- 中文名:李克強
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:清華大學,重慶大學
- 學位:工學博士
1980-1985 清華大學汽車工程系 工學學士
1985-1988 重慶大學汽車工程系 工學碩士
1991-1995 重慶大學汽車工程系 工學博士
1988.4-1992.1 重慶大學汽車工程系 講師
1992.1-1994.1 日本五十鈴汽車公司車身技術中心 客座研究員
1994.1-1997.10 重慶大學汽車工程系 副教授,教授
1997.10-1998.10 日本東京農工大學車輛動力學與控制研究室 訪問學者
1998.11-2000.11 日本國立交通安全與環境研究所 STA-JSPS Fellow 研究員
2003.10-2004.1 德國亞琛工業大學汽車研究所 訪問教授
2007.2-2007.5 日本東京大學生產技術研究所 客員教授
2000.12-現在 清華大學汽車工程系 教授
4.International Journal of Automotive Technology 編委
5.International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems編委
1.汽車理論 (本科生課程)
2.車輛控制工程 (研究生課程)
已畢業研究生:博士 15 人,碩士 21人
(1)現代控制理論(LQ, Hinf,Adaptive Control, SMC,MPC等)在智慧型汽車中的套用;
(1) .國家973計畫項目"高性能分散式驅動電動汽車關鍵基礎問題研究"
(2) .國家863計畫項目"基於車聯網的汽車智慧型控制技術"
(3) .國家自然科學基金項目"車輛多目標自適應巡航控制系統的動力學與控制方法研究"
(4). 國際合作項目"車輛-電網智慧型互動系統研究與示範套用"
(5). 國際合作項目"汽車主動安全系統駕駛特性研究"
(6). 橫向科研課題"汽車智慧型安全電子系統產品套用開發"
獎勵與榮譽1. "基於行駛環境感知與控制協同的汽車智慧型安全新技術及套用",2013年國家技術發明二等獎
3."汽車智慧型安全系統新技術及工程套用", 2012年教育部技術發明一等獎
5. "低噪聲汽車理論、關鍵技術及工程套用",2009年中國汽車工業科技進步一等獎
6. "混合動力電動汽車整車控制系統自主開發新技術及工程套用",2008年教育部科技進步二等獎
7. "中國汽車工業優秀科技人才獎",2005年度
8. "清華大學研究生良師益友獎",2005、2010年度
學術成果在國內外發表論文180餘篇,其中SCI/EI 檢索 150餘篇,部分論文如下:
1. Coordinated Adaptive Cruise Control System With Lane-Change Assistance, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2015 (be accepted)
2. Stability and Scalability of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoon: Study on Influence of Information Flow Topologies, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015 (be accepted)
3. Optimum Tyre Force Distribution for Four-wheel-independent Drive Electric Vehicle with Active Front Steering, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2014,Vol.65,No.4
4. RFID-Based Vehicle Positioning and Its Applications in Connected Vehicles, Sensors, 2014,Vol.14,No.3
5. An adaptive longitudinal driving assistance system based on driver characteristics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013,Vol.13, No.1
6. Economy-oriented vehicle adaptive cruise control with coordinating multiple objectives function, International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics,2013,Vol.51, No.1
7. Minimum fuel control strategy in automated car-following scenarios, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2012, Vol.61, No.3
8. Intelligent Environment-Friendly Vehicles: Concept and Case Studies, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012,Vol.13, No.1
9. A curving ACC system with coordination control of longitudinal car-following and lateral stability, International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics,2012,Vol.50, No.7
10. Model Predictive Multi-Objective Vehicular Adaptive Cruise Control.IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,2011, Vol.19, No.3
11. Modeling and Verification of Heavy-duty Truck Drivers’Car-Following Charactersitics.International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2010, Vol.11, No.1
12. Driving Simulation Platform Applied to Develop Driving Assistance Systems.Journal of IET Intelligent Transportation System, 2010,Vol.4, No.2
13. Nonlinear decoupling control of heavy-duty truck stop and go cruise system, International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics, 2009,Vol. 47, No.1
14. Modelling and simulation study on application of sliding-mode control for an active anti-roll system in a passenger car with air suspension, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2009,Vol. 49, No.4
15. Feedback linearization tracking control of vehicle longitudinal acceleration under low-speed conditions,Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME, 2008,Vol.130,No.5
16. Generation method for a two-dimensional random array for locating noise sources on moving vehicles, International Journal of Noise Control Engineering, 2008,Vol.202,No.17
17. Hierarchical switch control of longitudinal acceleration with large uncertainties, International Journal of Automotive Technology,2007,Vol.8,No.4
18.Study on Stop & Go cruise control of heavy-duty vehicles, Transactions of JSAE, Vol.37,No.2
19. Modeling and control of a nonlinear dynamic system for heavy-duty trucks, International Journal of Automobile Engineering,2006,Vol.220,Part D
20. Hierarchical switching control of multiple models based on robust control theory. ACTA Automatica Sinica,2006,Vol.32,No.3
21. Human-simulating vehicle steering control algorithm, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2006,Vol.19,No.2
22. An Empirical Model For Longitudinal Tire-Road Friction Estimation. SAE Special Publications, NO. 01-1082, 2004,USA.
23. Development of An Active Muffler for Medium-Duty Diesel Vehicles Considering Thermal Influence and Control Trackability, International Journal of Noise Control Engineering, 2003,Vol.51,No.2
24. Tire noise analysis during vehicle acceleration running with acoustical holography. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 2003, Vol.69, No. 4.
25. Development of the Adaptive Control Simulation System for Vehicle Exhaust Noise, International Journal of JSAE Review, 2001,Vol.22, No.2
1.新型車輛自適應控制裝置, 日本國發明專利 特許第3774752號
2.車輛行駛控制裝置,日本國發明專利 特許第4814013號
3.智慧型環境友好型汽車結構,中國發明專利,ZL 200810223099.6
4.一種車輛多目標協調式自適應巡航控制方法,中國發明專利,ZL 200810224248.0
5. 一種汽車縱向加速度跟蹤控制方法,中國發明專利, ZL 200610089496.X
6. 一種電子節氣門傳動裝置, 中國發明專利, ZL 200310103195.4
7.車載掃描式雷射雷達探測系統及其探測前方危險物的方法, 中國發明專利, ZL 200310117381.3
8.貨車彎道防側翻動態檢測方法及預警裝置,中國發明專利, ZL200910158546.9
9.一種電動汽車電、液複合制動試驗平台,中國發明專利,ZL 200910092144.38.
10. 四輪驅動汽車的電控換檔裝置,中國發明專利,ZL 200410098693.9