
在城市長大的秀金,從小她就從聲音中尋找自己血脈中的律動,早期她加入了優人神鼓,生命的長成歲月中,她開始認識自己的文化與歌謠,並深深為之感動。 在鼓聲的頻率中,她開始吟唱自己的歌,細昂的聲線,隱約道出綿密於土地的情懷,人文的焠鍊與樸實的質地,聽她唱歌,部落的燈亮了,生命動了起來,世俗在歌 聲中漸漸淡出,聆聽者的身邊,彷佛有月亮與浪濤聲相伴,安靜的宇宙呈現出大自然的氣息,緩慢的呼吸之中,你會嗅到青草的味道


  • 中文名:林秀金
  • 外文名:Lin Hsiu-chin
  • 職業:歌手
  • 加入:優人神鼓
林秀金Lin Hsiu-chin
Lin Hsiu-chin
Having been raised in a high-rise apartment building, Lin Hsiu-chin is an Amis aborigine from the city. As a child, “Amis” was just a name to her. But one day after leaving home, she saw the Formosa Aboriginal Song and Dance Troupe perform the song “Beautiful Rice Seedlings.” She could barely believe her ears, and promised herself that she would learn to sing the song herself. And as she began to sing, she saw troupe member A-Dao, and the tears began to stream down her face. Just like that, she finished a moving rendition of the the song “Beautiful Rice Seedlings,” with tears accompanying her voice. Even though Hsiu-chin was never experienced the culture of her tribe first-hand as a child, she uses her own method to express a strong cultural understanding of her people.


