


  • 中文名:朱玉亮
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中科院生態環境研究中心
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:有機合成
  • 職務:研究生導師
  • 職稱:教授


2001年6月中科院生態環境研究中心博士畢業,2002年1月在 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Cancer Center(National Cancer Institute- Designated Cancer Institute)進行博士後研究,從事抗癌藥物開發,2003年5月加入 Prof. Sidney Hecht group (University of Virginia) 任研究員從事抗癌藥物開發,2004年5月轉入Prof. Lin Pu group (University of Virginia) 任研究員從事不對稱合成研究,2006年8月加入Prof. Brett Lutch group (University of Rhode Island) 任資深研究員從事高分子材料合成,2008年10月任南京工業大學生物與製藥工程學院教授。


2009年獲得南京工業大學-南京高新技術開發區 “三創”領軍人才稱號


1. Yuliang Zhu, N. Gergel, L.R. Harriott, Lin Pu*. First Optically Active Molecular Electronic Wires. Organic Letters, 2006, 8(3);355-358.
2. Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Highly Efficient Synthesis of the Mannose Nonasaccharide of the N-Glycan Expressed on the HIV Glycoprotein gp 120. Synlett, 2001, 1217-1220
3. Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile Synthesis of 1-6 Linked Mannododecaose and 1-6 Linked Glucooctaose using Sugar Trichloroacetimidates as the Donors and Unproteted or Partially Protected Glycosides as the Acceptors. Synlett, 2000, 663-667
4. Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Concise and Effective Synthesis of 1-2 Linked Manno- and Rhamopyranosyl Oligosaccharides and Related Antigenic Factor 4 and Dominant of Antigenice Factor 6. Synlett, 2000, 1783-1787
5. Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile Synthesis of the Terasaccharide Repeating Unit of Mannoglucan from Microellobosporia grisea. Carbohydr. Res. 2000, 329, 199-205
6. Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Regio-and Stereoselective Synthesis of 1-6 Linked Manno-, Gluco-, and Galactopyranose Di-, Tri-, Tetrasaccharides via Orthoester Intermediates. J. Carbohydr. Chem. 2000, 19, 837-848
7. Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile and Effective Synthesis of 1-6 Linked Mannose Di-, Tri-, Tetra-, Hexa-, Octa-, and Dodecasaccharides, and 1-6 Linked Glucose Di, Tri-, Tetra-, Hexa-, and Octasaccharides using Sugar Trichloroacetimidates as the Donors and Unprotected or Partially Protected Glycosides as the Acceptors. Carbohydr. Res. 2000, 332, 1-21
8. Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Concise and Efficient Synthesis of 1-2 Linked Mannopyranosyl Oligosaccharides and Related Antigenic Factor 34 and Dominant of Antigenic Factor 13. Chin. J. Chem. 2001, 19, 119-122
9. Yuliang Zhu, Langqiu Cheng, Fanzuo Kong*. Concise and Efficient Synthesis of Antigenic Factor 4 Existing in Candida Albicans. Chin. J. Chem. 2001, 19, 1289-1295
10. Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile Synthesis of Mannose Tri-, and Tetrasaccharide Repeationg Units of Fungal Cell Wall Polysaccharide from Microsporum and Trychophyton Species. Syn. Commun. 2002, 32, 1219-1226
11. Yuliang Zhu, Langqiu Cheng, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile Regio- and -Stereoselective Synthesis of Mannose Octasaccharide of the N-Linked Glycan in Human CD2 and Mannose Hexasaccharide Antigenic Factor 13b. Carbohydr. Res. 2002, 337, 207-215
12. JianJun Zhang, Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*, Synthesis of the L-Rhamnose Tetrasacharide, the Common and Major Structure of the Repeating Unit of the O-Antigenic Polysaccharide of a Strain of Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Pseudomonas holci. Carbohydr. Res. 2001, 336, 229-235
13. Langqiu Cheng, Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Synthesis of Manp-1-2-Manp-1-3-Manp-1-3-Manp, the Tetrasaccharide Repeating Unit of E. coli O9a, and Manp-1-2-Manp-1-2-Manp-1-3-Manp-1-3-Manp, the Pentasaccharide Repeating Unit of E. coli O9a, and Klebsiella O3,Carbohydr. Res. 2002, 337-390
14. N. Gergel-Hackett, N. Majumdar, Z. Martin, N. Swami, L. R. Harriott, and J. C. Bean ,G. Pattanaik ,G Zangari, Y. Zhu, L. Pu, Y. Yao and J. M. Tour. Effects of molecular environments on the electrical switching with memory of nitro-containing OPEs,. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2006, 24(4) 1243-1248.


1、孔繁祚,朱玉亮,合成1-6 連線的吡喃寡糖的新方法。專利號: CN1297892;
2、孔繁祚,朱玉亮,用1,2反式偶連法合成1-6 連線葡萄糖,甘露糖,雙糖的新方法。專利號: CN1309130;
4、孔繁祚,朱玉亮,一種簡潔有效的合成1-2 連線的鼠李寡糖和Kebsiella Pneueniae O-抗體重複單元 的方法。專利號:CN1338460;
7、孔繁祚,朱玉亮,一種簡易合成 3,6支化甘露五糖的方法。專利號: CN1381458;


