

林江維,男,中國科學院昆明動物研究所 研究員。

林江維學科組從事體細胞核移植及胚胎來源幹細胞研究,取得的進展包括:確證了克隆囊胚滋養外胚層細胞的異常是克隆胚胎髮育失敗的關鍵原因,通過四倍體胚胎彌補技術極顯著的提高克隆動物的出生率及降低出生缺陷;發現了核移植的胚胎幹細胞比iPS 具有更好的體內發育能力;首次從著床後的胚胎中高效分離出小鼠的原始內胚層幹細胞(XEN);發現PDGFRa、Sox17不是建立和維持原始內胚層幹細胞所必須的;發現降低複製叉速率可改變胚胎幹細胞命運,類全能幹細胞作為核移植供體具有更強的重編程能力;從食蟹猴囊胚首次分離出了靈長類的原始內胚層幹細胞系,這為從人囊胚中分離出原始內胚層幹細胞系提供指導。以上結果已在 Nature Genetics, Cell Stem Cell,Stem Cell Reports等期刊上發表SCI論文12篇。



  • 中文名:林江維
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1982年
  • 畢業院校:Max Planck Research Unit for Neurogenetics
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生殖與幹細胞


2012-09--2018-04 Max Planck Research Unit for Neurogenetics 博士學位
2007-08--2009-06 上海生物化學與細胞生物學研究所 聯合培養碩士研究生
2006-09--2009-06 揚州大學 碩士學位
2001-09--2005-06 湖南師範大學 學士學位


2019-09~現在, 中國科學院昆明動物研究所, 研究員
2018-04~2019-09,亥姆霍茲慕尼黑研究中心-表觀遺傳學與幹細胞研究所, 博士後
2009-07~2012-07,上海生物化學與細胞生物學研究所, 研究實習員,助理研究員
2021-04-03-今,雲南省幹細胞學會, 理事
1. Nakatani,T., Lin, J., Ji, F., Ettinger, A., Pontabry, J., Tokoro, M., Altamirano-Pacheco, L., Fiorentino,J., Mahammadov, E., Hatano, Y., Van Rechem, C., Chakraborty, D., Ruiz-Morales, E., Arguello Pascualli, P., Scialdone, A., Yamagata, K., Whetstine, J.R., Sadreyev, R., Torres-Padilla,M. (2022). DNA replication fork speed underlies cell fate changes and promotes reprogramming. Nature Genetics .54,318-327
2. Lin, J. (2022). SOX17 Is not required for the derivation and maintenance of mouse extraembryonic endoderm stem cell lines. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.09.475525.
3. Lin, J. (2021). The origin of mouse extraembryonic endoderm stem cell lines. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.12.27.474300.
4. Lin, J., Khan, M., Zapiec, B., Mombaerts, P. (2017). PDGFRA is not essential for the derivation and maintenance of mouse extraembryonic endoderm stem cell lines. Stem Cell Reports 9, 1062–1070.
5.Lin, J., Khan, M., Zapiec, B., Mombaerts, P. (2016). Efficient derivation of extra-embryonic endoderm stem cell lines from mouse post-implantation embryos. Scientific Reports 6, 39457; doi: 10.1038/srep39457.
6. Katidou, M., Grosmaitre, X., Lin, J., Mombaerts, P. (2018). G-protein coupled receptors Mc4r and Drd1a can serve as surrogate odorant receptors in mouse olfactory sensory neurons. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 88, 138–147.
7. Koentgen, F., Lin, J., Katidou, M., Chang, I., Khan, M., Watts, J., Mombaerts, P. (2016). Exclusive transmission of embryonic stem cell-derived genome through the mouse germline. Genesis 54, 326–333.
8. Qin, Y., Lin, J., Zhou, C., Yin, Q., Xie, Z., Zhang, X., Liu, X.Y., Gao, W., Li, J. (2013). Mice cloned from white adipose tissue-derived cells. J. Mol. Cell. Biol. 5, 348-350.
9. Lin, J., Shi, L., Zhang, M., Yang, H., Qin, Y., Zhang, J., Gong, D., Zhang, X., Li, D., Li, J. (2011). Defects in trophoblast cell lineage account for the impaired in vivo development of cloned embryos generated by somatic nuclear transfer. Cell Stem Cell 8, 371–375.
10.Jiang, J., Ding, G., Lin, J., Zhang, M., Shi, L., Lv, W., Yang, H., Xiao, H., Pei, G., Li, Y., Wu, J., Li, J. (2011). Different developmental potential of pluripotent stem cells generated by different reprogramming strategies. J. Mol. Cell. Biol 3,197-199.
11. Li, X., Zhu, L, Yang, A., Lin, J., Tang, F., Jin, S., Wei, Z., Li, J., Jin, Y. (2011). Calcineurin-NFAT signaling critically regulates early lineage specification in mouse embryonic stem cells and embryos. Cell Stem Cell 8, 46-58.
12. Yang, H., Shi, L., Zhang, S., Lin, J., Jiang, J., Li, J. (2010). High-efficiency somatic reprogramming induced by intact MII oocytes. Cell Res. 20,1034-1042

