2008年9月—2012年7月大連海事大學 輪機工程學院 輪機工程專業 工學學士
2012年9月—2014年12月 大連海事大學輪機工程學院輪機工程專業 工學碩士
2015年1月—2018年12月 加拿大滑鐵盧大學 機械與機電工程學院 博士
2019年2月—2020年10月加拿大滑鐵盧大學機械與機電工程學院 博士後
2020年12月—至今大連海事大學輪機工程學院 副教授
目前已在在國內外知名期刊Advances in Colloid and Interface Sicence, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Analytica Chimica Acta, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science等學術雜誌上發表論文20篇,其中SCI檢索論文18篇,並參與英文專著《Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2nd Edition)》其中一個章節的編寫。
1. Mengqi Li, andDongqing Li*,“Electrically Controllable Cargo Delivery with Dextran-rich Droplets,”Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 582, 102-111 (2021).
2. Mengqi Li, andDongqing Li*, “Bidirectional Transfer of Particles Across Liquid-liquid Interface under Electric Pulse,”Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 560, 436-446 (2020).
3. Mengqi Li, and Dongqing Li*,“Nonlinear Electrokinetic Motion of Electrically Induced Janus Droplets in Microchannels,”Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 538, 277-285 (2019).
4. Mengqi Li, and Dongqing Li*,“Self-propulsion of Aluminum Particle-coated Janus Droplet in Alkaline Solution,”Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 532, 657-665 (2018).
5. Mengqi Li, and Dongqing Li*,“Microvalve Using Electrokinetic Motion of Electrically Induced Janus Droplet,”Analytica Chimica Acta, 1021, 85-94 (2018).
6. Mengqi Li, and Dongqing Li*,“Janus Droplets and Droplets with Multiple Heterogeneous Surface Strips Generated with Nanoparticles under Applied Electric Field,”The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 8461-8472, (2018).
7. Mengqi Li and Dongqing Li*, “Fabrication and Electrokinetic Motion of Electrically Anisotropic Janus Droplets in Microchannels,”Electrophoresis,38, 287-295 (2017).
8. Mengqi Li, Dongqing Li*, “Electrokinetic Motion of an Electrically Induced Janus droplet in Microchannels,”Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,21, 16 (2017).
9. Mengqi Li and Dongqing Li*, “Separation of Janus Droplets and Oil Droplets in Microchannels by Wall-induced Dielectrophoresis,”Journal of Chromatography A,1501, 151-160 (2017).
10. Mengqi Li and Dongqing Li*, “Redistribution of Mobile Surface Charges of an Oil Droplet in Water in Applied Electric Field,”Advances in Colloid and Interface Science,236, 142-151 (2016).
11. Mengqi Li and Dongqing Li*, “Vortices around Janus Droplets under Externally Applied Electrical Field,”Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,20, 79 (2016).
12. Mengqi Li and Dongqing Li*, “Redistribution of Charged Aluminum Nanoparticles on Oil Droplets in Water in Response to Applied Electrical Field,”Journal of Nanoparticle Research18, 120 (2015).
13. Zhenyu Song,Mengqi Li, Bao Li, Yimo Yan, Yongxin Song*, “Automatic Detecting and Counting Magnetic Beads-labeled Target Cells from a Suspension in a Microfluidic Chip,”Electrophoresis, 40, 897-905 (2019).
14. Chengfa Wang,Mengqi Li,Yongxin Song, Xinxiang Pan and Dongqing Li*, “Electrokinetic Motion of a Spherical Microparticle at an Oil-water Interface in Microchannel,” Electrophoresis,39, 807-815 (2018).
15. Yongxin Song,Chengfa Wang,Mengqi Li, Xinxiang Pan andDongqing Li*, “Focusing Particles by Induced Charge Electrokinetic Flow in a Microchannel,”Electrophoresis,37, 666-675 (2016).
16. Yongxin Song, Mengqi Li, Xinxiang Pan, Qi Wang, Dongqing Li*, “Size-based Cell Sorting with a Resistive Pulse Sensor and an Electromagnetic Pump in a Microfluidic Chip,”Electrophoresis, 36, 398-404 (2015).
17. Yongxin Song, Mengqi Li, Jiandong Yang, Junsheng Wang, Xinxiang Pan, Yeqing Sun, Dongqing Li*, “Capacitive Detection of Living Microalgae in a Microfluidic Chip,”Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 194, 164-172 (2014).
18. Yongxin Song, Kai Zhao,Mengqi Li, Xinxiang Pan, Dongqing Li*, “A Novel Method for Measuring Zeta Potentials of Solid-liquid Interfaces,”Analytica Chimica Acta, 853, 689-695 (2015).
19. Yongxin Song, Hongpeng Zhang,Mengqi Li, “Microfluidic Resistive Pulse Sensor,” One Chapter of the book “Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2 Edition)”, Editor: Dongqing Li, Published in 2015, Springer, New York.
20. 李夢琪,趙凱,宋永欣,潘新祥.微流控晶片上油液磨粒電容檢測[J].大連海事大學學報, 2013, 39(3).
21. 趙凱,李夢琪,宋永欣,潘新祥.靜電感應式油/水界面探測技術[J].大連海事大學學報, 2013, 39(3).
AIP下屬相關國際期刊,如Review of Scientific Instruments擔任特約審稿人;
Elsevier下屬相關國際期刊,如Journal of Colloid and Interface Science擔任特約審稿人;
Springer下屬相關國際期刊,如Microfluidics and Nanofluidics擔任特約審稿人。