



  • 中文名:材料與醫藥化工專業英語
  • 作者:黃微雅、何冰晶
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787122393302
內容簡介,作者簡介,目 錄,





目 錄

Part Ⅰ Scientific English Translating and Writing 001
Unit 1 Brief Introduction to Scientific English 001
Unit 2 Scientific English Translating Methods 010
Unit 3 Writing a Scientific Paper in English026
Part Ⅱ Basic English Knowledges for Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineerings 037
Unit 1 General Knowledge of Chemistry 037
Lesson 1 What is Chemistry?037
Lesson 2 Chemical Bonding043
Lesson 3 Working in Chemical Lab 045
Unit 2 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds 049
Unit 3 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 059
Part Ⅲ Reading and Comprehension of Scientific Articles 069
Unit 1 Chemical Technology and Engineering 069
Lesson 1 Chemical Industry069
Lesson 2 Research and Development072
Lesson 3 Typical Activities of Chemical Engineers 075
Lesson 4 Sources of Chemicals 078
Lesson 5 Basic Chemicals 081
Lesson 6 Ammonia083
Lesson 7 What is Chemical Engineering? 088
Lesson 8 Unit Operation in Chemical Engineering 091
Unit 2 Materials Science and Engineering 095
Lesson 1 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering 095
Lesson 2 Solid Materials and Engineering Materials 097
Lesson 3 An Introduction to Metallic Materials100
Lesson 4 Introduction to Ceramics 102
Lesson 5 Polymeric Composite Materials 107
Lesson 6 Materials and Technology 110
Lesson 7 Introduction to Nanoscale Materials 111
Lesson 8 Applications of Nanomaterials 114
Unit 3 Polymer Science and Engineering 117
Lesson 1 Polymer117
Lesson 2 What Are Polymers? 121
Lesson 3 Polymer Synthesis125
Lesson 4 Chain Polymerization and Bulk Polymerization129
Lesson 5 Molecular Weight and Its Distributions of Polymers 131
Lesson 6 Structure and Properties of Polymers 133
Lesson 7 Functional Polymers 136
Lesson 8 Preparations of Amino Resins in Laboratory 138
Lesson 9 Processing and Fabrication of Thermoplastics 139
Unit 4 Pharmaceuticals Engineering 143
Lesson 1 Production of Drugs 143
Lesson 2 Isolation of Caffeine from Tea 149
Lesson 3 The Chemistry of Insulin 153
Lesson 4 Tablets (The Pharmaceutical Tablets Dosage Form) 156
Lesson 5 Sterile Products 159
Lesson 6 Natural Products 162
Lesson 7 Discovery of Sulfa Drugs 165
References 168


