


  • 中文名:李富佳
  • 國籍中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 性別:男




[1] Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Lifujia*, Yangyang, Lishantong. Multiregional Input-Output Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Evolution Driving Force for Carbon Emissions Embodied in Interprovincial Trade and Optimization Policies: Case Study of Northeast Industrial District in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 2018(52):346-358.
[2] Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Lifujia*, Yangyang, Liyu, Lizehong. A circular economy system for breaking the development dilemma of‘ecological Fragilitye Economic poverty’ vicious circle: A CEEPS-SD analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 212:381-392.
[3] Lifujia*, Dongsuocheng, Lizehong, Liyu, Lishantong, Wanyongkun. The improvement of CO2 emission reduction policies based on system dynamics method in traditional industrial region with large CO2 emission. Energy Policy, 2012, 51:683-695.
[4] Lifujia*, Dongsuocheng, Lifei. A system dynamics model for analyzing the eco-agriculture system with policy recommendations. Ecological Modelling, 2012, 227:34-45.
[5] Liyu, Zhengji. Lizehong,Yuanliang, Yangyang, Lifujia*.Re-estimating CO2 emission factors for gasoline passenger cars adding driving behaviour characteristics —— A case study of Beijing. Energy Policy, 2016, 102:353-361.
[6] Dongsuocheng, Yangyang, Lifujia*, Chenghao, Lijingnan, Bilgaev Alexey, Lizehong, Liyu. An evaluation of the economic, social, and ecological risks of China-Mongolia-Russia high-speed railway construction and policy suggestions. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(7):900-918.
[7] Lifujia, Liuqian, Dongsuocheng, Chenghao*. Agricultural development status and key cooperation directions between China and countries along “The Belt and Road”. Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 190(2018): 012058.
[8] Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Lifujia*.Transportation industry patterns and strategy for the countries along “The Belt and Road”. Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 190(2018): 012049.
[9] Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lizehong, Lifujia*, Chenghao, Bilgaev Alexey, Bazarzhapov T. Ecological environment risks and green development modes of China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor. Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 190(2018): 12053.
[10] Lifujia, Dongsuocheng, Lishantong, Lizehong, Liyu. Measurement and Scenario Simulation of Effect of Urbanisation on Regional CO2 Emissions Based on UEC-SD Model: A Case Study in Liaoning Province. Chinese Geographical Science, 2015, 25(3):350-360.
[11] Lifujia, Dongsuocheng, Lizehong*.A System Dynamics Model for Regional CO2 Emissions Reduction Policy Making and Optimization. Advance in Resources & Environmental Economics Research, 2011:55.
[12] Chenghao, Lifujia*, Yangyang, Liyu, Bilgaev Alexey. Assessment of economic benefits and ecological ampacts and optimization policy for China-Mogolia-Russia. Natural hazards, modern environmental risks and ecosystem resilience: VII Druzhinin's Readings, 2018.
[13] Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lifujia*. Landscape patterns and recreational value of Hulu Watershed, Gansu province, China. Baikal as a world natural heritage site: 20 years later, 2017.
[14] Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lifujia*. Rural development influencing factors and modes selection for typical agriculture and pastoral area: a case study of Wushen Banner, Inner Mongolia, China. International conference on environmental sciences and technology, 2017.
[15] Wangzhe, Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lifujia*, Lizehong, Chenfeng, Chenghao. Simulation of industrial circular economy development model in less-developed area based on system dynamics. Environment and sustainable development of the Mongolian Plateau and surrounding territories, 2017:169-171.
[16] Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lifei, Lishifeng*, Lizehong, Yangwangzhou, Lifujia, Maoqiliang, Wangjuanle, Zhuhuazhong, Liujiajun, Xuxinliang. Key Scientific Issues for Regional Sustainable Development in Northeast Asia. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2011, 2 (3):251-256.
[17] Buxiaoyan, Dongsuocheng*, Lifujia, Liyu. Agricultural trade pattern and potential in China and Russia. Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 190(2018): 012046.
[18] Xiabing, Dongsuocheng*, Zhaominyan, Lizehong, Lifujia, Liyu, Chenghao. Analysis of economic efficiency and eco-efficiency of Chinese star hotels based on SBM model. Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 190(2018): 12066.
[19] Xiabing, Dongsuocheng*, Baduoxun, Liyu, Lifujia, Liuhaimeng, Lizehong, Zhaominyan. Research on the Spatial Differentiation and Driving Factors of Tourism Enterprises’ Efficiency: Chinese Scenic Spots, Travel Agencies, and Hotels. Sustainability, 2018, 10(901):1-22.
[20] Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lizehong, Lifujia, Lifei, Chenghao, Yangyang, Xiabing*.Layout condition and strategic channels of Russia, Mongolia and China trans-border high-speed railway. Environment and sustainable development of the Mongolian Plateau and surrounding territories, 2017:154-158.
[21] Lifei*, Dongsuocheng, Lizehong, Liyu, Lifujia, Chenghao. Livestock wastes and circular economy models in rural China. Environment and sustainable development of the Mongolian Plateau and surrounding territories, 2017:122-131.
[22] Dongsuocheng*, Liyu, Lizehong, Lifujia, Bilgaev Alexey, Yangyang, Zhengji. Green development mode of lakeBaikal region. Baikal as a world natural heritage site: 20 years later, 2017:31-38.
[23] Dongsuocheng*, Vladimir Kolosov, Liyu, Lizehong, Lifujia, Zhaominyan, Shiguangyi, Yuhuilu, Chenghao, Guopeng. Green Development Modes of the Belt and Road. Geography Environment Sustainability, 2017, 10(1):53-69.
[24] Dongsuocheng, Wangzhe, Liyu, Lifujia, Lizehong, Chenfeng, Chenghao. Assessment of Comprehensive Effects and Optimization of a Circular Economy System of Coal Power and Cement in Kongtong District, Pingliang City, Gansu Province, China. Sustainability, 2017, 9(787):1-16.
[25] Dongsuocheng, Chenghao*, Liyu, Lifujia, Wangzhe, Chenfeng. Rural Landscape Types and Recreational Value Spatial Analysis of Valley Area of Loess Plateau. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(2):286-297.
[26] Liyu, Zhaominyan, Guopeng, Zhengji. Lizehong, Lifujia, Shiyuanyuan, Dongsuocheng*. Comprehensive Evaluation of Ski Resort Development Conditions in Northern China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2016, 26(3):401-409.
[27] Dongsuocheng, Liyu,Lifei, Lizehong, Lifujia, Zhuhuazhong,Xuxinliang. Approaches to the key scientific issues of the regional sustainable development of northeast Asia. Regional Sustainable Development of Northeast and Central Asia, 2014:1-14.
[28] 李富佳. 區際貿易隱含碳排放轉移研究進展與展望,地理科學進展(Progress in Geography), 2018, 37(10): 1303–131.
[29] 李富佳,董鎖成*,原琳娜,程昊,陳楓,李宇,李澤紅,谷瑩瑩. “一帶一路”農業戰略格局及對策,中國科學院院刊(Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences), 2016, 31(6): 678–688
[30] 李富佳,董鎖成,李榮生. 基於EA-SD模型的生態農業系統模擬與最佳化調控——以平涼市崆峒區為例,地理研究(Geographical Research), 2012, (5): 840–852
[31] 董鎖成,李澤紅,李富佳.“一帶一路”綠色發展模式與對策,公關世界(Public Relations World), 2018:86-89
[32] 劉薇,程昊,李富佳. “一帶一路”沿線國家金融業格局與中國戰略對策研究,城市發展研究(Urban Studies), 2017, 24(10): 14–17
[33] 董鎖成,李澤紅,李宇,石廣義,李富佳,李飛. “一帶一路”六大經濟走廊首個國家科技支撐專項落地實施——中蒙俄國際經濟走廊多學科聯合考察項目啟動,資源科學(Resources Science), 2017, 39(5): 987–989
[34] 董鎖成,張佩佩*,李飛,李富佳,陳誠. 山東半島城市群人居環境質量綜合評價,中國人口資源與環境(China Population Resources and Environment), 2017, 27(3): 155–162
[35] 於會錄,董鎖成,李宇,李澤紅,石廣義*,李飛,李富佳,常永智. 基於外部性理論的 中國“一帶一路”地緣戰略,中國科學院院刊(Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences), 2016, 31(6): 697–706
[36] 董鎖成,程昊,郭鵬,李富佳,李宇,李澤紅,張曉曉. “一帶一路”交通運輸業格局及對策,中國科學院院刊(Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences), 2016, 31(6): 663–670
[37] 董鎖成,於會錄,李宇,李澤紅,李飛,李富佳. 中國工業節能: 循環經濟發展的驅動因素分析,中國人口資源與環境(China Population Resources and Environment), 2016, 26(6):27–34
[38] 原琳娜,李富佳,董鎖成*,劉鑫,馬蓓蓓. 西安市生態環境與經濟發展的耦合關係,地域研究與開發(Areal Research and Development), 2016, 35(3):129–132
[39] 程昊,孫九林,董鎖成,郭鵬,李富佳*,李宇,李澤紅,王卷樂. “一帶一路”信息化格局及對策*,中國科學院院刊(Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences), 2016, 31(6): 656–662
[40] 朱少卿,董鎖成*,李澤紅,李富佳,原琳娜,張佩佩. 基於分形維數測算的西安古城道路網研究,地理研究(Geographical Research), 2016, 35(3): 561–571
[41] 萬永坤,董鎖成*,王菲,李澤紅,李富佳. 俄羅斯東部區域經濟發展差異研究,地理研究(Geographical Research), 2013, 32(10): 1890–1898
[42] 李澤紅,董鎖成,李富佳,李宇*,萬永坤. 武威綠洲城鎮化的生態效應情景分析,中國沙漠(Journal of Desert Research), 2013, 33(3): 937–941

