. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012. 111(3): 30-39 (SCI, EI)
· [2] Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Wind-induced responses and equivalent static wind loads of tower-blade coupled large wind turbine system. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2014. 52(3): 485-505 (SCI, EI)
· [3] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. Wind-induced Responses Characteristics on Super-large Cooling Towers. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2013. 20(11): 3216-3227 (SCI, EI)
· [4] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge. The influence of self-excited forces on wind loads and wind effects for super-large cooling towers. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2014. 132: 125-135 (SCI, EI)
· [5] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Tongguang Wang, Jiufa Cao, Yukio Tamura. Wind field simulation and wind-induced responses of large wind turbine tower-blade coupled structure. The structural design of tall and special buildings. 2015, 24(8), 571-590 (SCI, EI)
· [6] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge. Extreme wind pressures and non-Gaussian characteristics for super-large hyperbolic cooling towers considering aero-elastic effect. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2015, 141(7), 04015010 (SCI, EI)
· [7] Shitang Ke*, Jun Liang, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge. Influence of ventilation rate on the aerodynamic interference for two IDCTs by CFD. Wind and Structures, An International Journal. 2015, 20(3): 449-468 (SCI, EI)
· [8] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao. Wind-induced vibration characteristics and parametric analysis of large hyperbolic cooling towers with different feature sizes. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal. 2015, 54(5), 891-908 (SCI, EI)
· [9] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. Stability and reinforcement analysis of super-large exhaust cooling towers based on a wind tunnel test. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. 2015, 141(12), 04015066 (SCI, EI)
· [10] Xiaoxiang Cheng*, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge, Shitang Ke, Xiaopeng Liu. Wind Pressures on a Large Cooling Tower, Advances in structural engineering, 2014, 18(2): 201-212 (SCI, EI)
· [11] Lin Zhao, Xu Chen, Shitang Ke, Yaojun Ge*. Aerodynamic and aero-elastic performances of super-large cooling towers[J], Wind and Structures, 2014, 19(4): 443-465 (SCI, EI)
· [12] Junfeng Zhang*, Huai Chen, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao and Shitang Ke. Effects of stiffening rings on the dynamic properties of hyperboloidal cooling towers. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2014. 49(5): 619-629 (SCI, EI)
· [13] Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Aeroelastic Responses of ultra Large Wind Turbine tower-blade coupled structures with SSI Effect. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015. 18(12): 2075-2087(SCI, EI)
· [14] Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang. Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Aerodynamic loads and aeroelastic responses of WT tower-blade system in yaw condition. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2015.56(6): 1021-1040 (SCI, EI)
· [15] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang. Yaojun Ge. Wind load effects and equivalent static wind loads of three-tower connected tall buildings based on wind tunnel tests. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2016.58(6):967-988 (SCI, EI)
· [16] Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu. Tongguang Wang, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge. Wind loads and load-effects of large scale wind turbine tower with different halt positions of blade. Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 2016.23(6):559-575 (SCI, EI)
· [17] Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu. Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. The effect of blade positions on the aerodynamic performances of wind turbine system. Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 2017.24(3):205-221 (SCI, EI)
· [18] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang. Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Shuyang Cao. Equivalent Static Wind Loads Analysis of Tall Television Towers Considering Terrain Factors of Hilltops based on Force Measurement Experiment. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2017. 63(4): 509-519 (SCI, EI)
· [19] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Non-Gaussian Characteristics and Extreme Distribution of Fluctuating Wind Pressures on Large Cylindrical-Conical Steel Cooling Towers. The structural design of tall and special buildings. 2017. online (SCI, EI)
· [20] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Multi-dimensional extreme aerodynamic load calculation in super-large cooling towers under typical four-tower arrangements. Wind and Structures, An International Journal. 2017. 25(2): 101-129 (SCI, EI)
· [21] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Interference effect and the working mechanism of wind loads in super-large cooling towers under typical four-tower arrangements. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics. 2017. 170: 197-213 (SCI, EI)
· [22] Shitang Ke*, Lingyun Du, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. A study on the average wind load characteristics and wind-induced responses of a super-large straight-cone steel cooling tower. Wind and Structures, An International Journal. 2017. online (SCI, EI)
· [1] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. A new methodology for analysis of equivalent static wind loads on super-large cooling towers. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012. 111(3): 30-39 (SCI, EI)
· [2] Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Wind-induced responses and equivalent static wind loads of tower-blade coupled large wind turbine system. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2014. 52(3): 485-505 (SCI, EI)
· [3] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. Wind-induced Responses Characteristics on Super-large Cooling Towers. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2013. 20(11): 3216-3227 (SCI, EI)
· [4] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge. The influence of self-excited forces on wind loads and wind effects for super-large cooling towers. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2014. 132: 125-135 (SCI, EI)
· [5] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Tongguang Wang, Jiufa Cao, Yukio Tamura. Wind field simulation and wind-induced responses of large wind turbine tower-blade coupled structure. The structural design of tall and special buildings. 2015, 24(8), 571-590 (SCI, EI)
· [6] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge. Extreme wind pressures and non-Gaussian characteristics for super-large hyperbolic cooling towers considering aero-elastic effect. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2015, 141(7), 04015010 (SCI, EI)
· [7] Shitang Ke*, Jun Liang, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge. Influence of ventilation rate on the aerodynamic interference for two IDCTs by CFD. Wind and Structures, An International Journal. 2015, 20(3): 449-468 (SCI, EI)
· [8] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao. Wind-induced vibration characteristics and parametric analysis of large hyperbolic cooling towers with different feature sizes. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal. 2015, 54(5), 891-908 (SCI, EI)
· [9] Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. Stability and reinforcement analysis of super-large exhaust cooling towers based on a wind tunnel test. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. 2015, 141(12), 04015066 (SCI, EI)
· [10] Xiaoxiang Cheng*, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge, Shitang Ke, Xiaopeng Liu. Wind Pressures on a Large Cooling Tower, Advances in structural engineering, 2014, 18(2): 201-212 (SCI, EI)
· [11] Lin Zhao, Xu Chen, Shitang Ke, Yaojun Ge*. Aerodynamic and aero-elastic performances of super-large cooling towers[J], Wind and Structures, 2014, 19(4): 443-465 (SCI, EI)
· [12] Junfeng Zhang*, Huai Chen, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao and Shitang Ke. Effects of stiffening rings on the dynamic properties of hyperboloidal cooling towers. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2014. 49(5): 619-629 (SCI, EI)
· [13] Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Aeroelastic Responses of ultra Large Wind Turbine tower-blade coupled structures with SSI Effect. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015. 18(12): 2075-2087(SCI, EI)
· [14] Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang. Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Aerodynamic loads and aeroelastic responses of WT tower-blade system in yaw condition. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2015.56(6): 1021-1040 (SCI, EI)
· [15] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang. Yaojun Ge. Wind load effects and equivalent static wind loads of three-tower connected tall buildings based on wind tunnel tests. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2016.58(6):967-988 (SCI, EI)
· [16] Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu. Tongguang Wang, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge. Wind loads and load-effects of large scale wind turbine tower with different halt positions of blade. Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 2016.23(6):559-575 (SCI, EI)
· [17] Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu. Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. The effect of blade positions on the aerodynamic performances of wind turbine system. Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 2017.24(3):205-221 (SCI, EI)
· [18] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang. Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Shuyang Cao. Equivalent Static Wind Loads Analysis of Tall Television Towers Considering Terrain Factors of Hilltops based on Force Measurement Experiment. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal, 2017. 63(4): 509-519 (SCI, EI)
· [19] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Non-Gaussian Characteristics and Extreme Distribution of Fluctuating Wind Pressures on Large Cylindrical-Conical Steel Cooling Towers. The structural design of tall and special buildings. 2017. online (SCI, EI)
· [20] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Multi-dimensional extreme aerodynamic load calculation in super-large cooling towers under typical four-tower arrangements. Wind and Structures, An International Journal. 2017. 25(2): 101-129 (SCI, EI)
· [21] Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Interference effect and the working mechanism of wind loads in super-large cooling towers under typical four-tower arrangements. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics. 2017. 170: 197-213 (SCI, EI)
· [22] Shitang Ke*, Lingyun Du, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. A study on the average wind load characteristics and wind-induced responses of a super-large straight-cone steel cooling tower. Wind and Structures, An International Journal. 2017. online (SCI, EI)