

2008年9月起 中國人民大學商學院 講師

2004.9~2008.8 香港城市大學商學院 管理學博士

2001.9~2004.7 北京師範大學心理系 心理學碩士

1997.9~2001.7 北京師範大學心理系 心理學學士


組織公正和公正氛圍, 動機, 人力資源管理




  • 中文名:林曉婉
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職稱:講師


Lin, X.-W., Che, H.-S., & Leung, K. (in press). The role of leader morality in the interaction effect of procedural justice and outcome favorability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Lin, X.-W., & Leung, K. Differing effects of coping strategies on mental health during prolonged unemployment: A longitudinal analysis. Human Relations. (under second review)
Lu, L., Lin, X.-W., & Leung, K. Effects of learning and performance goal orientations on routine and innovative job performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior. (Under second review)
林曉婉,車宏生. 程式公正及其心理機制. 心理科學進展,2004, 12(2): 264-272.
車宏生,林曉婉,張西超, 喬志宏. “伯樂相馬”之前做什麼. 北大商業評論,2004, 4, 68-75.
林曉婉,車宏生. 關於中國上市公司經營者持股情況的研究,南開管理評論,2002,5(4):23-28.
林曉婉,車宏生. 中國上市公司經營者薪酬激勵的三年比較研究,管理現代化,2001,116(5):14-17.


Leung, K., Lin, X.-W., & Chan, D. (2008, June). Differential effects of self-efficacy and self-esteem on job-seeking behavior: A longitudinal study. Paper will be presented at the 2008 Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Guangzhou, China.
Kim, T.-Y., Lin, X.-W., Zhang, H. (2008, August). Organizational treatment, changes in fairness perception, and employee outcomes: A longitudinal study. Paper will be presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, America.
Lin, X.-W., & Leung, K. (2007, August). The “real” effects of coping on mental health during unemployment and the duration of effects. Paper presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, America.
Lin, X. -W., Hempel, P., & Leung, K. (2006, December). Strategic role of human resource configurations in knowledge-intensive organizations. Paper presented at 5th Asia Academy of Management Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
Lin, X.-W., Che, H.-S., & Leung, K. (2006, July). The role of leader morality in the interactive relationship between procedural justice and outcome favorability. Paper presented at the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece.
Che, H.-S., Lin, X.-W., & Fang, P. (2004, August). The development of psychological test in China. Paper presented at 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.
Lin, X.-W., Che, H.-S. (2004, August). Can morality of authority moderate the interaction between procedural justice and outcome favorability?: The Chinese Case. Paper presented at 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.
林曉婉,車宏生. (2001, 11月). 關於中國上市公司經營者薪酬激勵的研究。第9屆中國心理學大會,廣州,中國。


