


  • 中文名:李用芳
  • 學位/學歷:碩士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:小RNA與植物的生長發育和脅迫應答、轉錄後調控機理
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:河南師範大學






在Trends Plant Sci., Plant J., Nucleic Acids Res., New Phytol., RNA等期刊上發表Sci期刊論文20餘篇,其中高被引論文2篇,單篇論文引用次數達339次,216次。同時為Springer出版的五部學術專著撰寫5章專題。現主持國家自然科學基金面上基金一項


1.MicroRNA介導的轉錄後調控在冬小麥春化過程中的作用機理研究,國家自然科學基金面上基金。主持, 2018-2021。
3.Building Oklahoma's leadership in cellulosicbioenergy. 美國國家自然科學基金NSF-EPSCoR. 參與,2008-2013。
4.Improving abiotic stress tolerance byengineering microRNA398 resistant superoxide dismutases in Rice and Tomato. 美國農業部USDA-NRI, 參與,2008-2011。
5.Nanocarrier-mediated Targeting ofBioscavengers to the Red Blood Cell for Prolonged circlulation,美國國防部 DTRA項目, 參與,2013-2017。
6.Role of Arabidopsis RNA binding proteins instress signaling。Oklahoma Center forAdvancement of Science and Technology,參與,2012-2014.


1. LiYF, Zheng Y, Addo-Quaye C, Zhang L, Saini A, Jagadeeswaran G, Axtell MJ,Zhang W and Sunkar R (2010) Transcriptome-wide identification of microRNAtargets in rice. Plant J. 62(5): 742-759 (SCI TOP期刊,高被引論文,引用261次)
2. Sunkar R, Li YF, Jagadeeswaran G (2012). Functions of microRNAs in plantstress responses. Trends Plant Sci. 17(4):196-203 (SCI TOP期刊,高被引論文, 引用480次)
3. Zheng Y, Li YF*, Sunkar R & Zhang W (2013). SeqTar: An Effective Methodfor Identifying MicroRNA Guided Cleavage Sites from Degradome of PolyadenylatedTranscripts in Plants. Nucleic Acids Research. 40(4):e28 (SCI TOP期刊.*: 共同第一)
4. Li, YF., Zhao, M., Wang, M., Guo, J., Wang, L., Ji, J., Qiu,Z., Zheng, Y., and Sunkar, R. (2019). An improved method of constructingdegradome library suitable for sequencing using Illumina platform. PlantMethods 15.
5. Li, YF., Wei, K., Wang, M., Wang, L., Cui, J., Zhang, D., Guo,J., Zhao, M., and Zheng, Y. (2019). Identification and Temporal ExpressionAnalysis of Conserved and Novel MicroRNAs in the Leaves of Winter Wheat Grownin the Field. Front Genet 10, 779.
6. Li, YF., Zheng, Y.,Vemireddy, L.R., Panda, S.K., Jose, S., Ranjan, A., Panda, P., Govindan, G.,Cui, J., Wei, K., Yaish, M.W., Naidoo, G.C., and Sunkar, R. (2018). Comparativetranscriptome and translatome analysis in contrasting rice genotypes revealsdifferential mRNA translation in salt-tolerant Pokkali under salt stress. BMCGenomics 19, 935.
7. Wang, L., Wang, L., Chang, W., Li,Y., and Wang, L. (2019). MicroRNA-373 promotes the development ofesophageal squamous cell carcinoma by targeting LATS2 and OXR1. Int J BiolMarkers 34, 148-155 (通訊作者).
8. Chen, K., Liu, L., Zhang, X., Yuan, Y., Ren, S., Guo, J., Wang, Q.,Liao, P., Li, S., Cui, X., Li, Y.F.,and Zheng, Y. (2018). Phased secondary small interfering RNAs inPanaxnotoginseng. BMC Genomics 19, 41. (通訊作者)
9. LiYF, Wang Y, Kakani G& Mahalingam R (2013). Transcriptome Analysis ofHeat Stress Response In Switchgrass (Panicum Virgatum L.) BMC Plant Biol. 2013Oct 6; 13(1):153. doi: 10.1186/1471-2229-13-153.
10. LiYF, Zheng Y, Jagadeeswaran G & Sunkar R (2013). Characterization ofsmall RNAs and their target genes in wheat seedlings using sequencing-basedapproaches. Plant Science. 203-204: 17-24.
11. Jagadeeswaran G, Li YF, Sunkar R (2014). Redox signaling mediates the expression ofa sulfate-deprivation-inducible microRNA395 in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2014Jan;77(1):85-96. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12364 (SCI TOP期刊)
12. Jagadeeswaran G, Li YF, Sunkar R (2014). Redox signaling mediates the expression ofa sulfate-deprivation-inducible microRNA395 in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2014Jan;77(1):85-96. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12364 (SCI TOP期刊)
13. Zheng, Y., Chen, K., Xu, Z., Liao, P., Zhang, X., Liu, L., Wei, K.,Liu, D., Li, Y.F., Sunkar, R., andCui, X. (2017). Small RNA profiles from Panax notoginseng roots differing insizes reveal correlation between miR156 abundances and root biomass levels. SciRep 7, 9418.
14.Jagadeeswaran, G., Zheng, Y., Li, Y.F., Shukla, L.I., Matts, J., Hoyt, P., Macmil, S.L., Wiley,G.B., Roe, B.A., Zhang, W., and Sunkar, R. (2009). Cloning and characterizationof small RNAs from Medicago truncatula reveals four novel legume-specificmicroRNA families. New Phytol 184, 85-98.
15. Addo-Quaye, C., Snyder, J.A.,Park, Y.B., Li, Y.F., Sunkar, R.,and Axtell, M.J. (2009). Sliced microRNA targets and precise loop-firstprocessing of MIR319 hairpins revealed by analysis of the Physcomitrella patensdegradome. RNA 15, 2112-2121.
16. Li, X., Ding, X., Li, Y., Wang, L., and Fan, J. (2016).A TiS2 nanosheet enhanced fluorescence polarization biosensor for ultra-sensitivedetection of biomolecules. Nanoscale 8, 9852-9860.


Li YF, Mahalingam R, Sunkar R(2017). Isolation of Polysomal RNA for AnalyzingStress-Responsive Genes Regulated at the Translational Level in Plants. MethodsMol Biol. Humana press.1631:151-161. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7136-7_9.
Li Y, Muthuramalingam M,Mahalingam M (2016),Plant responses totropospheric ozone.,Genetic manipulation in plants for mitigation of climatechange, Pawan Kumar Jaiwal, Rana Pratap Singh, Om Parkash, Springer press, pp1-14.
Li, YF. & Sunkar, R(2013). Global identification of small RNA targets by sequencing sliced ends ofmessenger RNAs. In Yang Y ed. Rice protocols: Methods in Molecular Biology,Humana press. 956:119-29.
Muthuramalingam M, Li YF & Mahalingam R (2014),Genomics Based Analyses of Environmental Stresses In Crop. In Gaur R.K &Sharma P Eds. Approaches to Plant Stress and Their Management .383-394.
Sinai A, Li YF& Sunkar R (2012). Role of microRNAs in plant adaptation to environmentstress. In Sunkar R ed. MicroRNAs in Plant Development and Stress Responses(Signaling and Communication in Plants). Springer press. pp 219-232


