


  • 中文名:李添明
  • 畢業院校:加州聖地亞哥大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生態學
  • 職務:中山大學博士生導師
  • 職稱:教授


李添明(Lee TienMing)教授博士畢業於美國加州聖地亞哥大學 (2011),後於耶魯大學,哥倫比亞大學,和普林斯頓大學進行博士後研究 (2011-2015)。 他於2017年11月正式全職回到中山大學生命科學學院工作。之前他在紐約市的企業當了兩年的教育數據科學家。李教授發表有四十多篇論文、以第一作者, 並列第一作者, 或通訊作者的身份發表學術論文九餘篇,分別刊登在Nature、Science 、Nature Climate Change、Nature Ecology Evolution、PNAS、Proceedings of Royal Society B、Conservation Biology, Frontiers of Ecology and Environment 等雜誌。他也是兩個生態和保護生物學雜誌的編委會成員 (Biological Conservation 和 Journal of Applied Ecology)。他也是有害生物控制與資源利用國重點實驗室其中一位PI。


Research areas:
Socio-ecological and coupled human-natural systems, interdisciplinary sustainability science, human and nature relationship, conservation science, wildlife trade (including Traditional Chinese Medicine and DNA forensic), ecological/conservation and climate change education, Artificial Intelligenceapplication in sustainability research
Updated18April 2018: We are looking for local and international undergraduates (open to visiting students), graduates (Masters and PhDs to start in2019), 1-2 Postdocs (open to all disciplines to start in 2018), and 1-2 Research Associates and Scientists (open to all disciplines to start in 2018)to join a growing, interdisciplinary, open anddynamic young team doing novelinterdisciplinaryconservation science research in China!
If you want to make a difference in the conservation world from China, write and tell usaconservation problem that you want to try tosolve with our team's expertise.
*Note: the Chinese language is the primary language of instruction for undergraduates and graduates. For interested international students, please visit the website for more information on requirements and scholarship applications
Office: Sun Yat-sen University (South campus) Ma Wen Hui Hall (the Biology Museum) Room 204


Journal articles (Peer-reviewed)
39. Burivalova, Z.,T. Lee, F. Hua, J. Lee, D. Prawiradilaga, D. Wilcove. 2017. Understanding consumer preferences and demography in order to reduce the domestic trade in wild-caught birds.Biological Conservation209: 423-431.
38.Baptiste, B., M. Pinedo-Vasquez, V. Gutierrez-Velez, G. I. Andrade, P. Vieira, L. Estupiñán, M.Londoño,W. Laurance,T. Lee. 2017.Greening Peace in Colombia.Nature Ecology & Evolution1: 0102.
37. Harris, JBC., M. Tingley, F. Hua, D. Yong, M. Adeney,T. Lee, W. Marthy, D. Prawiradilaga,C.H. Sekercioglu, Suyadi, N. Winarni, and D. Wilcove. 2017. Measuring the impact of the wildlife trade on Indonesian birds.Conservation Biology31(2): 394-405.
36.Sigouin, A., M. Pinedo-Vasquez, R. Nasi, C. Poole, B. Horne, andT. Lee.2017.Priorities for the trade of less charismatic freshwater and tortoise species.Journal of Applied Ecology54:345-350.
35. Zhang Q., Y. Hong, F, Zou, M. Zhang,T. Lee,X, Song,J. Rao. 2016.Avian responses to extreme ice-storm jointly shaped by functional traits, behavioral adaptations and habitat modifications.Scientific Reports6: 22344.
34. Hua, F., Y. Liu, H. J, X. Giam,T. Lee,H. Luo, J. Wu, Q. Liang, J. Zhao, X. Long, H. Pang, B. Wang, W. Liang, Z. Zhang., X. Gao, and J. Zhu.2016.Climate-associated phenological shift changes community assembly.Global Change Biology22(5): 1746-1754.
33. Van Vliet, J., P. Verburg, P. Magliocca, E. Ellis, B. Buchner, E. Cook, J. Benayas, A. Hainimann, E. Keys,T. Lee, J. Liu, O, Mertz, P. Meyfoidt, M. Moritz, C. Poeplau, B. Robinson, R. Seppelt and K. Seto. 2016. Meta-studies in land system science: current coverage and prospects.AMBIO45: 15.
32.Lee, T., E. Markowitz, Howe, P., C. Ko, and A. Leiserowitz. 2015. Predictors of public climate change awareness and risk perceptions around the world.Nature Climate Change5: 1014-1020.
31. Burivalova, Z.,T. Lee, X. Giam, C. Sekercioglu, D. Wilcove, and L. Koh. 2015. Some like it logged: logging practice together with species traits shape birds’ response to selective logging.Proceedings of the Royal Society B282: 164.
30. Zhang, Q., J. Wu, Y. Sun, B. Mai,T. Lee, and F. Zou. 2015.Do Bird Assemblages Predict Susceptibility by E-Waste Pollution? A Comparative Study Based on Species- and Guild-Dependent Responses in China Agroecosystems.PLoS One10(3): e0122264.
29. Howe, P., E. Markowitz,T. Lee, C. Ko, and A. Leiserowitz. 2013. Global perceptions of local temperature change.Nature Climate Change3: 352-356.
28. Sridhar, H., U. Srinivasan, R. Askin, J. Canales-Delgadillo, C-C. Chen, D. Ewert, G. Gale, E. Goodale, W. Gram, P. Hart, K. Hobson, R. Hutto, S. Kotagama, J. Knowlton,T. Lee, C. Munn, S. Nimnuan, B. Nizam, G. Péron, V. Robin, A. Rodewald, P. Rodewald, R. Thompson, P. Trivedi, S. Van Wilgenburg, and K. Shanker. 2012. Positive relationships between association strength and phenotypic similarity characterize the assembly of mixed-species bird flocks globally.American Naturalist180: 777-790.
27. Koh,L. andT. Lee. 2012. Sensible consumerism for environmental sustainability. (Invited)Biological Conservation151: 3-6.Special issue: Advancing Environmental Conservation: Essays in honor of Navjot Sodhi.
26. Gibson,L.*,T. Lee*, L. Koh, B. W. Brook, J. Barlow, T. Gardner, C. Perez, C. Bradshaw, W. Laurance, T. Lovejoy, and N. Sodhi. 2011. Primary forests are irreplaceable for sustaining tropical biodiversity.Nature478: 378-381. (*joint first authors)
25.Lee, T.and W. Jetz. 2011.Unraveling the structure of species extinction risk for predictive conservation science.Proceedings of the Royal Society B278: 1329-1338.
24. Yong, D., L. Qie, N. Sodhi,L. Koh,K. Peh,T. Lee, H. Lim, and S. Lim. 2011. Do insectivorous bird communities decline on land-bridge forest islands in Peninsular Malaysia?J. of Tropical Ecology27: 1-14.
23. Qie, L.,T. Lee, N. Sodhi andS. Lim. 2011. Dung beetle assemblies on tropical land-bridge islands: small island effect and vulnerable species.J. of Biogeography38: 792-804.
22. Belmaker, J.*, N. Cooper*,T. Lee*and H. Wilman*. 2010. Specialization and the road to academic success.Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment10: 514-515. (*equal contributions)
21. Koh, L.,T. Lee, N. Sodhi, and J. Ghazoul. 2010. An overhaul of the species-area approach for predicting biodiversity loss: incorporating matrix and edge effects.J. of Applied Ecology47: 1063-1070.
20. Bawa, K., L. Koh,T. Lee, J. Liu, P. Ramakrishnan, D. Yu, Y. Zhang, and P. Raven. 2010.China, India, and the Environment.Science327: 1457-1459.
19. Sodhi, N., D. Wilcove,T. Lee,C. Sekercioglu, R. Subaraj, H. Bernard, D. Yong, S. Lim, D. Prawiradilaga and B. Brook. 2010. Deforestation and avian extinction on tropical landbridge islands.Conservation Biology24: 1290-1298.
18. Sodhi, N.,L. Koh, R. Clements, T. Wanger, J. Hill,K. Hamer, Y. Clough,T. Tscharntke, M. Posa,T. Lee. 2010.Conserving Southeast Asian forest biodiversity in human-modified landscapes.(Special issue)Biological Conservation143: 2375-2384.
17. Sodhi, N.,M. Posa,T. Lee,D. Bickford, L. Koh, and B. Brook. 2010. The state and conservation of Southeast Asian biodiversity. (Special Issue)Biodiversity and Conservation19: 317-328.
16. Sodhi, N.,D. Wilcove, R. Subaraj, D. Yong,T. Lee, H. Bernard, and S. Lim. 2010. Insect extinctions on a small denuded Bornean island.Biodiversity and Conservation19: 485-490.
15. Sodhi, N.,*,T. Lee*,C. Sekercioglu, E. Webb, D. Prawiradilaga, D. Lohman, N. Pierce, A. Diesmos, M. Rao, and P. Ehrlich. 2010. Local people value environmental services provided by forested parks. (*joint first authors) (Special Issue)Biodiversity and Conservation19: 1175-1188.
14.Lee, T., N. Sodhi and D. Prawiradilaga. 2009. Determinants of local people’s attitude toward conservation and the consequential effects on illegal resource harvesting in the protected areas of Sulawesi (Indonesia).Environmental Conservation36: 157-170.
13. La Sorte, F.,T. Lee, H. Wilman and W. Jetz. 2009. Disparities between observed and predicted impacts of climate change on winter bird assemblages.Proceedings of the Royal Society B276: 3167-3174.
12. Kier, G., H. Kreft,T. Lee, W. Jetz, P. Ibisch, C. Nowicki, J. Mutke and W. Barthlott.2009. A global assessment of endemism and species richness across island and mainland regions.PNAS106: 9322-9327.
11. Sodhi, N.,T. Lee,L. Koh, andB. Brook. 2009. A meta-analysis of the impact of anthropogenic forest disturbance on Southeast Asia’s biota.Biotropica41: 103-109.
10. Sodhi, N.,M. Posa,T. Lee,andI. Warkentin. 2008. Effects of disturbance or loss of tropical rainforest on birds. (Invited).Auk125: 511-519.
9.Lee, T.and W. Jetz. 2008.Future battlegrounds for conservation under global change.Proceedings of the Royal Society B275: 1261-1270.
8. Sodhi, N.,D. Bickford, A. Diesmos,T. Lee, L. Koh, B. Brook, C. Sekercioglu, and C. Bradshaw. 2008. Measuring the meltdown: drivers of amphibian extinction and decline.PLoS ONE3: e1636.
7.Sodhi, N.,L. Koh, K. Peh, H. Tan,R. Chazdon, R. Corlett,T. Lee, R. Colwell, B. Brook, C. Sekercioglu and C. Bradshaw. 2008. Correlates of extinction proneness of tropical angiosperms.Diversity and Distribution14: 1-10.
6.Lee, T., N. Sodhi and D. Prawiradilaga. 2007. The importance of protected areas for the forest and endemic avifauna of Sulawesi (Indonesia).Ecological Applications17: 1727-1741.
5. R. Clements, L. Koh,T. Lee, R. Meier and D. Li.2006.Importance of reservoirs for the conservation of freshwater molluscs in a tropical urban landscape.Biological Conservation128: 136-146.
4. Sodhi, N.,T. Lee, L. Koh and D. Prawiradilaga. 2006. Long-term avifaunal impoverishment in an isolated tropical woodlot.Conservation Biology20: 772-779.
3. Sodhi, N.,T. Lee, L. Koh and R. Dunn. 2005. A century of avifaunal turnover in a small tropical rainforest fragment.AnimalConservation8: 217-222.
2.Lee, T., M. Soh, N. Sodhi, L. Koh and S. Lim. 2005. Effects of habitat disturbance on mixed species bird flocks in a tropical sub-montane rainforest.Biological Conservation122: 193-204.
1. Sodhi, N., K. Peh,T. Lee, I. Turner, H. Tan, D. Prawiradilaga and Darjono. 2003. Artificial nest and seed predation experiments on tropical Southeast Asian islands.Biodiversity and Conservation12: 2415-2433.
Book chapter, Commentary, Occasional Paper & Edited Special Issue (Peer-reviewed)
7.Lee, T., A. Sigouin, M. Pinedo-Vasquez, and R. Nasi. 2014. The harvest of wildlife for bushmeat and traditional medicine in East, South, and Southeast Asia: current knowledge base, challenges, opportunities, and areas for future research. Occasional paper,Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia.
6. Koh, L.,T. Leeand M. Lim.2012.(Guest editors)Special memorial issue Navjot Sodhi.Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement Issue 25.A collection of twenty-four papers on topics related to taxonomy, ecology and conservation.
5. Sodhi,N., M. Posa,K. Peh, L. Koh, M. Soh,T. Lee, J. Lee, T. Wanger, and B. Brook. 2012. Land-use changes imperil Southeast Asian biodiversity. (Pg 33-39. Land use intensification: effects on agriculture, biodiversity and ecological processes, edited by D. Lindenmayer, S. Cunningham and A. Young,CSIRO Publishing, Australia)
4. Koh. L., D. Sheil,T. Lee, X. Giam, L. Gibson, R. Clements, and C. Kettle. 2013. Chapter 357. Biodiversity state and trends in Southeast Asia. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Volume 1 (S. Levin, ed)Elsevier.Pg 509-527.
3.Lee, T., N. Sodhi and D. Prawiradilaga. 2008. Birds, local people and protected areas in Sulawesi (Indonesia). Pg 78-94. In Biodiversity and human livelihoods in protected areas: case studies from the Malay Archipelago(Sodhi, N. S.,G. Acciaioli,M. Erb andA. K.-J. Tan, eds)Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, UK.
2. Bickford, D.,T. Lee, L. Koh, N. Sodhi, A. Diesmos, B. Brook, C. Sekercioglu, and C. Bradshaw. 2008.Forgetting Habitat Loss in Amphibian Extinctions – Missing the Forest for the Disease.Response to Lips et al. (2008) inPLoS Biology.
1. Sodhi, N., T. Brooks, L. Koh, G. Acciaioli, M. Erb, A. Tan, L. Curran, P. Brosius,T. Lee, J. Patlis, M. Gumal and R. Lee. 2006. Biodiversity and human livelihood crises in the Malay Archipelago.Conservation Biology20: 1811-1813.


