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李朝林,哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)土木與環境工程學院教授、博導。2008年入選“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”。2017年獲廣東省環境保護科學技術獎二等獎。 2004年以來,主持國家自然科學基金面上項目6項,指導碩博士研究生70餘名,在Green Chemistry、CEJ、Water Research等期刊發表科技論文80餘篇,獲國家專利授權10餘項。


  • 中文名:李朝林
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


1998–2001 獲工學博士學位(材料科學),日本廣島大學
1994–1997 獲工學博士學位(環境工程),哈爾濱工業大學
1991–1994 獲工學碩士學位(環境工程),哈爾濱愉囑笑腿工業大學
1987–霸辣慨1991 獲工學學士學位(環境工程),哈爾濱工業大學
2018— 今 教授、博導,哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)環境科學與工程專業
2005—2018 教授、博導,哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院環境科學與工程專業
2001—2005 主任,深圳市水資源利用及環境保護重點實驗室
2001—2001 特別研究員,日本廣島大學材料工學專業




2017-2020 國家自然科學基金面上項目,516781821,陰陽極同步催化產生?OH/SO4?-及其降解有機磷酸酯類農藥的研究
2015-2016 深圳市科技創新委員會軟科學項目,RKX20150324094824497,基於生物多樣性的深圳大鵬灣水環境質量研究
2013-2016 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51278145,銅基非均相催化劑/過硫酸氫鉀氧化體系的構建反應
2012-2015 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51178135,紫外催化濕式氧化處理高濃度難降解有機廢水研究
2010-2012 國家自然科學基金面上項目,50978070,膨潤土與醋酸纖維素複合製備環境友好型離子交妹項換吸附纖維的研究
2007-2009 國家自然科學基金面上項目,50678048,石英光纖傳輸紫外線消毒方法的研究
2004-2004 國家自然科學基金面上項目,50378027,Pt/TiO2 光催化降解高濃度芳香族有毒有機物的套用恥套雄及機理研究


(1) Ding B, Li C, Wang Y, et al. Effects of pore size distribution and coordination number on filtration coefficients for straining-dominant deep bed filtration from percolation theory with 3D networks[J]. Chemical Engineering Science. 2018, 175: 1-11.
(2) Luo H, Li C, Sun X, et al. Ultraviolet assists persulfate mediated anodic oxidation of organic pollutant[J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2017, 799: 393-398.
(3) Luo H, Li C, Sun X, et al. Cathodic indirect oxidation of organic pollutant paired to anodic persulfate production[J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 792:110-116.
(4) Dong X, Li C, Ding B, et al. Improve Compliance with Limited Resources by a Three-Group Inspection Regime[J]. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 2016, 21(4):517-529.
(5) Luo H, Li C, Wu C, et al. Electrochemical degradation of phenol by in situ electro-generated and electro-activated hydrogen peroxide using an improved gas diffusion cathode[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 186:486-493.
(6) Ding, B.; Li, C.; Zhang, M.; Ji, F.; Dong, X. Effects of pore size distribution and coordination number on the prediction of filtration coefficients for straining from percolation theory. Chemical Engineering Science 2015, 127, (0), 40-51.
(7) Ding, B.; Li, C.; Dong, X. Percolation-based model for straining-dominant deep bed filtration. Separation and Purification Technology 2015, 147, 82-89.
(8) Luo, H.; Li, C.; Wu, C.; Dong, X. In situ electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide with an improved gas diffusion cathode by rolling carbon black and PTFE. RSC Advances 2015, 5, (80), 65227-65235.
(9) Ding, B.; Li, C.; Zhang, M.; Lu, G.; Ji, F. Numerical analysis of percolation cluster size distribution in two-dimensional and three-dimensional lattices. European Physical Journal B 2014, 87, (8).
(10) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Liu, Y.; Liu, P. Heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate by Cu/ZSM5 for decolorization of Rhodamine B. Separation and Purification Technology 2014, 135, 1-6.
(11) Liu, P.; Li, C.; Han, Q.; Lu, G.; Dong, X.; Ji, F.; Xu, J. Phenol degradation by uv-enhanced catalytic wet peroxide oxidation process. Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 2014, 17, (1), 127-132.
(12) Liu, P.; Li, C.; Liang, X.; Lu, G.; Xu, J.; Dong, X.; Zhang, W.; Ji, F. Recovery of high purity ferric phosphate from a spent electroless nickel plating bath. Green Chemistry 2014, 16, (3), 1217-1224.
(13) Liu, P.; Li, C.; Zhao, Z.; Lu, G.; Cui, H.; Zhang, W. Induced effects of advanced oxidation processes. Scientific reports 2014, 4, 4018.
(14) Lv, X.; Li, J.; Sun, F.; Li, C.; Shao, M.; Dong, W. Denitrifying phosphorus removal for simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater with low C/N ratios and microbial community structure analysis. Desalination and Water Treatment 2014, (ahead-of-print), 1-10.
(15) Lv, X.; Shao, M.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Gao, X.; Sun, F. A Comparative Study of the Bacterial Community in Denitrifying and Traditional Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Processes. Microbes and Environments 2014, 29, (3), 261-268.
(16) Lv, X.; Shao, M.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Liu, D.; Gao, X.; Xia, X. Operation performance and microbial community dynamics of phosphorus removal sludge with different electron acceptors. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2014, 41, (7), 1099-1108.
(17) Lv, X.; Shao, M.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Xia, X.; Liu, D. Bacterial diversity and community structure of denitrifying phosphorus removal sludge in strict anaerobic/anoxic systems operated with different carbon sources. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 2014, 89, (12), 1842-1849.
(18) Xu, J.; Li, C.; Liu, P.; He, D.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Q. Photolysis of low concentration H2S under UV/VUV irradiation emitted from high frequency discharge electrodeless lamps. Chemosphere 2014, 109, 202-207.
(19) Xu, J.; Li, C.; Zhang, Q.; He, D.; Liu, P.; Ren, Y. Destruction of toluene by the combination of high frequency discharge electrodeless lamp and manganese oxide-impregnated granular activated carbon catalyst. International Journal of Photoenergy 2014, 2014.
(20) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Wei, X.; Yu, J. Efficient performance of porous Fe2O3 in heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate for decolorization of Rhodamine B. Chemical Engineering Journal 2013, 231, 434-440.
(21) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Xu, J.; Liu, P. Dynamic adsorption of Cu(II) from aqueous solution by zeolite/cellulose acetate blend fiber in fixed-bed. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2013, 434, 88-94.
(22) Liu, P.; Li, C.; Kong, X.; Lu, G.; Xu, J.; Ji, F.; Liang, X. Photocatalytic degradation of EDTA with UV/Cu(II)/H2O2 process. Desalination and Water Treatment 2013, 51, (40-42), 7555-7561.
(23) Liu, P.; Li, C.; Liang, X.; Xu, J.; Lu, G.; Ji, F. Advanced oxidation of hypophosphite and phosphite using a UV/H 2O2 process. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom) 2013, 34, (15), 2231-2239.
(24) Zhang, Q.; Li, C.; Li, T. Rapid photocatalytic decolorization of methylene blue using high photon flux UV/TiO2/H2O2 process. Chemical Engineering Journal 2013, 217, 407-413.
(25) Zhang, Q.; Li, C.; Li, T. UV/H2O2 Process Under High Intensity UV Irradiation: A Rapid and Effective Method for Methylene Blue Decolorization. Clean - Soil, Air, Water 2013, 41, (12), 1201-1207.
(26) Dong, X.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Huang, W.; Wang, J.; Liao, R. Application of a system dynamics approach for assessment of the impact of regulations on cleaner production in the electroplating industry in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2012, 20, (1), 72-81.
(27) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Tang, B.; Xu, J.; Lu, G.; Liu, P. Preparation of cellulose acetate/zeolite composite fiber and its adsorption behavior for heavy metal ions in aqueous solution. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012, 209, 325-333.
(28) Lu, G.; Li, C.; Zheng, Y.; Deng, A. Effect of different coagulants on the ultraviolet light intensity attenuation. Desalination and Water Treatment 2012, 37, (1-3), 302-307.
(29) Zhang, Q.; Li, C.; Li, T. Rapid photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under high photon flux UV irradiation: Characteristics and comparison with routine low photon flux. International Journal of Photoenergy 2012, 2012.
(30) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Deng, L. Performance of CuO/Oxone system: Heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of phenol at ambient conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal 2011, 178, 239-243.
(31) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Zhang, J.; Deng, L. Efficient decolorization of dye pollutants with LiFe(WO4)2 as a reusable heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst. Desalination 2011, 269, (1-3), 284-290.
(32) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Zhang, J.; Deng, L. Heterogeneous photo-Fenton decolorization of methylene blue over LiFe(WO4)2 catalyst. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011, 186, (2-3), 1979-1984.
(33) Lu, G.; Li, C.; Liu, P. UV inactivation of milk-related microorganisms with a novel electrodeless lamp apparatus. European Food Research and Technology 2011, 233, (1), 79-87.
(34) Dong, X.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Wang, J.; Huang, W. A game-theoretic analysis of implementation of cleaner production policies in the Chinese electroplating industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2010, 54, (12), 1442-1448.
(35) Dong, X.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Wang, J.; Liu, S.; Ye, B. A novel approach for soil contamination assessment from heavy metal pollution: A linkage between discharge and adsorption. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010, 175, (1-3), 1022-1030.
(36) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Zhang, J. Hydrothermal synthesis of Li9Fe3(P2O 7)3(PO4)2 nanoparticles and their photocatalytic properties under visible-light illumination. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2010, 2, (6), 1674-1678.
(37) Lu, G.; Li, C.; Liu, P.; Cui, H.; Xia, Y.; Wang, J. Inactivation of microorganisms in apple juice using an ultraviolet silica-fiber optical device. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2010, 100, (3), 167-172.
(38) Lu, G.; Li, C.; Liu, P.; Cui, H.; Yao, Y.; Zhang, Q. UV inactivation of microorganisms in beer by a novel thin-film apparatus. Food Control 2010, 21, (10), 1312-1317.
(39) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Dong, X.; Li, Y.; Wang, D. Separation of oil from oily wastewater by sorption and coalescence technique using ethanol grafted polyacrylonitrile. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009, 164, (2-3), 1346-1351.
(40) Song, S.; Liu, Z.; He, Z.; Li, Y.; Chen, J.; Li, C. Degradation of the biocide 4-chloro-3,5-dimethylphenol in aqueous medium with ozone in combination with ultraviolet irradiation: Operating conditions influence and mechanism. Chemosphere 2009, 77, (8), 1043-1051.
(41) Lu, G.; Li, C.; Zheng, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Peng, J.; Fu, M. A novel fiber optical device for ultraviolet disinfection of water. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2008, 92, (1), 42-46.
(42) Li, C. L.; Zhao, H. X.; Takahashi, T.; Matsumura, M. Improvement of corrosion resistance of materials coated with a Cr2O3/NiCr dilayer using a sealing treatment. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2001, 308, (1–2), 268-276.
(43) Li, C. L.; Zhao, H. X.; Matsumura, M. Corrosion properties of materials coated with Cr2O3/NiCr and with Cr2O3+NiCr functionally gradient materials. Materials and Corrosion 2000, 51, (7), 502-510.
(44) Li, C. L.; Zhao, H. X.; Matsumura, M.; Takahashi, T.; Asahara, M.; Yamaguchi, H. The effect of NiCr intermediate layer on corrosion behavior of Cr2O3 ceramic coated materials. Surface and Coatings Technology 2000, 124, (1), 53-60.
(45) Zhao, H. X.; Masuda, T.; Li, C. L.; Takahashi, T.; Matsumura, M. Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion of Ceramics and Functionally Gradient Material-Coated Steels in Erosion Environments. Corrosion 2000, 56, (6), 654-665.
(46) Li, C. L.; Zhao, H. X.; Tsuru, T.; Zhou, D.; Matsumura, M. Recovery of spent electroless nickel plating bath by electrodialysis. Journal of Membrane Science 1999, 157, (2), 241-249.
(47) Tu, J. P.; Li, C. L.; Zhao, H. X.; Matsumura, M. Slurry erosion-corrosion characteristics of squeeze cast aluminum alloy-aluminum borate composite. Materials and Corrosion 1999, 50, (4), 205-212.
(48) LI, C.; ZHOU, D.; YU, X.; TANG, C. Purification and Regeneration of Spent Electroless Nickel Plating Baths by Electrodialysis. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 1998, (02), 13-16.
(49) 王志韓; 宋浩然; 李朝林; 閆林霞; 李玲. PTFE/C三相電極氧陰極還原法生產過氧化氫. 環境工程學報 2015, (02), 787-794.
(50) 丁彬彬; 李朝林. 基於逾滲理論的多孔過濾介質孔徑分布估計方法. 化工學報 2015, (05), 1690-1696.
(51) 商巧巧; 董曉清; 李朝林. 污水處理廠運營管理評價模型及其工程套用研究. 環境科學與管理 2015, (04), 175-178.
(52) 吉飛; 李朝林; 鄧磊; 徐超. CuO/過硫酸氫鉀體系催化氧化苯酚. 環境工程學報 2014, (01), 27-31.
(53) 呂小梅; 李繼; 李朝林; 劉洞陽; 邵明非; 夏雪. 不同電子受體除磷污泥相似性與菌群結構研究. 中國環境科學 2014, (04), 935-941.
(54) 林忠軍; 隋軍; 李朝林. 數值模擬污泥回流對二沉池性能的影響. 城市道橋與防洪 2014, (04), 125-127+7.
(55) 劉鵬; 李朝林; 孔祥瀚; 陸鋼; 崔海波; 張文方. 紫外催化濕式雙氧水氧化處理化學鍍銅廢液. 環境工程學報 2013, (12), 4719-4723.
(56) 吉飛; 李朝林; 張家歡; 鄧磊. LiFePO_4非均相Fenton法處理亞甲基藍染料的研究. 環境工程學報 2012, (01), 232-236.
(57) 劉鵬; 李朝林; 陸鋼; 崔海波. 紫外催化濕式氧化工藝降解油墨廢水. 環境工程學報 2012, (07), 2265-2270.
(58) 丁德才; 陸鋼; 劉鵬; 汪劍鋒; 李朝林. 高強紫外球形燈光解氧化硫化氫氣體. 環境工程學報 2012, (12), 4609-4614.
(59) 蘇彤; 陸鋼; 李朝林. 微電解處理含鎳模擬電鍍廢水. 電鍍與塗飾 2011, (06), 38-41.
(60) 董曉清; 李朝林; 邵培兵. 我國電鍍行業節能減排的關鍵──促進中小電鍍企業清潔生產實施的政策研究. 電鍍與塗飾 2011, (09), 46-49.
(61) 劉素婷; 董曉清; 李朝林; 李繼. 重金屬水污染經濟損失計量模型與套用. 環境保護科學 2010, (03), 81-83+92.
(62) 劉淑傑; 王丹丹; 陳福明; 李朝林; 趙晶晶; 李旭寧. 反應沉澱一體式矩形環流裝置處理低C/N值污水. 中國給水排水 2010, (05), 12-15.
(63) 王佳鑫; 董曉清; 李朝林; 李繼. 電鍍行業水價機制與清潔生產研究. 環境科學與管理 2010, (06), 37-40.
(64) 王佳鑫; 董曉清; 李朝林; 李繼. 電鍍行業重金屬排污稅模型研究與實證分析. 環境污染與防治 2010, (08), 102-105.
(65) 王丹丹; 劉淑傑; 陳福明; 李朝林; 趙晶晶; 李旭寧. 反應沉澱一體式矩形環流反應器處理城市污水的影響因素研究. 環境工程學報 2010, (10), 2244-2248.
(66) 張傳政; 宋爽; 李朝林; 何志橋; 付明. 平板膜生物反應器用於生活污水處理工程改造. 中國給水排水 2010, (20), 100-103.
(67) 於秀娟; 王永強; 李朝林; 白姝敏; 孫德智. 光催化氧化苯甲酸時TiO_2中毒機理及再生方法的研究. 環境科學學報 2006, (03), 433-437.
(68) 王永強; 於秀娟; 李朝林; 孫德智; 白姝敏; 王輝. 二氧化鈦光催化劑的中毒機理及再生技術分析. 現代化工 2005, (S1), 16-18.
(69) 王永強; 於秀娟; 李朝林; 孫德智; 白姝敏; 王輝. 提高TiO_2光催化效率的研究進展. 雲南大學學報(自然科學版) 2005, (S1), 281-284+290.
(70) 田禹; 李朝林; 鄭蕾. 醬油廢水脫色的影響因素及機制. 環境科學學報 2003, (05), 598-602.
(71) 於秀娟; 周定; 王海燕; 李朝林. 電滲析法淨化再生、化學鍍鎳老化液的研究. 環境科學學報 2000, (S1), 120-124.
(72) 李朝林; 周定; 唐彩虹. 電滲析脫除化學鍍鎳老化液中亞磷酸鹽的研究. 水處理技術 1997, (06), 14-18.
(73) 李朝林; 周定; 唐彩虹. 電滲析法再生化學鍍鎳液的研究. 電鍍與環保 1997, (01), 13-15.
(74) 唐彩虹; 李朝林; 周定. 國外化學鍍鎳老化液處理現狀. 環境保護科學 1997, (03), 8-11.
(75) 唐鐵軍; 李生榮; 李朝林. 多路測試與控制蓄電池充放電系統. 電池 1996, (03), 147-150.
(76) 李朝林; 孫壽家. 活化矽酸的生產工藝. 化學世界 1995, (12), 628-631.


C. L. Li, H. X. Zhao, M. Matsumura. Effects of sealing treatment on corrosion for FGM coated materials. Seventh Annual International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/7). 2000, July 2-8, Denver, USA, pp519-521
C. L. Li, H. X. Zhao, T. Masuda, M. Matsumura. The corrosion behaviour of NiCr intermediate layer after Cr2O3 ceramic coating. Proceeding of JSCE Materials and Environments. 1999, Chiba, Japan, pp201-204
H. X. Zhao, T. Masuda, C. L. Li, M. Matsumura, T. Takahashi. The located corrosion of stainless steel after surface treatment. Proceeding of JSCE Materials and Environments 1999, Chiba, Japan, pp307-310
S. J. Sun, D. P. Li, C. L. Li. The Treatment of High Concentration Waste Emulsicoil. Industrialization and Environment International Symposium (1995), Taejon, Korea, pp63-69


(1) Ding B, Li C, Wang Y, et al. Effects of pore size distribution and coordination number on filtration coefficients for straining-dominant deep bed filtration from percolation theory with 3D networks[J]. Chemical Engineering Science. 2018, 175: 1-11.
(2) Luo H, Li C, Sun X, et al. Ultraviolet assists persulfate mediated anodic oxidation of organic pollutant[J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2017, 799: 393-398.
(3) Luo H, Li C, Sun X, et al. Cathodic indirect oxidation of organic pollutant paired to anodic persulfate production[J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 792:110-116.
(4) Dong X, Li C, Ding B, et al. Improve Compliance with Limited Resources by a Three-Group Inspection Regime[J]. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 2016, 21(4):517-529.
(5) Luo H, Li C, Wu C, et al. Electrochemical degradation of phenol by in situ electro-generated and electro-activated hydrogen peroxide using an improved gas diffusion cathode[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 186:486-493.
(6) Ding, B.; Li, C.; Zhang, M.; Ji, F.; Dong, X. Effects of pore size distribution and coordination number on the prediction of filtration coefficients for straining from percolation theory. Chemical Engineering Science 2015, 127, (0), 40-51.
(7) Ding, B.; Li, C.; Dong, X. Percolation-based model for straining-dominant deep bed filtration. Separation and Purification Technology 2015, 147, 82-89.
(8) Luo, H.; Li, C.; Wu, C.; Dong, X. In situ electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide with an improved gas diffusion cathode by rolling carbon black and PTFE. RSC Advances 2015, 5, (80), 65227-65235.
(9) Ding, B.; Li, C.; Zhang, M.; Lu, G.; Ji, F. Numerical analysis of percolation cluster size distribution in two-dimensional and three-dimensional lattices. European Physical Journal B 2014, 87, (8).
(10) Ji, F.; Li, C.; Liu, Y.; Liu, P. Heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate by Cu/ZSM5 for decolorization of Rhodamine B. Separation and Purification Technology 2014, 135, 1-6.
(11) Liu, P.; Li, C.; Han, Q.; Lu, G.; Dong, X.; Ji, F.; Xu, J. Phenol degradation by uv-enhanced catalytic wet peroxide oxidation process. Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 2014, 17, (1), 127-132.
(12) Liu, P.; Li, C.; Liang, X.; Lu, G.; Xu, J.; Dong, X.; Zhang, W.; Ji, F. Recovery of high purity ferric phosphate from a spent electroless nickel plating bath. Green Chemistry 2014, 16, (3), 1217-1224.
(13) Liu, P.; Li, C.; Zhao, Z.; Lu, G.; Cui, H.; Zhang, W. Induced effects of advanced oxidation processes. Scientific reports 2014, 4, 4018.
(14) Lv, X.; Li, J.; Sun, F.; Li, C.; Shao, M.; Dong, W. Denitrifying phosphorus removal for simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater with low C/N ratios and microbial community structure analysis. Desalination and Water Treatment 2014, (ahead-of-print), 1-10.
(15) Lv, X.; Shao, M.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Gao, X.; Sun, F. A Comparative Study of the Bacterial Community in Denitrifying and Traditional Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Processes. Microbes and Environments 2014, 29, (3), 261-268.
(16) Lv, X.; Shao, M.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Liu, D.; Gao, X.; Xia, X. Operation performance and microbial community dynamics of phosphorus removal sludge with different electron acceptors. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2014, 41, (7), 1099-1108.
(17) Lv, X.; Shao, M.; Li, C.; Li, J.; Xia, X.; Liu, D. Bacterial diversity and community structure of denitrifying phosphorus removal sludge in strict anaerobic/anoxic systems operated with different carbon sources. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 2014, 89, (12), 1842-1849.
(18) Xu, J.; Li, C.; Liu, P.; He, D.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Q. Photolysis of low concentration H2S under UV/VUV irradiation emitted from high frequency discharge electrodeless lamps. Chemosphere 2014, 109, 202-207.
(19) Xu, J.; Li, C.; Zhang, Q.; He, D.; Liu, P.; Ren, Y. Destruction of toluene by the combination of high frequency discharge electrodeless lamp and manganese oxide-impregnated granular activated carbon catalyst. International Journal of Photoenergy 2014, 2014.
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