


  • 中文名:李兆鋒
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:清華大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士






2015-2020,香港研究資助局基金RGC,Understanding Debris Flow Mechanisms and Mitigating Risks for a Sustainable Hong Kong,參與
2017-2019,香港科技大學教育發展基金HKUST TDG,DESR (Data-Enabled Scalable Research) Lab - Incubator of Creative Learners and Hub of Transformation,參與
2020-2022,深圳市教育科學規劃項目,新基建背景下土木工程新型示範性課程的研究與實踐,主持,ybfz20055 (水利與建築工程學報1)
2020-2022,廣東省基礎與套用基礎研究基金區域聯合基金青年基金項目,鈣質砂顆粒破碎的微觀特性和控制理論的研究,主持,2019A1515110512 (Automation in Construction2;KSCE1)
2020-2024,國家重點研發計畫項目,大型橋隧結構災後快速檢測評估技術與裝備研發,參與,2019YFC1511104 (Powder Technology1;Computer and Geotechnics1)
2020-2023,廣東省基礎與套用基礎研究基金區域聯合基金重點項目,濕熱條件下軟土地區高鐵軌道結構服役狀態評價與調控,參與 2020B1515120083 (KSCE1)
2021-2022,深圳市高等院校穩定支持計畫面上項目,基於生物聚合物的環保型護坡技術與作用機理的研究,主持,GXWD20201230155427003-20200824104811001 (Powder Technology1;KSCE1;Computer and Geotechnics1)
2021-2023,深圳市基礎研究重點項目,風浪流極端荷載作用下跨海大橋致災機理、智慧型監測及災變防控技術研究,參與,JCYJ20200109112816582 (Automation in Construction1)
2021-2022,深圳市博士基礎研究啟動項目,可降解環保型土壤固化劑的研發及作用機理的研究,主持,RCBS20200714114855326 (Powder Technology1;KSCE1;Computer and Geotechnics1)
2021-2022,深圳市土木工程智慧型結構系統重點實驗室(籌建啟動),參與,ZDSYS20200810113601005 (Powder Technology1)
2022-2024,AI-enabled detection, positioning and assessment of civil infrastructure defects using camera-LiDAR datasets, HK GRF16205021, Co-PI.
一種雙層結構減震樁及其施工方法. 陳銳, 劉壘雷, 劉堅, 劉鐵軍, 李兆鋒. 專利, CN107268609A,20190809
In the period of HKUST & THEi
Li, Z., Wang, Y. H., Li, X., & Yuan, Q. (2017). Validation of discrete element method by simulating a 2D assembly of randomly packed elliptical rods. Acta Geotechnica, 12(3), 541-557.
Li, Z., Wang, Y. H., Ma, C. H., & Mok, C. M. B. (2017). Experimental characterization and 3D DEM simulation of bond breakages in artificially cemented sands with different bond strengths when subjected to triaxial shearing. Acta Geotechnica, 12(5), 987-1002.
Niu, Q., Revil, A., Li, Z., & Wang, Y. H. (2017). Relationship between electrical conductivity anisotropy and fabric anisotropy in granular materials during drained triaxial compressive tests: a numerical approach. Geophysical Journal International, 210(1), 1-17.
Li, Z., Yuan, Q., Wang, Y. H., Tam, P. O., Li, X., & Gao, Y. (2018). Closure to “Experimental Characterizations of Contact Movement in Two-Dimensional Rod Assembly Subjected to Direct Shearing” by Q. Yuan, YH Wang, PO Tam, X. Li, and Y. Gao. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(7), 07018010.
Li, Z., Wang, Y. H., Chow, J. K., Su, Z., & Li, X. (2018). 3D pore network extraction in granular media by unifying the Delaunay tessellation and maximal ball methods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 167, 692-701.
Li, Z., Wang, Y. H., & Chow, J. K. (2018). Density Effect and Associated Unjamming Events on the Aging-Induced Stiffness Increase in Sand. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(12), 04018173.
Chow, J. K., Li, Z., & Wang, Y. H. (2019). Comprehensive microstructural characterizations of 1-D consolidated kaolinite samples with fabric tensors and pore elongation factors. Engineering Geology, 248, 22-33.
Wu, W., Li, Z., Jin, C., Li, Z., & Zhu, D. (2012). Principles of the hydrodynamic model for river network THU-River1H and the development of software and user interface (河網水動力數值模型THURiver1H的原理和可視化界面開發). In China Environmental Hydraulics and Eco-Hydraulics 2012, Sichuan China.
Li, Z., Wang, Y. H., & Li, X. (2015). Validation of contact model between two cylindrical rods and DEM simulations of biaxial tests on a rod packing. In Sixth International Symposium Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Buenos Aries, Argentina.
Li, Z., Wang, Y. H., Yuan, Q. (2016). Application of 3D printing technique to geotechnical engineering: fabricating a biaxial testing system to investigate the kinematic behavior of granular materials. In Twenty-ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, China
Li, Z., Chow, J. K., & Wang, Y. H. (2017). Applying the artificial neural network to predict the soil responses in the DEM simulation. In Second International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science, Seoul, Korea.
Li, Z., Chow, J. K., Wang, Y. H., Yuan, Q., Li, X. & Gao, Y. (2018). Discrete element experiment and simulation. In China–Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Venna, Austria
Chow, J. K., Li, Z., & Wang, Y. H. (2019). An Experimental Microstructural Characterization of High-quality, Load-preserved Fabric 1-D Consolidated Kaolinite Samples. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 92, p. 01006). EDP Sciences.
In the period of HITSZ
Yuan, Q., Li, Z.*, Gao, Y., Wang, Y. H., & Li, X. (2019). Local responses in 2D assemblies of elliptical rods when subjected to biaxial shearing. Acta Geotechnica, 14, 1685–1697.
Chow, J. K., Su, Z., Wu, J., Li, Z., Tan P. S., Liu K. F., Mao, X., Wang, Y. H.* (2020). Artificial intelligence-empowered pipeline for image-based inspection of concrete structures. Automation in Construction, 120, 103372.
Yuan, Q., Gao, Y.*, Li, Z., & Wang, Y. H. (2020). Experimental characterizations of fabric correlation in 2D rod assemblies subjected to biaxial shearing. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering.
劉小斌,李兆鋒*,泰培,陳銳,付文光. (2020). 拉力型錨桿錨固體應力分布規律的現場試驗研究. 地下空間工程學報
Chen, R., Liu L., Li, Z., Deng, G.*, Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. (2021). A novel vertical stress-controlled apparatus for studying suffusion along horizontal seepage through soils. Acta Geotechnica.
Chow, J. K., Li, Z., Su, Z., Wang, Y. H. (2021). Characterization of particle orientation of kaolinite samples using the Deep Learning-based technique. Acta Geotechnica.
李兆鋒,泰培*,周作勝,鄭翔,陳銳. (2021). 基於新舊基建知識融合的基坑工程課程改革實踐, 水利與建築工程學報
Chow, J. K., Tai, P., Li, Ji., Li, Z.*, Wang W. (2021) Over-stiff and Over-damped Problem of Multi-sphere Approach for Ellipse-Wall Collision Using Discrete Element Method. Powder Technology.
Chow, J.K., Liu, K.F., Tan, P.S., Su, Z., Wu, J., Li, Z., Wang, Y.H.* (2021) Automated defect inspection of concrete structures. Automation in Construction.
Tai P, Chen Z, Li Z, Chen R, Lu H, Li Y. Experimental Investigation on the Influencing Factors of Compressive Strength of Foamed Lightweight Material Utilizing Completely Decomposed Granite. Materials. 2022; 15(3):1060.
D. Guo, J. Li, X. Li, et al., Advance prediction of collapse for TBM tunneling using deep learning method, Engineering Geology (2021)
黃略軒,泰培,李兆鋒,陳銳*,張會 & 陳龍.(2021).邊坡穩定性及滑塌風險分級方法綜述.(eds.)第十三屆全國邊坡工程技術大會論文集(pp.235-242).
Wang H., Huang J., Chen R., Li Z*. (2022) Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Engineering Soils Vegetated with Vetiver Grass in Green Infrastructures. In: Zhu HH., Garg A., Zhussupbekov A., Su LJ. (eds) Advances in Geoengineering along the Belt and Road. BRWSG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 230. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9963-4_22
Li Z, Chow J K, Li J, Tai P*, Zhou Z. (2022) Modeling of flexible membrane using discrete element method for drained/undrained condition. Computers and Geotechnics.
Liu C, Tai P, Li Z*, Hu W. (2022) Mechanism of packing rigidity gain in sand aging: from the persepctive of structural order revolution.
Wu, W., Li, Z., Jin, C., Li, Z., & Zhu, D. (2012). Principles of the hydrodynamic model for river network THU-River1H and the development of software and user interface (河網水動力數值模型THURiver1H的原理和可視化界面開發). In China Environmental Hydraulics and Eco-Hydraulics 2012, Sichuan China.
Li, Z., Wang, Y. H., & Li, X. (2015). Validation of contact model between two cylindrical rods and DEM simulations of biaxial tests on a rod packing. In Sixth International Symposium Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Buenos Aries, Argentina.
Li, Z., Wang, Y. H., Yuan, Q. (2016). Application of 3D printing technique to geotechnical engineering: fabricating a biaxial testing system to investigate the kinematic behavior of granular materials. In Twenty-ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, China
Li, Z., Chow, J. K., & Wang, Y. H. (2017). Applying the artificial neural network to predict the soil responses in the DEM simulation. In Second International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science, Seoul, Korea.
Li, Z., Chow, J. K., Wang, Y. H., Yuan, Q., Li, X. & Gao, Y. (2018). Discrete element experiment and simulation. In China–Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Venna, Austria
Chow, J. K., Li, Z., & Wang, Y. H. (2019). An Experimental Microstructural Characterization of High-quality, Load-preserved Fabric 1-D Consolidated Kaolinite Samples. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 92, p. 01006). EDP Sciences.




