- 中文名:李智靈
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1982年
- 畢業院校:日本名古屋大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:博士/碩士生導師
- 主要成就:環保部科學技術獎一等獎
- 外文名:Li Zhiling
- 職稱:副教授
李智靈,女,哈爾濱工業大學環境學院教授、博士/碩士生導師。從事污水/廢水生物處理,地下水污染修復等研究。黑龍江省頭雁團隊啟航計畫成員。博士畢業於日本名古屋大學,在日本名古屋大學EcoTopia科學研究所從事博士後研究工作近3年。在專業領域內頂級學術期刊,如Environmental Science &Technology、Water Research等Top期刊發表SCI收錄論文近70篇,其中一作/通訊33篇 (27篇為JCR一區論文,13篇為中科院一區論文,ESI高被引論文2篇,ESI熱點論文1篇), 論文引用1700餘次, H因子為28。主持包括國家自然科學基金國際合作項目(280萬,在研)在內的國家級和省部級項目共6項。擔任SCI期刊Environmental Research編委,Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry副主編,Chinese Chemical Letters 青年編委會成員,Frontiers in Microbiology客座副主編,Applied Science特刊副主編等。公開和授權發明專利13件。獲住建部華夏建設科學技術獎二等獎(2021年,排名第4),環境保護科學技術一等獎 (2017),日本生物工學亞洲青年科研獎勵獎 (The Dasilva Award) (2014) 和中國微生物生態青年科技創新獎一等獎 (2015)。
- 2007年-2010年, 就讀於日本名古屋大學工學部土木工程學院, 博士學位
- 2004年-2007年, 就讀於中國地質大學(北京)水資源與環境學院,碩士學位
- 2000年-2004年, 就讀於中國地質大學(北京)水資源與環境學院,學士學位
- 2021年12月~至今,哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,教授
- 2016年12月~2021年12月,哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,副教授
- 2013年12月~至今,哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,博士後
- 2013年7月~至今,哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,講師
- 2010年11月~2013年4月,日本名古屋大學EcoTopia科學研究所,博士後研究員
- 土壤/地下水持久性有機物生物修復:難降解/毒害性污染物生物梯級分解轉化機制;持久性/新興有機污染物分解菌富集分離;弱電能/納米金屬激活強化生物處理過程調控機制;複合污染同步分解去除機制;場地污染修復菌劑開發利用和功能材料研發
- 污水/廢水生物處理技術:新興污染物在污水/廢水處理過程的遷移轉化規律;高濃度毒害性廢水生物處理新技術;特徵污染物和常規污染物同步去除原理和機制;深度脫氮生物技術;污水/廢水生物處理新原理和新技術
- 微生物生態系統模型構建:複雜微生物系統群落演替規律解析、微生物互作網路、微生物與環境因子相互影響關係等模型構建
- 美國微生物學會(ASM)會員
- 日本生物技術協會(SBJ)會員
- 日本水環境學會會員
- SCI期刊International Journal of Electrochemistry客座編輯
- The Open Waste Management Journal執行客座編輯
- 領域內主流SCI期刊Bioresource Technolgy, Water Resaerch等期刊審稿人
- 2019年,哈爾濱工業大學環境學院第一屆課程思政教學設計競賽,二等獎
- 2019年,直接指導的研究生姚曉婧獲得校級優秀畢業生金獎。
- 2017年,中國環保部環境保護科學技術一等獎,“工業聚集區污水深度淨化新型技術” (排名第八)
- 2016年,直接指導的本科生科技創新小組獲得校級一等獎
- 2015年,中國微生物生態青年科技創新獎 一等獎
- 2014年,日本生物技術協會Dasilva獎(該獎項授予該領域有潛力的35歲以下亞洲籍青年研究人員,每年只獎勵1人)
- 2007年-2010年,日本文部省獎學金全額資助
- 2004年,北京市優秀畢業生
- 主持國家自然科學基金國際(地區)中日合作研究項目,“弱電能強化地下水生物脫鹵效能及調控機制”(51961145202)(起止時間2020年1月-2024年12月),經費280萬,在研。
- 主持國家自然科學基金(青年)項目(31400104),“生物陰極加速氯代烴污染物還原脫氯及作用機制”(起止時間2015年1月-2017年12月),26萬元。
- 主持黑龍江省自然科學基金面上項目(C018035)(2018年7月-2021年7月)“電刺激強化溴系阻燃劑微生物降解及厭氧呼吸機制”,6萬元。
- 主持中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目(2015T80359)“微生物-電化學耦合強化鹵代烴還原脫鹵效能及代謝調控”(起止時間2015年1月-2017年12月),15萬元。
- 主持中國博士後科學基金面上(一等)(2014M550196) “厭氧細菌電化學陰極加速氯代烴還原分解及作用機制”(起止時間2014年6月-2017年5月),8萬元。
- 主持黑龍江省博士後基金(LBH-Z14087)“生物電化學促進氯代有機烴還原分解機制研究”(起止時間2015年1月-2017年1月),7萬元。
- 主持哈工大創新科研基金(HIT.NSRIF.2015092)“厭氧細菌陰極加速還原脫氯過程及作用機制”(起止時間 2014年3月-2016年2月),5萬元。
- 主持哈爾濱工業大學環境生態創新專項基金(HSCJ201621)“微生物嗜極代謝難降解鹵抗素類污染途徑及分子機制”(2016年7月-2018年6月),10萬元。
- 主持城市水資源與水環境國家重點實驗室開放課題(ES201806)“電刺激強化溴系阻燃劑微生物降解及厭氧呼吸機制”(2018年1月-2019年12月),5萬元。
- 作為核心人員(排名第3)參與國家傑出青年科學基金(51225802)“水中低濃度難降解有機物強化生物轉化及定向代謝調控” (2013年1月-2016年12月),280萬元。
- 作為核心人員(排名第2)參與蘇伊士環境集團中歐合作課題,厭氧耦合生物電化學過程協同降解持久性有機污染物,2016.01-2019.12,80萬元,在研。
- 作為主要人員(排名第2)參與國家自然科學基金(面上)項目“多糖型微生物絮凝劑去除水中重金屬離子的機制及其定向合成策略”(51578179)(2016年1月-2019年12月),經費63萬元,在研。
- 作為主要人員(排名第2)參與國家自然科學基金(面上)項目“基於強親水改性正滲透膜製備的含油廢水資源化關鍵技術研究”(51678187) (2017年1月-2020年12月),經費64萬元,在研。
1、Zhi-Ling Li, Kai Sun, Fan Chen, Xiao-Qiu Lin, Cong Huang, Zheng Yao, Dan Chen, Ting Xia, Zhi-Xing Xiao, and Ai-Jie Wang*. Efficient treatment of alizarin yellow R contained wastewater in an electrostimulated anaerobic-oxic integrated system. Environ Res., 2020,185,109403. IF=5.026.
1、Xiaoqiu Lin, Zhi-Ling Li*, Bin Liang, Hong-Liang Zhai, Wei-Wei Cai, Jun Nan, and Ai-Jie Wang**. Accelerated microbial reductive dechlorination of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by weak electrical stimulation. Water Res., 2019, 162, 236-245. IF: 7.913.
2、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Bin Liang, Jia-Qi Yang, Hao-Yi Cheng, Cong Huang, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang*. Electrostimulated bio-dechlorination of trichloroethene by potential regulation: kinetics, microbial community structure and function. Chem Eng J., 2019, 357, 633-640.IF: 8.355.
3、Fan Chen, Bin Liang, Zhi-Ling Li*, Jia-Qi Yang, Cong Huang, Miao Lv, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang. Bioelectrochemical assisted dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene and 1,2-dichloroethane by acclimation of anaerobic sludge. Chemosphere, 2019, 227,514-521. IF: 5.108.
4、Xiao-Qiu Lin, Zhi-Ling Li*, Ying-Ying Zhu, Fan Chen, Bin Liang, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang. Palladium/iron nanoparticles stimulate tetrabromobisphenol A microbial reductive debromination and further mineralization in sediment. Environ Inter, 2019, Just accepted. IF: 7.943
5、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Miao Lv, Cong Huang, Bin Liang, Ye Yuanb, Xiao-Qiu Lin, Xiang-Yu Gao, Ai-Jie Wang. Recirculation ratio regulates denitrifying sulfide removal and elemental sulfur recovery by altering sludge characteristics and microbial community composition in an EGSB reactor. Environ Res., 2019, Just Accepted. IF=5.026.
6、Xiaodan Ma, Mengyuan Qi, Zhiling Li, Youkang Zhao, Peisheng Yan, Bin Liang, Aijie Wang. Characterization of an efficient chloramphenicol-mineralizing bacterial consortium. Chemosphere, 2019, 222, 149-155. IF: 5.108.
7、Dongdong Zhang, Hongyue Dang, Zhiling Li, Chunfang Zhang. Redox characteristics of humins and their coupling with potential PCB dechlorinators in southern Yellow Sea sediments. Environ Pollut, 2019, 252, 296-304. IF: 5.714.
8、Youkang Zhao, Yang Bai, Qiu Guo, Zhiling Li, Mengyuan Qi, Xiaodan Ma, Hao Wang, Deyong Kong, Aijie Wang*, Bin Liang**. Bioremediation of contaminated urban river sediment with methanol stimulation: Metabolic processes accompanied with microbial community changes. Sci Total Environ., 2019, 653, 649–657. IF: 4.610.
1、Cong Huang, Wen-Zong Liu, Zhi-Ling Li*, Shu-Ming Zhang, Fan Chen, Hua-Rong Yu, Sen-Lin Shao, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang**. High recycling efficiency and elemental sulfur purity achieved in a biofilm formed membrane filtration reactor. Water Res., 2018,130 (1), 1-12. IF: 7.913.
2、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Jia-Qi Yang, Bin Liang, Xiao-Qiu Lin, Jun-Nan, Ai-Jie Wang*. Effects of different carbon substrates on performance, microbiome community structure and function for bioelectrochemical stimulated dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene. Chem Eng J., 2018, 352, 730-736. IF: 8.355.
3、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Jiaqi Yang, Bin Liang, Cong Huang, Weiwei Cai, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang*. Electron Fluxes in Biocathode Bioelectrochemical Systems Performing Dechlorination of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons. Front Microbiol., 2018, 9, 2306. IF: 4.019.
4、Xiao-Qiu Lin, Zhi-Ling Li*, Bin Liang, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang**. Identification of biofilm formation and exoelectrogenic population structure and function with graphene/polyanliline modified anode in microbial fuel cell. Chemosphere, 2019, 219, 358-364. IF: 5.108.
5、Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Jincai Ma, Hui Yun, Mengyuan Qi, Xiaodan Ma, Hao Wang, Aijie Wang*, Bin Liang**. Enhanced bioelectroremediation of a complexly contaminated river sediment through stimulating electroactive degraders with methanol supply. J Hazard Mater, 2018, 348,168-176. IF: 7.650.
6、Mengyuan Qi, Bin Liang**, Rongrong Chen, Xun Sun, Zhiling Li, Xiaodan Ma, Youkang Zhao, Deyong Kong, Jun Wang, Aijie Wang*. Effects of surface charge, hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity on functional biocathode catalytic efficiency and community structure. 2018, Chemosphere, 202, 105-110. IF: 4.208.
7、Bin Liang, Jincai M, Weiwei Cai, Zhiling Li, Wenzong Liu, Mengyuan Qi, Youkang Zhao, Xiaodan Ma, Ye Deng, Aijie Wang*, Jizhong Zhou. Response of chloramphenicol-reducing biocathode resistome to continuous electrical stimulation. Water Res., 2019,148 398-406. IF: 6.942.
8、Chunfang Zhang, Shaohong You, Hongyue Dang, Zhiling Li, Qinglin Xie, Dongdong Zhang*. Redox characterization of humins in sediments from the Yangtze Estuary to the East China Sea and their effects on microbial redox reactions. J Soils Sediments., 2019, 1, 1-10. IF: 2.44.
9、Chunfang Zhang, Ning Zhang, Zhixing Xiao, Zhiling Li, and Dongdong Zhang. Characterization of biochars derived from different materials and their effects on microbial dechlorination of pentachlorophenol in a consortium. RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 917–923. IF:2.94
1、Cong Huang, Qian Liu, Chuan Chen, Fan Chen, You-Kang Zhao, Ling-Fang Gao, Wen-Zong Liu, Ji-Zhong Zhou, Zhi-Ling Li*, and Ai-Jie Wang**. Elemental sulfur recovery and spatial distribution of functional bacteria and expressed genes under different carbon/nitrate/sulfide loadings in up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. J Hazard Mater., 2017, 324, 48-53. IF: 7.650.
2、Hui Yun, Bin Liang, Deyong Kong, Zhiling Li, Guoshu Qi, Aijie Wang. Enhanced Biotransformation of Triclocarban by Ochrobactrum sp. TCC-1 Under Anoxic Nitrate Respiration Conditions. Curr Microbiol., 2017, 74(4), 491-498. IF: 1.373.
3、Hui Yun, Bin Liang, De-Yong Kong, Hao-Yi Cheng, Zhi-Ling Li, Ya-Bing Gu, Hua-Qun Yin, Ai-Jie Wang. Polarity Inversion of Bioanode for Biocathodic Reduction of Aromatic Pollutants. J Hazard Mater., 2017, 331, 280-288. IF: 6.065.
1、Zhi-ling Li, Jun Nan, Cong Huang, Bin Liang, Wenzong Liu, Haoyi Cheng, Chunfang Zhang, Dongdong Zhang, Deyong Kong, Kyoko Kanamaru, Tetsuo Kobayashi, Aijie Wang**, and Arata Katayama*. Spatial abundance and distribution of potential microbes and functional genes associated with anaerobic mineralization of pentachlorophenol in a cylindrical reactor, Sci Rep., 2016, 6, 19015. IF: 5.259.
2、Qian Sun, Zhiling Li*, Dan Cui, Youzhao Wang, Jong Shik Chung, and Aijie Wang*. Assessment of the operational parameters in bioelectrochemical system in perspective of decolorization efficiency and energy conservation. Inter J Electrochem Sci 2016, 11, 2447-2460. IF: 1.369.
3、Cong Huang, Zhi-ling Li, Fan Chen, Qian Liu, You-kang Zhao, Ling-fang Gao, Chuan Chen, Ji-zhong Zhou, Ai-jie Wang*. Efficient regulation of elemental sulfur recovery through optimizing working height of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor during denitrifying sulfide removal process. Biresour Technol , 2016, 200, 1019-1023. IF: 6.669.
4、Qian Sun, Zhi-Ling Li, You-Zhao Wang, Chun-Xue Yang, Jong Shik Chung, Ai-Jie Wang. Cathodic bacterial community structure applying the different co-substrates for reductive decolorization of Alizarin Yellow R. Biresour Technol., 2016, 208, 64-72. IF: 6.669.
5、Dongdong Zhang, Zhiling Li, Chunfang Zhang, Xue Zhou, Zhixing Xiao, Katayama Arata*. Phenol-degrading anode biofilm with high coulombic efficiency in graphite electrodes microbial fuel cell. J Biosci Bioeng., 2016, 123 (3), 364-369. IF: 2.015.
6、Hui Yun, Deyong Kong, Bin Liang, Minhua Cui, Zhiling Li, Aijie Wang. Response of anodic bacterial community to the polarity inversion for chloramphenicol reduction, Biresour Technol., 2016, 221, 666-670. IF: 5.651.
7、Zhixing Xiao, Takanori Awata, Dongdong Zhang, Chunfang Zhang, Zhiling Li, Arata Katayama*. Enhanced denitrification of pseudomonas stutzeri by a bioelectrochemical system assisted with solid-phase humin. J Biosci Bioeng., 2016, 122(1), 85-91. IF: 2.015.
1、Zhiling Li, Naoko Yoshida, Aijie Wang, Jun Nan, Bin Liang, Chunfang Zhang, Dongdong Zhang , Daisuke Suzuki, Xue Zhou, Zhixing Xiao, and Arata Katayama*. Anaerobic mineralization of 2,4,6-tribromophenol to CO2 by a synthetic microbial community comprising Clostridium, Dehalobacter and Desulfatiglans. Biresour Technol., 2015,176, 225-232. IF: 6.669.
2、Zhi-ling Li, Jun Nan, Jia-qi Yang, Xiao Jin, Arata Katayama*, Ai-jie Wang*. Temporal distributions of functional microbes and putative genes associated with halogenated phenol anaerobic dehalogenation and further mineralization. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 89157-89163. IF: 3.108.
3、Cong Huang, Zhiling Li, Fan Chen, Qian Liu, Youkang Zhao, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Microbial community structure and function in response to the shift of sulfide/nitrate loading ratio during the denitrifying sulfide removal process. Biresour Technol., 2015,197, 227-234. IF: 6.669.
4、Qian Sun, Zhiling Li, Youzhao Wang, Dan Cui, Sangeetha Thangavel, Jong Shik Chung and Aijie Wang*. A Horizontal Plug-Flow Baffled Bioelectrocatalyzed Reactor for the Reductive Decolorization of Alizarin Yellow R. Biresour Technol., 2015, 195, 73-77. IF: 6.669.
5、Cong Huang, Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, Wenbo Tan, Shuang Gao, Liangfang Gao, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Enhanced elementary sulfur recovery with sequential sulfate-reducing, denitrifying sulfide- oxidizing processes in a cylindrical-type anaerobic baffled reactor. Biresour Technol., 2015, 192(0), 478-485. IF: 6.669.
6、Wenzong Liu, Weiwei Cai, Anzhou Ma, Ge Ren, Zhiling Li, Guoqiang Zhuang, Aijie Wang*. Improvement of bioelectrochemical property and energy recovery by acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs).J Power Sources, 2015, 284, 56-59. IF: 7.46.
7、Chunfang Zhang, Dongdong Zhang, Zhixing Xiao, Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Arata Katayama*. Characterization of humins from different natural sources and the effect on microbial reductive dechlorination of pentachlorophenol. Chemosphere, 2015, 131, 110-116. IF: 4.208.
1、Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Chunfang Zhang, Suyin Yang, Jun Nan, Naoko Yoshida, Aijie Wang, Arata Katayama*. Anaerobic 4-chlorophenol mineralization in an enriched culture under iron-reducing conditions, J Biosci Bioeng., 2014, 118(5), 529-532. IF: 2.015.
2、Daisuke Suzuki*, Zhiling Li, Xinxin Cui, Chunfung Zhang, Arata Katayama. Reclassification of Desulfobacterium anilini as Desulfatiglans anilini comb. nov. to Desulfatiglans gen. nov., and description of a 4-chlorophenol-degrading sulfate-reducing bacterium—Desulfatiglans parachlorophenolica sp. nov., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol., 2014, 64, 3081-3086. IF: 2.439.
3、Chunfang Zhang, Dongdong Zhang, Zhiling Li, Tetsuji Akatsuka, Suyin Yang, Daisuke Suzuki, Arata Katayama*. Insoluble Fe-Humic acid complex as a solid-phase electron mediator for microbial reductive dechlorination. Environ Sci Technol, 2014, 48(11), 6318-6325. IF: 6.198.
4、Dongdong Zhang, Chunfang Zhang, Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Daisuke Komatsu, Urumu Tsunogai, Arata Katayama*. Electrochemical stimulation of microbial reductive dechlorination of pentachlorophenol using solid-state redox mediator (humin) immobilization. Biresour Technol., 2014, 164, 232-240. IF: 6.669.
5、Deyong Kong, Bin Liang, Hui Yun, Jincai Ma, Zhiling Li,Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren. Electrochemical degradation of nitrofurans furazolidone by cathode: characterization, pathway and antibacterial activity analysis.Chem Eng J., 2014, 262, 1244-1251. IF: 8.355.
1、Zhiling Li, Yashushi Inoue, Daisuke Suzuki, Lizhen Ye, Arata Katayama*. Long-term anaerobic mineralization of PCP in a continuous-flow system using only lactate as an external nutrient, Environ SciTechnol., 2013, 47 (3), 1534-1541. IF: 7.1.
2、Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Chunfang Zhang, Suyin Yang, Naoko Yoshida, Arata Katayama*. Involvement of Dehalobacter strains in the anaerobic dechlorination of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, J Biosci Bioeng., 2013, 116(5), 602-609. IF: 2.015.
3、Chunfang Zhang, Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Naoko Yoshida, Arata Katayama*. A humin-dependent Dehalobacter species is involved in reductive debromination of Tetrabromobisphenol A, Chemosphere, 2013, 92 (10), 1343-1348. IF: 5.108.
1、Zhiling Li, Suyin Yang, Yasushi Inoue, Naoko Yoshida, Arata Katayama*. Complete anaerobic mineralization of pentachlorophenol (PCP) under continuous flow conditions by sequential combination of PCP-dechlorinating and phenol-degrading consortia, Biotechnol Bioeng., 2010, 107(5), 775-785. IF: 4.481.
2、Zhiling Li, Yasushi Inoue, Suyin Yang, Naoko Yoshida, Arata Katayama*. Mass balance and kinetic analysis of anaerobic microbial dechlorination of pentachlorophenol in a continuous flow column, J Biosci Bioeng, 2010, 110(3), 326-332. IF: 2.015.
3、Zhiling Li, Yasushi Inoue, Daisuke Suzuki, Lizhen Ye, Arata Katayama*. Complete anaerobic mineralization of PCP in a continuous flow column by a consortium requiring no electron acceptor, J Biotechnol, 2010, 150, 222. IF: 2.533.
4、Chunfang Zhang, Daisuke Suzuki, Zhiling Li, Lizhen Ye, Arata Katayama*. Polyphasic characterization of two microbial consortia with wide dechlorination spectra for chlorophenols, J Biosci Bioeng., 2012, 114(5), 512-517. IF: 2.015.
5、Naoko Yoshida*, Lizhen Ye, Fengmao Liu, Zhiling Li, Arata Katayama. Evaluation of biodegradable plastics as solid hydrogen donors for the reductive dechlorination of fthalide by Dehalobacter species, Biresour Technol., 2012,130, 473-485. IF: 6.669.
1、 朱穎穎,李智靈*,王愛傑。納米零價鐵還原溴代阻燃劑的研究進展。環境科學與管理。42(10), 75-79,2017。
2、李智靈,楊琦,尚海濤,席宏波,郝春博。負載型納米Pd/Fe對氯代烴脫氯機理研究。環境科學,29 (4), 978-984. 2008。
3、尚海濤,李智靈,楊琦,席宏波,郝春博。負載型納米Pd/Fe對揮發性氯代烴的去除。現代地質,22(2), 313-320, 2008。
4、席宏波,廖娣傑,尚海濤,李智靈,楊琦。納米鐵除磷的影響因素及吸附模式研究。給水排水。36(3), 270-275, 2008。
1、Ai-Jie Wang, Bin Liang, Zhi-Ling Li, Hao-Yi Cheng. Bioelectrochemistry Stimulated Environmental Remediation. Springer, 2019.
2、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Ai-Jie Wang. Chapter 4: Accleration of Microbial Dehalorespiration with Electrical Stimulation. Bioelectrochemistry Stimulated Environmental Remediation. Springer, 201
3、王愛傑,陳帆,李智靈, 黃聰, 呂淼, 趙友康, 高翔宇。一種電化學系統耦合硫自養反硝化的方法及裝置. 國家發明專利。申請時間:2018年11月02日。申請號: 201811301388.3。
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